Impact of Jupiter Transit on 12 zodiac signs

Jupiter will enter the sign Gemini around May end,2013.These are general predictions according to moon sign of an individual,predicted through the classical principles of Vedic astrology.

Impact on Sign Aries:

 People having their natal moon in sign Aries will see so many areas in their life getting activated,on the positive front.
Socializing will increase many fold and many new friends and exciting people will enter in their life.The oppurtunity to study,specially in the field of mass media/communication,literature,philosphy,MBA and such arenas w...ill present itself.
Journeys too are on card,short term/long term travel will surely bring pleasure.Sudden increase in sprituality can also be seen in case of evolving souls.
Aries guys can also expect to get into relationship quite strongly.Overall Jupiter transiting gemini for aries sign means expansion of their immediate environment,interestes ,relations and religious pursuits.

Impact on Sign Taurus:

 Jupiter will enter the second house for Taurus guys,this is the house of money,moral conduct,speech and family.
Be ready to get sweeped by the feeling of abundance.Financially things will improve visibily and promise of increased happiness in family is also seen.
Self belief , enthusiam for work and earning will see a welcome change,though... the thoughts of job change will start rising somewhere in your mind now.
Wherever applicable,gains through inheritence will surely make the bank balance soar high,along with your spirits.Jupiter for Taurus people potentially carries a quite productive year ahead,with sole concentration on money matters.
There might be a strong feeling to spend hugely,owing to the improved self image.
Overall for this moon sign guys,Jupiter fills heart with the optimism and pockets with money.Taureans will wittness a memorable year ahead for sure.

Impact on Sign Gemini:

Rebirth is the word.Gemini guys will see the Jupitarian expansion,optimism,heightened cheerfullness,a complete make over time,which is sure to sweep your mind,body and soul!
This will be the time to completely change your self image and it will feel nothing less than a new birth.Old patterns die,new opurtunities emerges from everywhere.A ...deep interest in studies,specially having the philoshical/religious flavour will interest the mind.Long distance travels are clearly forseen.Marital happiness blossoms beautifully,and for singles,its the time for a real serious relationship.
A clear picture of life's long term goal gets its shape in your mind.
Gemini guys will play with philosphical ideas without much effort
This transit is nothing less than the highest blessing of Guru himself,He showers the grace,optimism,positivity,and sets the life on track.
Its going to be one of the most cherished year,that will make you romance the life,once again.

Impact on Sign Cancer:

Get your bag packs,its time for a big challenge.
Jupiter for Cancer moon sign will arrive in 12th house, which can be a very testing time,ofcourse with hidden gifts.
There will be many changes you will see around,first and foremost is your expense,it will shoot like a bullet.Expenses on various fronts,some seems to be valid,but majority of... them will leave you puzzled.Its the time when universe shows you your karmic debts,at once.
Jupiter here exposes your inner weakness to the fullest and it seems that life is completely off the track.
But as always, Jupiter do have a silver lining here too.If time is invested in deep meditation,contemplating the inner self,much insights will come.Jupiter transiting 12th house provides a beautifull oppurtunity to explore into the metaphysical realm,but rare are the souls who are eager to dive into it.
On mundane level,you might become comfortable with a low self image.Shifting into a new house or change of residence is also forseen.
Overall its the time to work on your weakness,clear off your financial debts,sustain the low spirit with much patience.
You will surely feel the lows in coming year,but in the background, Jupiter is swiftly working on making a new You.

Impact on Sign Leo:

Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way!
Indeed,Jupiter comes dressed up like a Santa for you.For Leo moon sign Jupiter will enter 11th house and believe me, here it can bless with unending pleasures,wealth and feeling of deep satisfaction.
Wealth and abundance flows into your life in full swing,gains from known and unknown sources are ...strongly indicated.
The most important aspect of this transit for Leo guys will be relationship.For singles,a new fresh relationship is almost certain that will have potential to go a long way.For married ones,much marital bliss will be showered.
A keen interest to pursure studies will develop and provided other supporting features in chart,many of Leo people will get back to books in serious mode.
In esoteric terms,Jupiter transiting the 11th house activates the triangle of Maya and individual get deep into Samsara,this transit brings all kinds of goodies,wealth,good relationship,great prestige among society.Your siblings will be hugely benifited too.
This is the year to enjoy the world to the fullest.The bulky pious Guru is going to give you big boon for prosperity in the mundane world.

Impact on Sign Virgo:

For the Vigo moon sign,Jupiter will enter the house of Karma,and accordingly career come into the focus.
This is transit when either stagnancy comes into the career or a person reaches dizzy heights in it,depending upon other factors in chart.
Usually one start to feel restless in his present job and look out for a change.Action of individ...ual become more focussed and creative.The avenues for money will remain open and continous flow of wealth is ensured,infact in many cases,with increased intensity.This is the period when one changes his place of residence too.A new house,vehicle,and happiness in the family is forseen.
This is the time when some growing health problem will need attention.Jupiter in 10th house purify the Karma,with little unrest ofcourse.For the one living abroad and wishing to come back,Jupiter in 10th brings the chance.
This is going to the year when you will settle down with better working environment as this transit will appraoch its end.

Impact on Sign Libra:

Dressed up in Holy yellow clothes,concerned with material prosperity and spritual upliftment,the Guru of Gods,Jupiter, will enter the area which he admires so much,the 9th house.The sector of religion,sprituality,guru and destiny.
Jupiter takes roughly 13 years to complete its jouney through 12 zodiac signs and its nothing sort of moment when he will enter 9th house for Libra moon sign.
This is the time when destiny presents its best in front of you.Journeyes,especially to the places having religious importance is in store.Your self image will see a drastic improvement along with it, there will be a sudden outburst of extreme good luck in your life.
This transit invokes the religious sentiments and provided the other supporting features, one can witness a series of fruitfull events during it.
On Mundane level,travel,both short and long in distance will be there,new oppurtunities will pop up from everywhere,you will get beautifull insights about life and your confidence will shoot like a meteor.Distinction in education feild,growth and respect in social circle is also forseen.
But the best of this transit is reserved for the ones whose aspirations are spritual.This is the time when deserving disciple meets his Guru,initiation into higher knowledge is recieved.Here Jupiter works at his best,and propells the individual towards the Ultimate goal of human life.

Impact on Sign Scorpio:

According to astrophysicist,95% matter in the universe is invisible.One will hear same kind of statement from a Yogi,who will go upto the extent of saying that is whole world is unreal.The 8th house in horoscope is the seat of all mystery,this is the place connected to universal conciousness,the unexplored,complex and root of all unexplai...ned phenomenas.
Jupiter will enter 8th house for the ones having their moon sign as Scorpio.This is the time for entropy,you may see such events happening which apparently have no reason to occur.
True to the nature of 8th house,predictions for it are extremely prone to fallacies,as you really cant predict what is established as mysterious,but some general patterns can be drawn out.
There will be continous flow of money in your life,but along with it will exists a probability to loose it all, in one shot.Change of residence,a new vehicle,or a property might knock your door.
Suddenly there might be a health issue poping up,sudden rise/fall in career,people have won as well as lost huge amount of money in such transit.
Evolving souls might see a sudden thrust in spritual life,visit to foreign lands,Guru's ashram,slipping into long spells of meditative/metaphysical naps is forseen.
This is the time when an individual runs the risk of getting involved in scandals,can loose a job or life long earned reputation.
In esoteric terms this is the time when Jupiter activates the triangle of mystery,and digs deep into one's Karmic accumulations.
Predicting about 8th Jupiter really needs to take other horoscopic factors into account,but Scorpio moon sign guys should keep their seat belts fastened and expect the unexpected.

Impact on Sign Sagittarius:

Jupiter for Sagittarius moon sign guys will enter the 7th house.Its time for fun and festivities.For singles,its the best time to get married,and for the ones not yet prepared for it,will witness an extremely passionate affair.
Your siblings prosper,your confidence goes up,this transit can mean a visit to foriegn lands.For the ones i...n political profession,such transit can bless with the high authority position.
Another aspect of this transit is the weight gain.For the one who are ready with cash along with the ideas,this might be the time to jump into a new business venture.
The most important feature of this transit is getting back your passion.You will find that spark coming back in your life,in most of the spheres.Money matters start to improve along with your relations with friends and relatives.
Overall this transit brings back your lost spirit and you get into the celebration mode of life.

Impact on Sign Capricorn:

Jupiter will enter the 6th house for Capricorn moon sign guys.This is considered to be a bit difficult transit,but Guru always gives something to cheer about,and it applies here too.
Here Jupiter feels restricted and the most important thing which might affect the individual is the lack of spirit.Spark of life becomes dull,some health i...ssue will definetly need attention.
Expenses will rise and if other combinations are present in one's chart,this period can throw individual in grip of various addictions.
On the career front,there will be some changes,this transit usually brings a new job or better opurtunities,but not without some obstacles.
There is generally drop in faith within the individual and extra amount of effort is needed in allmost all spheres of life.But money matters will keep your heart go merry at times as in this period wealth generally increases.
In esoteric terms this is the time when an individual's spirit is covered with thick layer of material restrictions,and through the intentional and focussed effort,one can sail through this difficult time when protective sheild of Guru seems to loose its sheen a bit.

Impact on Sign Aquarius:

For one of the most sensitve sign,Guru enters one of the most beautiful house.Jupiter will enter the 5th house for Aquarius moon sign.This is the area where Guru works so well,its like working in your comfort zone for the job which you love the most,infact Jupiter in this house resonates with its own highest qualities.
This is the house... for 'Purva punya' meaning the good Karmas accumulated in past.The term past here means the chain of all previous lives,including this one.
Jupiter here illuminates the mind,and one generally recieves honour in the society.Educational pursuits become brilliant,interest in various kinds of subjects arises.This period brings with itself a yoga for fame,presitge through recognistion of one's talent.
Higher education is pursued,long distance travel along with visit to holy places is highlight of this transit.
Esoterically,Jupiter ignites the traingle of Sprituality for this sign,and one usually reaps benefits of his all good deeds done in past.Self confidence rises,belief in religion is established with the scope of much rituals performed by the individual.
For the ones having genuine spritual aspirations,this is one of the finest period one can get in his life to march ahead in realm of inner world.This is the excellent time to learn various mantras from your guru,dive deep in the ocean of meditation and melt in the Universal conciousness.

Impact on Sign Pisces:

For Pisces Moon sign,Guru will enter their 4th house.This is a kind of transit where Jupiter try to find his balace,like we all do,between home and work.
Family,home and career comes into the focus.This transit can bring either a stuck up kind of feeling or else a major change in both above mention areas.
Expenses rises on various fronts a...nd the area of health will surely need some attention.
This can be a period when an individual becomes complacent with his effort and environment.This is also a period when one generally thinks beyond the limitations of the self and thoughts of altrusim knocks on one's mind.
In esoteric terms this is the time when one has to perform his Karma without looking at the math of results.Jupiter here pulls the individual towards the purification of action and if an ideal appraoch of detached theory of Karma is adapted,the results are generally wonderfull in the long term.
On mundane level this transit can bring a change in residence,a new job or set up of some NGO kind of venture,during such transits there also exists a potential danger for some unknown scams and scandals to arise in the name of individual,which again has to handled with detached mode of mind.
Pisces guys should better read the Divine song of Krishna,Bhagwad Gita, to understand how Guru wants them to take this coming year in most ideal terms.

(c) Copyright 2013 Vaibhav Gupta   

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