Year Ahead 2014 : Leo

Expansion realms

The year for bringing out the best in you is here.Leo sign people are already been under expansive surge where they are high on learning curve.The year ahead will continue to support them in their march, in a slightly different yet very effective way. What to expect in this year? Lot of things indeed. The underlying theme will be adding the assets to your life, and best part is, its going to be in both material and Spiritual sense. The first half of the year is the time to continue your efforts in education and in putting your foot in new ventures. 

Year Ahead 2014 : Cancer

Expansion realms

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope, said the Martin Luther King, Jr.The first part you have already done, with accepting the realities and facing the tough challenges with full of your heart. Now is the time to jump to the second part of it, yes it’s the year of hope. Its the year when apart from many material things, your self belief will come back to you, and in what a fantastic way!

More than anything else it will be your imagination, thinking ability which will see huge expansion. You will come to terms with yourself. Self approval which was waiting on your door will finally get your nod.As the year moves on, your interest in learning will grow and accordingly, this will be the year to pursue education .Many of you might opt for foreign universities looking for quality. Travel happens too in second half of the year. So its going to be the year of traveling ,learning and expanding your vision. On the way you meet new people who bring lot of new experiences in your life. Indeed this is the year when some strong bonds can develop in your lives .For many of you the time period post July can bring new relationships and it will be the for love to blossom. Depending upon the social customs these months can also give marriages. Yes this year is highly potent in reviving your personal life.

If you people have been aspiring to start some new venture, then this is the year to begin with. The months between July to Sept are very conducive for a new and fresh start up. The ideas will be plenty as you become open in experimenting new things and the spirit to do take some initiative will remain high. This year will see you expanding in multiple areas beginning from your mind, increasing social reach, filling colors in your personal lives and totally rejuvenating your lifestyle .It won’t be incorrect to term this year as one of the milestone in your entire life.

Year Ahead 2014 - Gemini

Expansion realms

Gemini sign people have came through the time when their though patterns ,approach towards action, lifestyle have underwent transformation and this year only adds much fire to it. The year starts with bit of resistance and hint of tiredness in you,but the good news is ,it’s only temporary.You feel like your actions and approach need more refining and you need to generate as well as act on more ideas to shine bright .In first three months you people need to take it easy and practice caution in taking major decision.Confusion can prevail and you state of mind can remain very volatile, especially in months between March –May. These will be the months to stay grounded and have deep faith in yourself, even if things doesn’t go your way, remain assured that they will and you need to reaffirm within yourself what was said by Czech intellectual Václav Havel Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. The initial slight resistance mode will soon turn fade away giving a way for bigger growth story that is awaiting you.

Year Ahead 2014 : Taurus

Expansion Realms

The trend,planetary configuration for Taurus sign remind us of one of the verse from Holy Bible,

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Your year starts with eagerness and expectancy for something big to happen in your life, your ride on the glory continues, and gain the momentum like a rage as the year progresses. All the efforts that you have been putting till now for your career will start to deliver good results. As you enter February ,situation will start to show new face at the workplace, all the reshuffling and random changes that have happened in past will show their real reason which you were trying to figure out since long. The initial three months needs you to stay very careful and any kind of loose behaviour with respect to money will leave you in a big mess,though time period that follows i.e between April to July gives you immense freedom in money matters,where you can expect huge inflow and in fact in such a way that you no longer remain concerned for financial matters.The first half of the year symbolizes your experiments with finances and also marks clouded state of your mind where you want to take major decision,but clearly lacks the courage and vision needed for achieving it.

Year Ahead 2014 : Aries

Expansion Realms

George Bernard Shaw, talking on communication once said The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place, and this is the year which will give you ample opportunities to get out of this illusion. Yes this is the year to put your intentions straight,go out and speak your heart. Beginning with the deep introspection, gradually this year will make you feel the need to reconnect with the people to fulfil your own ambition. The urge to clear the air and clean the mess inside your personal and public relationship should be given firm grounds.Once you get convinced thoroughly about whom to convey message,how to do it and most importantly why to do it,you will witness your network growing strong par excellence .Hiding what you really feel about a particular situation due to limitations and obvious reasons,will make you feel suffocated ,and the first half of year will infuse enough inspiration within you to dive deep within yourself and gather courage to take stand and convey your inner most feelings clearly in the format understandable to the concerned ones.This will ease out your inner self a lot, besides helping in clearing your evolution path with less assumptions and confusions around.
The first four months of the year carry extremely high potential for improving your health ,in terms of giving attention to your own body .The areas which you have been neglecting since long and are buried deep down somewhere in your subconscious will come forth, and its indeed a brilliant idea to jump into the action, it’s time to hit the gym, use your idle lying jogging attire, and be physically alive once again. The first half of the year is the time to capitalize on existing opportunities. Traveling happens for fun and for purpose of work too, especially in initial months when you should get many stunning news at your workplace contributing to your growth in substantial way.

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

  Aries Time to get to work without excuses. Phase of relaxation, ease is now closing and this week brings patterns for sharp rise in wo...