Turbulent Times : Saturn , Rahu and Mars Conjunction

The challenge and chaos is here again, once again the mighty forces have aligned themselves together whose effect is sure to reflect in many areas of our life. Astrologically in present time Saturn, Rahu and Mars are in same sign of Libra. These three mighty planets came together on 4th Feb this year and will remain in same sign till 24th March 2014.So what does it mean to have these planets together? And why term challenge and chaos is used right at the beginning?

Saturn represents the cautious force which is interested in deep organization at mundane and personal level, and the cost involved doesn’t bother this Spiritual giant.It’s a planet which is intimately linked with giving results of one’s Karma. Mars on other hand brings change in violent and passionate manner, when Saturn is concerned with long term effects, Mars want results in hurry and use of force is inherent part of its nature. Rahu is again a Karmic planet(rather a node) which works in deceptive manner(much like our Karma) and events caused by Rahu are too sharp yet confusing in nature, like a riot triggered by unknown people collectively known as mob. Now when these three forces come together the result is imbalance in Sign of Libra, which is bound to affect us on individual as well as on mundane level.

Questionaire - February 2014

Question :
I have a very big doubt regarding the Fate vs Will power.
i think, the fate we created upon our actions/karma in previous life times, can be changed by the will we project in this particular life time. i also believe God has given us abundant liberty, and bless us always.
One astrologer friend told me that, you donot need to do/try anything, at right time Guru(indicator of spouse for Women) will appear. I wonder these words, how is this possible!
-They say marriage is made in heaven, So, Is it predetermined ?
Is marriage predetermined or/and the person we marry predetermined ?
What about other life events, can they be changed or predetermined as well?

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

  Aries Time to get to work without excuses. Phase of relaxation, ease is now closing and this week brings patterns for sharp rise in wo...