Year 2019 : Impact on Aries sign

You enter new year with immense expectations along with heavy responsibilities. Year 2019 for Aries people unfolds slowly and have many surprises and challenges both. It’s the kind of year where your desires, aspirations would get fulfilled though with some adjustments, some compromises needed and most importantly where you truly understand and take on the responsibilities attached to benefits you expect. This is the year of conditional growth for you This year has many ups-down in it along with some pleasant events as well, so let’s directly move to discussion of details as to how this year is going to shape your life.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Pisces sign

Amid the ongoing challenge given by Saturn, Jupiter transit to Scorpio for Pisces people brings strong protective blessings, and with blessings, comes the need to be responsible and live up to the expectations. Jupiter moves to your ninth house giving you new level of hope. Yes, this transit brings you hope, it brings your command back and it primarily signifies a push, greater inner drive, some luck element and far greater support from your surroundings which you will start to receive now. Impact areas are many and are pleasant to discover. Jupiter is here to hold you, irrespective of the degree of your gloom and bewilderment that you have in your heart, pious Guru is here to infuse great life force inside you.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Aquarius sign

Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act. Action will delineate and define you said the Thomas Jefferson. Mighty Jupiter bring such challenging yet rewarding times for you. With the movement of Jupiter into Scorpio, pious and great benefic Guru enters your house of Karma, initiating a new phase where responsibilities emerge, and things come to visible form, but asking your immense patience and testing your values intensely. Impact of this transit is huge for you and changes appearing now will reform your life in longer run. Its time when lessons learnt, freedom obtained from previous years will have to be put to work and responsibilities must be taken up. Let us now move to discussion of how this Jupiter transit is going to impact you in longer run, creating your reality by putting your vision and values to test.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Capricorn sign

Jupiter moving to Scorpio sign is extremely pleasant event for you. Amid your ongoing struggling phase of Sadesaati this transit brings hope and big relief. This is the change you have been asking, dreaming and praying for. This is the transit which is going to give you great support and balance from stiff test of Saturn. Current transit of Jupiter comes as an immensely powerful shield for you. It’s time to dream again. Jupiter moves to your eleventh house from Moon sign which is known for all goodies, for growth, for increase in wealth and for moving ahead. It’s going to be extremely pleasing to read in-depth about the impact areas brought by pious and benevolent Guru. Its like one-year window given to you by cosmos for dreaming, achieving and enjoying again. Let us see the impact areas and how this transit is going to bring balance and protection to you.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Sagittarius sign

You are already undergoing through very stiff test from Saturn (Sadesaati) and now movement of Jupiter into twelfth house from Moon means these challenges moving to level next, requiring next version of yourself to face your life and situations. It’s the time when your life will apparently go in back gear, things can seem overwhelming and even getting out of hands, though understanding the essence, long term lessons of this transit will make you feel settled and grounded. Impact areas are many. It needs open heart and mind to comprehend the impact and lessons of this transit. So let’s explore.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Scorpio sign

Yes, the change has arrived. Wise words of Napoleon Hill will be apt to describe this Jupiter transit for Scorpio sign people. First comes the thought, then organization of that thought into ideas and plans, then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination. Jupiter will grace your Moon sign which means time for a big change, time for big transformation is here. Jupiter for you arrives like a sunrise which leaves behind all the darkness. There are many areas where change will be experienced. Generally, Jupiter’s entry into Moon sign is not considered to be good, but this interpretation is grossly wrong as its generally a period of many new beginnings, many transformations and such events need extreme hard work, moving out of comfort zone and leaving old and known patterns behind. Phenomenon of birth of something new can be painful, but pain in the process doesn’t define the essence of this transit, its long-term gains beyond this pain which holds the real beauty.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Libra sign

Your time has arrived. Jupiter transit to Scorpio for Libra people is beginning of new era. Its no looking back now. Jupiter brings end of your long wait and struggle, and your life starts to fall in place, in all aspects. It’s completely benefic transit for you. It’s time to reap the benefits of all of your patience, intentions, hard work and learnings. Mighty and pious Guru of Gods is now ready to bless you in bounty and its manifestation will be seen in many areas of your existence which is all pleasant to hear, explore and go through in reality. So let’s start your journey towards affluence.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Virgo sign

Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work. These words from H.L Hunt are good to start with. Jupiter transit to Scorpio for you Virgo people is going to initiate such times where you exchange your time, energies, ideas and on broader terms, your whole being, and this is how your life is going to grow in many aspects. If we need to label this transit for you in one word, then it would be inner and outer dynamics. World appear to you in vivid forms and you throw your whole being to exchange your energies, giving something to masses and taking back some values and lessons along with material benefits. Jupiter makes you learn importance of give and take, connectivity is the key word. The essence of this transit for you is Dynamism, in and around. Let’s take a deeper look at the areas impacted.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Leo sign

When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves. Broadly there are two kinds of struggles one must undergo, one within the self and other with outer world. Here comes the Jupiter to give you strong roots so that first you settle down within yourself and then go to win the latter one. Jupiter is entering your inner house, where it becomes able to impact your surroundings and influence all small and big things that can be termed as your ‘family’. There are many areas where impact of mighty Jupiter will be felt and the change will begin from deepest layers of your subconscious mind. Let’s have a look at all those areas where you will witness brightness along with areas where greater responsibility must be taken up.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Cancer sign

Jupiter enters your fifth house from Moon, bringing relief and great hope. Cancer people have been undergoing through a stagnating period which is going to end now as mighty Jupiter enlightens your whole personality as it moves into house of inner psyche and vision. Jupiter moving to Scorpio for you is like green signal from Universe to go ahead and pursue what your heart desire. Manifestation of this movement for you people are many, and pleasantly, all lie on positive side. Let’s discover what Guru of Devas has got for you.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Gemini sign

Neti-Neti describes Jupiter transit for you in its deepest essence. Deep churning and deep digging into your Karmic store house will be performed by Pious Guru. Jupiter enters your sixth house from the Moon, signifying a transition phase where things get renewed after strong reshuffling pattern. It’s like dentist digging deep into your decayed tooth and while it will pain a little, deep down you know it’s all happening for the best. Let’s have a look what this Jupiter transit will bring for you and what are its impact areas. As concerned house is sixth, more relaxed and allowing mind set will be required to comprehend whatever God of Guru is here to accomplish for you.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Taurus sign

Hope is what this Jupiter transit brings to you. Something which you wanted so badly since so long is finally here; hope that things can change and you do have ability to make it happen. Jupiter transit to Scorpio for you Taurus people is the phenomena which will bring huge relief, this is the movement clearing the way for hope to sprout again and symbolizes great resurgence of your spirits. You people have seen tremendous restructuring/suppression in many areas till now and what you need at the moment is stabilization in those areas. This is exactly what this transit will brings to you. Jupiter transit for you means entry of pious Guru into seventh house from your Moon sign which is auspicious from all the angles. The ongoing suppression and stagnation from Saturn gets a mighty balance from Jupiter and it’s end of worst time for you and beginning of many new positive events. Let’s get into details.

Jupiter transit in Scorpio ( 2018 - 2019 ) - Impact on Aries sign

It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird, it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad, said C.S Lewis, which are perfect words to describe what Jupiter’s movement into Scorpio sign meant for Aries people. Jupiter for you people is going to move to eighth house from Moon, activating the enigma. Changes now go into invisible mode and most of the impact areas will be felt rather than seen, at least in the beginning. Impact areas are many, and quality of changes happening would be sharp and defining, the only relative thing here is time, time to actually realize and see these changes appearing in concrete world. Let us now move to discussion of impact of this Jupiter transit in various aspects of your life.

Purpose of life and Vedic astrology - Part 1

The most fundamental, deepest and subtlest aspect that can be explored through use of Vedic astrology or Jyotisha is finding what Samskaras(tendencies/impressions) an individual is carrying from past lives and what he/she needs to focus upon in current life in major way. Often when we talk about the purpose of life, general perception quickly assumes it’s about work life, the best career or business that is suitable. This is extremely gross and even wrong perception. The purpose of life though really cannot be judged and summarized in one line, still when seen in bigger context, it means what a person needs to focus upon majorly in current life. Through journey in this cosmos, a Soul experiences many events, life times and acquires many impressions, which when judged on some parameters can be said as bad or good ,but in reality apart from domain of good and bad, it’s all about evolution of a person by varied range of experiences .Vedic astrology is one the subtlest tool that can be effectively used to analyze the areas/aspects where a person needs to be focused ,or in other way of stating it, areas where person’s attention will be pulled by challenging/sudden events which can be repetitive in nature.

Introspect,implement and improvise : Saturn retrograde in transit-Part2

Saturn retrograde in transit does have same essence for everyone, but obviously the areas, aspects, ways and intensity all will differ depending on Moon signs. To get more specific, lets touch the essence of what this Saturn retrogression indicates for each Moon sign individual. Also note that these indications are for Saturn retrograde for year 2018 that is happening between 18th April to 6th September.

Aries: Its time to look what is driving you, how realistic your goals are and are you really doing things that’s needed to achieve what you want. Your professional relationships, how you act, behave at work what changes you need to bring in self for evolved relations at work, to quicken up your progress. Its time to realize what skills you lack (hence what needs to be learned).How you treat your parents, how you behave when under scrutiny/pressure or are said to follow orders, your natural instinct and recent actions (and damage coming out of it)  needs to be introspected .Some of the unconscious habits/addictions/behavioral patterns that have caused serious obstacles/damage needs to be rooted out of your life to move ahead without getting into same old traps again.

Introspect,implement and improvise : Saturn retrograde in transit -Part1

Saturn retrograde in transit in essence is time to pause, mentally, and look within, deep inside into grooves of your mind.  Unlike the retrogression of Mercury or Venus, Saturn retro is relatively calmer and does have scope for serious introspection. Indeed, introspection is what this phenomenon brings with it. Saturn retrograde is time when one needs to see what approach/action/behavioral patterns/routine/way of working didn’t worked and hence can be improved. This is the time when we need to look back, in recent past, and actually do some serious analysis of how and where we went wrong. This retrogression is small window which can be used to re-define our approach, re-evaluate our goals and reform our habits.

Year 2018 : Impact on Pisces sign

Some years come for intense cleansing, for testing and for taking you to level next of life without your consent and without your planning, this is such year for Pisces people. Year 2018 for Pisces isn’t rosy and stands for stern tests, intense restructuring and challenges. This year two mighty planets, Saturn and Jupiter in transit are in quite stagnating position which symbolizes a huge pressure developing and events occurring beyond your reach. Though until we discuss patterns in depth, catching the real essence isn’t really possible merely on surface. For Pisces people this is one of the most defining year but not in the sense they want. Things will change but Higher law will pervade and events occurring this year can make you feel like helpless and in higher sense this is the time to realize that sometimes cosmic wish must find its way in our life irrespective of how rigid and unprepared we are. There are many positive aspects still and let’s move to discussion of impact in various aspects of your life.

Year 2018 : Impact on Aquarius sign

Aquarians, gear up to one of the finest year of your life. Year 2018 has brilliant alignment of planets for you which makes it one of the most memorable year. This year brings great pace in your life and Saturn in transit is in mighty position to bless you. You will see positive expansion all around and it won’t be wrong to say that your life will take new turn from here onwards. This is the year to take new decisions, take your career to new heights, plan long term, make new goals, get into new lines, explore, experiment and create life of your desire. Jupiter in transit also blesses you completely which makes this year as exceptional for you. The expansive patterns are seen in all aspects of your life. Let us move to discussion of how this year will shape up specific areas of your life.

Year 2018 : Impact on Capricorn sign

Certain times come to bring bigger changes, for some motives which can feel too alienated with one’s personal goals. This year for Capricorn has nature beyond normal comprehension. You enter in 2018 with your Sadesaati on, i.e the test of Saturn has started for you and Jupiter too in transit is in your career sector which indicates times for huge churning in work and family life. This year stands for big level restructuring in all spheres of life and its time for things to get slow and test your patience. Without further delay, let us move to discussion of how this year will impact your lives in specific ways.

Year 2018 : Impact on Sagittarius sign

This year for Sagittarius people have mixed nature. You are now into peak phase of your Sadesaati though this year blessings of transiting Jupiter and Mars will save you majorly. Year 2018 for you signifies major gains from past efforts and blessings though new tasks, challenges and slowdown is also integral part. Such patterns walk in parallel this year. Its very intriguing year and its almost impossible to label it with one thing or type as varied sorts of experiences and events will come together, still touching the essence is necessary to set the tone. Its time when you would still see good gains, growth and financial rise but in parallel Saturn will prepare you for rigorous test and gradual slowdown and stern test in career, relationships and finances as well will appear. Irrespective of grace from Jupiter, this is the year from where your transformation process will pick up immense pace. Let us now discuss the specifics as to how this year will impact Sagittarius people in different aspects of life.

Year 2018 : Impact on Scorpio sign

Sometimes the hurdles aren't really hurdles at all, they’re welcome challenges, tests say actor Paul Walker. Indeed, this is what applies to you when it comes to patterns and nature of this year. This year Scorpio people experience mixed results and on surface challenges, hurdles, delays might appear strong, but touching the essence here itself is necessary before going to specifics. Things will appear paused, too slow to move and delays would be high leading to belief that no change is occurring, though beneath all this your life is rapidly moving towards direction of your dreams. This is a silent year for you, where action seem lacking though there is much commotion behind the scenes. So Scorpio people, do not form any negative perceptions, this year has great potential to melt your troubles, only the method and visibility of the process is something hard to comprehend. Getting into specifics now will clear things.

When it comes to your work life, changes and strong restructuring can happen this year. Changes in job have very high possibility though can come as sudden, can even be forced and take you out of your comfort zone. You can be required to relocate, take up positions which are challenging and require to you learn something new. Career changes can accompany place change as well and in most of the cases such changes can feel unpleasant initially. Job security is less this year and though growth would continue, its very important to note that you should be ready to take up such uncomforting jobs, tasks, responsibilities as remaining within your comfort zone will bring problems for sure. Once you are ready to cooperate and derive lessons, gain experience from all such transitory expenses, you are sure to gain in long run. Many of you can experience enhanced travels, long working hours and movement to diffident city and even country; remain open and committed to such patterns as irrespective of its initial feel, all are ultimately going to take you to your desired destination, its just this year will take its own routine and you just need to trust the process.

In terms of timelines, time post May seem better for you and will start your growth process strongly. Phase of March to June end is weak and you can face obstructions, delays and setbacks in work life, but things will get back to place quickly once you move post July era. Any changes in work, new partnerships, new business deals involving risk or getting into new lines should be taken up only if you are thoroughly prepared else setbacks and huge blockages are sure to appear. Financially this year need your best of patience. Many expenses are seen. Preserve for big things. Expenses on education, settling down in new place, for travels, for family needs and for paying big bills/long term investments are all seen, so you really cannot be causal with your money this year. Phase of March to June can be complex and will test you. March-April needs caution as well while you will see some good gains pouring in from May onwards. Such diffusive patterns remain high till September and your financial and work life patterns would change for the better from October this year.

 Your health will remain just fine though phases of March-April and in broader sense April to June end are weak. Most important point is to take proper diet, supplements as your energy levels are seen to go down or to say engagement in so many things, increased working hours will need greater energy levels. Those under medication might feel as if things are not working and can jump from one healing process to other, but essence is sticking to one thing with patience. Eyes, ears, nervous system will need attention this year. Time in general till August is slow and stagnating for health to grow well, which also includes emotions state, but from September onwards you will see rapid improvements and settlement everywhere.

Year 2018 also has some pure positives for you. Gains from properties, lands are strong and those looking to invest, buy, sell can surely expect good. Investments if any in this year needs to be long term and done with thorough caution. Also, addition of new assets, vehicles, objects of your desires all are possible this year. Travelling is yet another part which is going to bring joy. Apart from travel related to work, you will also travel for pleasure. Those looking to migrate, for foreign travels can surely count on this year. Trips with family, friends will bring much joy and memorable moments to you. Though financially this is just decent year, but many of you can get big amounts as well from your past investments or from family or inheritance. Indeed, help from friends, family and people you love will pour in this year. Along with this, support of Divine would be there with you, how much you identify it depends where you stand at level of consciousness. Such positive trends remain active throughout year, but specially strong till October.

This year is slow to support blossoming of new relationships, and as basic essence is to preserve, it applies here as well. Your existing relationships will face test, be if with friends, with family and especially in love life. So marriage issues can be experienced with strong difference of opinion rising. Its not the time for falling in love as this year is transitory and people it brings with it will also be just part of moving frames. Focus on people you have, communicate more and avoid ego clashes and small mistakes. Your focus should be maintaining your relationships well. Marriage, new bonds, partnerships, such new relationships are less probable this year. Higher education is favored, movement to new places for work or learning is very much favored this year as well.

As pattern of learning is highly favored, similarly your personal evolution, your Spiritual journey is seen to grow momentum this year. Its a brilliant year to learn new skills in domain of self-learning. Learning yoga, meditation, astrology, mantra-tantra and practices alike under guidance, all are possible. Those who are already advanced and looking for initiation into Higher path, surely can expect this year. This year has tremendous potential for you to give a giant leap. Travel to places of Spiritual/religious importance is seen throughout year and you will see many such trip brining in much blessings. Remain aware about some strong gut feelings, your inner voice and ability to sense things will remain very strong this year, so if you feel something is right, it would be. Follow your conscience and do not neglect your inner pull or urges. Extremely good times when it comes to rapid rise in your wisdom and some of you can even experience deep bliss, mystical experiences, flashes, intuitions and many similar things, all it hints at is call from Divine. You just need to give spark to your intentions, to your urges and path would be revealed to you. This year needs continuance of patience and deep faith that things are working for you. Keep faith alive and continue your journey with greater force, this year will free you from many bondages as you move in.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.
2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

Other Moon signs, Please Click :-
  • New Year 2018
                Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 

                         Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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Year 2018 : Impact on Libra sign

Without a hint of doubt, this year is game changer for Librans. Libra people have been under long spell of tests and their soul, body, spirit, whatever rhetoric one wants to use, is deeply tired. This year 2018 brings end of your Sadesaati and this is the year to look forward, dream again and essence is your rebirth. Though you want success, results fast as you have waited endlessly but this year doesn’t bring magical changes or overnight success, rather in a very logical way, it will provide you platform to move upward, in direction of your dreams. Analogy of coordinate plane in mathematics will be useful. Your journey since long have been all along negative axes, and this year actually brings you to point zero,to beginning of a new start, towards the positive ones now. Let us now directly jump to discussion of potential of this year and what possibilities exists for Librans.

Year 2018 : Impact on Virgo sign

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable, every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals said Martin Luther King, Jr. This is particularly true for Virgo people. Year 2018 for Virgo symbolizes a fine balance between effort and its conversion, this new year stands for justice, justice that universe will bring to you which was denied since long. To define this year in straightforward one-line sentence isn’t easy as this year is complex yet blessing, tiring yet refreshing at the same time. Let us directly jump to discussion of how this year will bring changes in different aspects of your life.

Year 2018 : Impact on Leo sign

Leo people enter in new year with continuous expansion of their energies and desires. This year brings diversification of your energies, focus and is sure to take you places. Leo people had seen much stagnation and have experienced many constraints earlier, which has created a framework for them, this year is opportunity to give definite shape to your dreams. Limitations ends, or rather to say more precisely, you now have clear idea about constraints and practicality of life which would enable you to work with very comprehensive manner towards your goals. Leo people will witness beautiful expansion of their spirits and indeed it’s time to visualize, create and work in parallel on ground. Getting on to essence, this year symbolizes end of suffocation and you would be free to work directly on life that you aspire to live. Let’s move to details of what this rhetoric actually means.

Work life does seem to grow well and efforts of past will yield good results. New jobs, changes and rise all are possible this year. Though the real highlight will be growing consciousness and varied range of experiences that will make your career move forward with richness. Relocations, many travels, moving to new places for better work opportunities are seen. Changes in work can accompany change of place as well and with far greater serious roles. For business persons this is a great year with rapid gains, expansion and movement into new areas. New associations will be generated and its good to consider new business proposals from close friends and family members. In terms of timelines, time between April to August seems low and any decisions should be taken with extreme caution and career setbacks are very much possible. Initial three months and then time from September onwards is best for experiencing goodness in work life and pattern of expansion.

Year 2018 : Impact on Cancer sign

The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse said author Helen Keller. This year you will experience highs, beautiful views and peaks though in parallel will go realization of valleys. Cancer people will experience extremely fine balance of challenges and possibilities walking hand in hand, though the possibility and growth will ultimately outshine the constraints. This year stands for realization of where you lack, what is needed to reach to place of your aspiration and the process will be slow in beginning and will pick up pace gradually. In broader sense, this year sets in very big process of exploring new possibilities and marks fundamental shifts in core areas of life. Let us dive deep into patterns in this year and their impact on various accepts of life of Cancer people.

Year 2018 : Impact on Gemini sign

Gemini people move into new year with lot of new hopes and visions. You people have intense desire to move towards direction of your dreams and there are thousands of ideas, plans that are bubbling inside you. Indeed, this is the year of possibilities. This year has tremendous potential in it and will provide you all necessary platforms to work and achieve your goals. Though important to mention, this year possibilities and related growth patterns will be confined within some boundaries, i.e you will have immensely potent ideas as to how you are going to move ahead though you will also be needed to take your limitations, some constraints into consideration and working in balance amid these two is what is essence of this year for you. Nevertheless, it’s one of the finest year given you are committed to implement those brilliant voices within. Let us see how this year will impact you thinking giants in different aspects of life.

Year 2018 : Impact on Taurus sign

“You're going to go through tough times - that's life. But I say, 'Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.' See the positive in negative events” said Joel Osteen. Taurus people are going though intense times and mentioning the deeper aspect of this year right in the beginning is very important to set the tone right. You people are under times when your karmic debts, your baggage has to be reduced by many challenges. It’s time to pay back, to empty yourself. In this process you will witness restructuring in work, relationships and your health can also suffer setbacks. Depending on your individual charts and areas where maximum of issues are aligned, this year is meant for reducing the burden off from your shoulders. It’s one of the year when you need to stop and with attitude of immense patience, need to indulge in process of cleanup, which will take time but is necessary at this point of time for your future growth possibilities. Let’s move to detailed discussion of patterns in all aspects of your life.

Year 2018 : Impact on Aries sign

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success” said Henry Ford and it’s your time to come together, realize the support, get composed and make real time progress. You rush in new year with heightened level of energies, new hopes and vision. This is extremely potent and cheerful year for you. Aries people had seen stagnation in multiple areas along with strong churning in personal and professional areas. Now is the time to move ahead as such testing phase ends. These times signify hope and moving ahead at rapid pace along with end of isolation in your public and personal relationships. This year signifies a fresh new breeze coming in your life and inner child will smile again. Let us now see what is stored in for you this year.

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

  Aries Time to get to work without excuses. Phase of relaxation, ease is now closing and this week brings patterns for sharp rise in wo...