Saturn in First House

Saturn is the most extraordinary planet in the entire solar system ,both in terms of its physical appearance and more importantly in its esoteric significance .Placement of Saturn in chart is of perhaps utmost significance as it shows how Karmic patterns are going to unfold themselves as this mighty planet contains all the past memories and Karma of an individual. Placement of Saturn in first house is not a simple phenomenona,rather it shows an extremely intriguing individual and it needs thorough explanation and deep pondering as to why one is born with Saturn here.

Saturn when placed in ascendant (first house) at time of birth of individual means resistance in coming to this physical world as one is preloaded with huge amount of Karmic debts, though its good to be reminded right here that sign in which Saturn is placed will alter the meanings to great extent. So its good to reiterate that these effects are generic in nature. Saturn here shows that one is born with lot of hesitation within and there is tons of baggage of past Karmas that will need to be lived through in present life time, at least in initial first half. The early years of life are extremely introspective. This might possibly be achieved in many ways, like for example one might be born in a family where environment is not very conducive for healthy growth of personality. Saturn gives a feeling of deeply bonded and restricted as one start to gain consciousness growing as a child. Either parents do not bother much or else their love actually does not cross the inner boundaries of child. One feels isolated despite everything and everyone around, this give birth to extremely silent and hidden self-introspection. These individuals will appear very calm and deeply involved in their own worlds ,lost in finding meaning as to why they have been put in such family ,and its worth repeating that state of family is not an issue here, rather how one perceives it, is. Growth is slow, and sometimes it feels so slow that one tends to believe that life is at stand still. Though volumes can be written about Saturn and its impact in one’s chart, in concise its good to ponder over two major aspects; what Saturn gives here(and why) and how it impacts the personality along with its deeper implications.

The individuals born with Saturn in first house go through lot of internal suffering and the degree and extent depends upon the state of Saturn .If Saturn lies in bad shape, then growth rate is slow and self-image is generally disturbed. Placement of Saturn indicates that one’s life blossoms fully in second half of life as in initial years this mighty Spiritual giant makes one indulge in various sorts of self-exhausting experiences. These people analyse silently ,they observe more than they speak .If Saturn is in good state ,like in Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius then physical health might not be any trouble maker.Some deep addictive tendencies, or rather self-destructive tendencies often become part of personality. Individual can also feel like restricted due to some physical ailment, and in essence limitations are felt irrespective of physical issues present or not. When Saturn is powerful in chart, then in such cases this placement can give a detached view of life with ascetic like living and state of Saturn will decide how this characteristic develops. A healthy and powerful Saturn with good Moon and Jupiter in one’s chart will give mature mind-set and ability to analyse and reach on perfect conclusions, with assimilating all events and knowledge around one and gradually realizing the vagueness in material pursuits only. While a weak and afflicted Saturn might give a dejected outlook where world is cruel and people are unjust , hence this world is not fit for me syndrome might creep in. Most of the usual life events like settlement, education and career are relatively late, when compared to rigid social reference point, which can also lead to serious level of self-criticism and in some cases, even repeated depressive mourning.

Discussion on Saturn can never be complete without going into why part. Saturn does each bit with a deep purpose, so in larger reality all of its attributes and Dukha caused by it is for something greater, something more grand and liberating. The delay part of Saturn comes to make one more patient. Patience is Saturn’s most beloved characteristic, which it teaches in hard way, mainly because we all are in race and no one really likes to sit and wait and see larger picture, but if Saturn wants you to learn this virtue, then there is no way out. The restrictions and limitations that are felt are primarily indication of the fact that this physical existence alone cannot give you joy, rather you need to look for something more eternal and boundless, which is none other than Divine itself. Saturn is interested in giving you results of your Karma, hence loneliness within and hardships around are coming from your own Karmic debts and Saturn is simply the judge sitting in your chart announcing the judgments without any partiality .Saturn here in ascendant when understood and appreciated can result in most stunning personalities who can sense the pain of others, serve humanity in a grand way as they learn intensively through their own life experiences. The impartial nature and maturity of such individuals can be beyond comprehension of normal human intellect and in longer run they can emerge as masters in understanding Law of Karma under the guidance of a perfect Yogi, the Saturn.

For other Saturn in houses series, Please click:

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House
  6th  House |7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House                                            11th House | 12th House

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