Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 17 ) : Impact on Aries Sign

The times for change are here and change in real sense. Jupiter transit to Virgo brings bag full of changes for Aries people. Jupiter enters your sixth house from the Moon, signifying a transition phase where things get renewed after strong reshuffling pattern. Deep churning and deep digging into your Karmic store house will be performed by Pious Guru, it’s like dentist digging deep into your decayed tooth and while it will pain a little, deep down you know it’s all happening for the best. Let’s have a look what this Jupiter transit will bring for you and what are its impact areas. As concerned house is sixth, more relaxed and allowing mind set will be required to comprehend whatever God of Guru is here to accomplish for you.

First change will be seen in quantity and quality of your bonding with people around you. Some of the old bonds will come under scanner and events occurring around you will create a situation where you might ponder over the real stuff that lies behind. In utter frustration or even in firm mood to clean up the mess lying in your relationships and acquaintances, you will throw out people who are no longer compassionate or caring towards you. This can also come as surprise towards you as Jupiter can activate such thoughts in mind of ones around you so that ultimate bearer are you. Old and rotten bonds die and this process can involve some pain and it will require some good amount of time before you realize the worth of it. Matters of heart, love and romance will take a back seat and its time to preserve what really matters to you rather than trying to expand beyond what you can control. Things in relationship can seem casual in the beginning but can take very intense shape as you progress deep into next year. Hence think deeply and take actions pertaining to relationship (in fact in any context) with great sense of responsibility and after defining the possible outcomes in future. For matter of finances, this transit is not adverse, rather you will find blessing in disguise and there is healthy and gradual rise in your financial state.

For the ones who are involved in pursuit of education and on path of knowledge, this transit will bring slow down and learning will now need to involve whole lot of patience. It will need time before you can assimilate something in real sense and trying to speed it up can cause friction. Opportunities for you in this transit are hidden and will need a keen and enthusiastic eye to get discovered and realized. One of the most critical areas which will gain focus is your work life. Almost all the aspects related to your career gain the limelight now. Your mind gets occupied with thoughts of how, where, what and why are you doing your job. This is the transit which will bring a complete transition and road to destination might not be what you desire it to feel like. A detailed look at changes happening at career front is essential as it’s the core part which this transit will bring for you.

Jupiter brings a message to you: Look closely what you are doing, how you are doing and is this the thing that you really want to do? . Inner suffocation, lack of desire for working and low energy will engulf you but remain aware, do not get swayed by what is visible, rather try to see the real compelling force. Without looking for the root cause, you will miss the whole point and can get trapped in means itself. This dullness of energy will come from withdrawal of life force from Jupiter and its motto is to make you come out of your comfort zone. Its human nature not to think out of box until the need arises, until it becomes the question of survival. Jupiter moving to Virgo for you will bring times for deep introspection and its causes can be many like high level of dissatisfaction with current job, excess work pressure, or simply due to deadly monotonous nature of your work. Another very critical aspect related to your work life is complicated relationships with people at work. Jupiter is not bothered now how you will feel, rather it will dig down deep and bring out what is ugly and you have to face it. Jupiter here will give you opportunity to work on your people skill, how you behave at your workplace, how is your relationship with your peers, how well you cope up with workload, what equation you are having of work-home balance, all such critical questions will gain prominence and you will get a defining chance to work on them. You might be given more responsibilities, which might puzzle you in the beginning but will benefit you for sure in longer run and can even result in your rise at workplace. It’s the game of negation, where you realize what you want by seeing what you don’t. A change in job is visible and best time for it is month between September 2016 to February 2017. From February to July 2017, things can get really sticky and many of you can experience deep level of Karmic entanglements whose ultimate aim would be clean up your difficult Karma related to your work life. During this latter part of transit, you can be severely tested and job changes are not favored in this period, and if done/forced can result in excessive pressure and many complications.

Among other areas, your health, especially the emotional turbulence and dullness in mind-body complex is something which you need to face with silent hope in heart. It’s time to clean up the mess from your life, be it your neglected health leading to dis-ease in body (and mind therefore), be it your twisted relations in personal or professional life or be it your work life, all will need you to do something apart from cribbing. Especially in context of health, the first half of transit, i.e till February 2017 seems very challenging and old/neglected or some new issues as well can come to surface asking your total attention. Much more challenging would be to maintain your inner wellbeing and hope, Jupiter will intensely test your faith and can cause feeling of low in many areas. It can be like walking in a dry land, thirsty, and yet expected to perform optimally.

This is not the transit for Spiritual progress in direct sense. In fact, you can question many things and your overall level of faith can decrease and your inner sprit and enthusiasm to pursue Truth and meaning can also decline. This is not the transit to pursue something new, rather it’s the transit which will test your faith which you have developed till now. Your ideas, dogmas and many old beliefs will be severely tested and many of your rotten beliefs would fall down, with the element of pain and possible disgust as well. It’s a low phase for Spiritual growth and in fact core material desire can grip you hard, blurring your inner mind. It’s time to raise your acts rather than raising your voice. It might sound rhetoric, but real essence and beauty of Jupiter in sixth house can be understood by reading what Lord Krishna told Arjuna, how to work keeping oneself entirely detached, just for the sake of work, just for excelling in what you do. Be assured, rest will be taken care of.

Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Virgo sign on 11-12th August 2016 and will remain in it till 11th September 2017.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Taurus sign

Jupiter enters your fifth house from Moon, bringing relief and great hope. Taurus people have been undergoing through a stagnating period which is going to end now as mighty Jupiter enlightens their whole personality as it moves into house of inner psyche. Jupiter moving to Virgo for you is like green signal from Universe to go ahead and pursue what your heart desire. Manifestation of this movement for you people are many, and pleasantly, all lie on positive side. Let’s discover what Guru of Devas has got for you.

First and foremost change will be visible in the way you look at things and events happening around you. There will be rise in your general enthusiasm, the feel about life itself. You would feel more energized and now your mind will be able to see and find reasons to be happy pretty easily. You will feel as if it is of no use to carry the dead burden of past, and indeed you will be in mood to drop it at once. It’s the beginning of new phase where old beliefs are left behind and you look forward to future eagerly. Its perfect time to make new plans, expand your reach, do some experiments and take some risks. You are sure to receive sound help both from within and outside. From within you will get intuitive wisdom, courage and intense craving for a change and from your surroundings you will get help in form of genuine guidance. So be receptive to what other’s opinions are about your queries and issues. Inspiration is all around, in things, in people, in events you would be able to find motivation and clues about your goals everywhere. Synchrodestiny, as doctor and spiritual leader, Deepak Chopra calls it.

Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Gemini Sign

When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves. Broadly there are two kinds of struggles one has to undergo, one within the self and other with outer world. Here comes the Jupiter to give you strong roots so that first you settle down within yourself and later on go to win the latter battle. Jupiter is entering your inner house, where it becomes able to impact your surroundings and influence all small and big things that can be termed as your ‘family’. There are many areas where impact of mighty Jupiter will be felt and the change will begin from deepest layers of your subconscious mind. Let’s have a look at all those areas where you will witness brightness along with areas where greater responsibility have to be taken up.

Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Cancer sign

Wise words from H.L Hunt are good to start with, Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work. Jupiter transit to Virgo for you Cancer people are going to initiate such times where you exchange your time, energies, ideas and on broader terms, your whole being, and this is how your life force is going to grow and manifest into many areas. If we need to label this transit for you in one word, then it would be outer dynamics. World appear to you in vivid form and you throw your whole being to exchange your energies, giving something to masses and taking back some values and lessons along with material benefits. The essence of this transit for you is Dynamism, in and around. Let’s take a deeper look at the areas impacted.

Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Leo Sign

First things first, movement of Jupiter brings very cheerful times for you. Leo people are under suffocation where they are being given many duties and are made to work hard and also made to assimilate many leanings on the way. Changes in inner self are sooner or later accompanied by change in outer world as concrete things and events. Jupiter movement to Virgo will bring such times for you Leo people. It’s time to reap the benefits of all of your patience, intentions, hard work and learnings. Mighty and pious Guru of Gods is now ready to bless you in bounty and its manifestation will be seen in many areas of your existence which is all pleasant to hear, explore and go through in reality. So let’s start ride to your journey & destination; affluence.

Jupiter transit in Virgo (2016 - 2017) : Impact on Virgo sign

First comes the thought, then organization of that thought into ideas and plans, then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination - Napoleon Hill. Yes, the change has arrived, that too in style. Jupiter will grace your ascendant, i.e your very first house from Moon which means time for a big change, time for big transformation is here. Jupiter for you arrives like a sunrise which leaves behind all the darkness. There are many areas where change will be experienced. Generally, Jupiter’s entry into Moon sign is not considered to be good, but this interpretation is grossly wrong as its generally a period of many new beginnings, many transformations and such events need extreme hard work, moving out of comfort zone and leaving old and known patterns behind. Phenomena of birth of something new can be painful, but pain in the process doesn’t take the beauty associated with the birth itself.

In context of work, expansion now starts. New projects, new beginning, new job, new ventures, new business ideas come to you. You get engaged and many avenues for learning and earning become available to you. Owing to drastically increased communication with people and organizations, you will be offered many opportunities. For the ones in service, its time to take more responsibilities, take up new roles without fear of failing within. These new roles might not show up as increased monetary gains as of now, but believe without a hint of doubt, that this is golden year for you. Whatever you work on, learn and go through will add on in your personal database and its results will unfold in future, which will surprise you beyond your imaginations. Its time to increase your worth with intense engagement in visible world, its time to lay foundations for new projects, add some skills and gather infrastructure for your goals, it’s time to get started and get busy. It’s time to say Yes.

Time between September 2016 to January 2017 is very good to take new decisions, expand your reach, look out for new work opportunities and for getting started with your business ideas or expansion. Rest of the transit, i.e post February 2017 will get slow and will test your worth and abilities. Hence there is also the need to be carefully taking your action steps. Changes appearing after February can make you feel uncomfortable and can also bring excess pressure, you can be asked to prove yourself, to relocate for work and alike. So this transit will also test your core values intensely. But the beauty of this transit lies in moving you to your optimal best in longer run.

Your period of isolation is going to end. Since long you have been witnessing a deep solitude (which doesn’t imply loneliness) and have been given opportunity to work on your inner self, mighty Guru was working in invisible mode till now. With the arrival of Jupiter in your Moon sign, things now come into visible mode. You see things happening now before your eyes. You feel like going out, meeting people as inhibitions within break, or more esoterically, your inner thirst is now fulfilled and you know instinctively know that its time to make your energies engage in external mediums and events. As a result, your people network grow, you make many new contacts, friends, acquaintances and old ones too come back to renew their bonds. Here Jupiter will bring new energy to face situations and the most important aspect of this transit is amazingly refreshing ideas and philosophies which will pave a way for rebuilding your foundation once again. Your optimism would increase in leaps and bounds, and your outlook towards life in general would become more encouraging. No matter what was the past for you, your spirit will rise and will crave for a comprehensive change. Your life style would change, what you do might not really change instantly, but how you do things would certainly changeThe essence of this movement is to bring back enhanced level of quality in whatever you think or do, which will gradually show up in real world as real things.

This will be the good time to pursue formal education and movement to foreign lands is also very much possible. Apart from education gained in schools and universities, this is the time to covert even smallest of events into useful lessons. New relationship will be formed and your heart is ready to sing the song as time is perfect to fall in love. Jupitarian influence also indicates long term commitment, hence marriages for many will be solemnised. For already settled in their lives, its a year when majority of blockages will be removed as it is time for a new dawn in your personal lives. Personal life come back on track with immense love, understanding and very healthy vibes. You feel alive and would derive physical, emotional and even spiritual support from your partner. This transit would be swift initially and time till February 2017 can make you take some big stand and decisions pertaining to relationships in your life. But time post February in this transit, especially till June, would become stiff and you can find things getting strict and your approach and decisions being questioned and tested. So be ready for some big reshuffling in your personal and social relationships as well.

In terms of Spiritual growth, your growth now happens through mode of action. You have gained enough insights till now and pious Guru will now make you practice your values in real world. Your beliefs will be externalized and more rituals, intense practice and concrete effort is seen in growing as a person. Visit to numerous places of Spiritual and religious places is seen. This is beginning of a phase where your intention will become your primarily tool, wherever you turn it, you will see growth, be it job, money, contacts, education, spirituality, travels or simply more love, Jupiter is ready to bless you with all. Though one of the critical aspect of this transit is that changes will appear with immense effort and you can remain too busy to notice the value of this transit. There are literally huge number of aspects which will be brightened by expansive and pious touch of Guru of Gods. This is the time to learn something new and irrespective of your age, this will be the year to get back to learning and really do a value add to your knowledge database. The beauty is that this desire to learn does not limit itself to theory but the source actually originates from your own genuine desire to grow as a human being. This is going to be a transformatory transit for you. Get ready for a revolutionary journey indeed.

Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Virgo sign on 11-12th August 2016 and will remain in it till 11th September 2017.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Libra sign

The timing of transit is very peculiar when it comes to Libra people. You are already undergoing through extremely prolonged test from Saturn(Sadesaati) and now movement of Jupiter means pious Guru moving into twelfth house from your Moon which means test of your learned lessons in very refined sense. Jupiter transit to Virgo bring a shift in perception and time now shows changes appearing in and around you which will be more of qualitative in nature. Impact areas are many. It might not seem very happening transit if you judge it by usual parameters, but it is indeed time for inner dynamics to work in the back ground to make your future more colorful.

On career front you would be required to focus more intensely not because of any negative trend, rather owing to your own diffusing energies. Your mind will now run to gain answers to some of the metaphysical questions (why this happened, what this event has got in for me in deeper sense etc) which can impact your efficiency temporarily. On the concrete level, you can be required to relocate, to assume greater responsibilities and much more effort and dedication will be expected which can frustrate you as it can come as sudden or in unplanned way. Many foreign travels are seen to get activated now and generally this is the transit when you will travel to many places. Travel for work, for pleasure and more importantly to seek that inner satisfaction. Though the best part here is that compared to other signs, Libra sign will have blessings throughout the transit and career rise and changes are possible for the best when done with caution, keeping long term gains in mind. Your schedule is going to get much busy, and immense hard work and focus would be required as well, but returns would be pretty good too. Though not so intense as for other signs, greater effort, patience and awareness (about politically motivated people, their intentions, etc.) would be needed post February 2017.

Financially this seems a mixed phase where growth and expenses can go in parallel. In coming time, you need to spend wisely, invest wisely and treat your money and all resources very sacredly. Though much positivity is also seen. Many assets are seen to be added too, a new home, a land or property deal, a new vehicle and many other desired objects will be gradually added to your lifestyle, so this transit does have some strong hints of ‘normal’ growth too. Also this is good transit for getting lump sum amount of money. Sudden big gains are also seen, particularly between September 2016 to January 2017. Property, money, house, or any other form of legacy, if applicable, can come to you in this time. You can take up renovation of your house, put your energies very strongly in solving matters of home which would bring great harmony back in your family life. Strengthening of love among your family members is seen in this transit and it would also bring back the healthy positive vibes in your surroundings.

This transit also needs you to give your health topmost priority. Again, the priority doesn’t mean that one is going to face health issues, rather it will be your desire to live more optimally. Another very subtle point here is that with decreasing grip of Saturn, your health would stabilize majorly and all you need to do now is to remember why things went wrong, i.e keep the lessons of past well intact with you. You are seen maintaining a routine, doing yoga, aerobics, meditation or whatever gives you that lively feeling, for maintaining your health up to the mark. Your health, both at physical and emotional level would gradually become robust as you progress in this transit.

Now the most critical factor, about the timing of this transit for you. Combination of Sadesaati (though in very last phase) and twelfth house transit of Jupiter can scare when one tends to think transit of planets as rigid phenomena, but actually its very dynamic one. It’s not the weak transit for you, rather Saturn-Jupiter dual transit will impart good results slowly to you and also demanding you to remember every lesson that you have learnt in last many years. In fact, for Spiritual aspirants, this is mind blowing year as such year arrives in decades. This year has the capacity to fulfil the greatest desire in Spiritual/religious matters. If you truly desire and make efforts, then your connection with the Divine will be almost instant. It’s the year to witness miracles in inner world and take a giant leap in process of evolution. It’s the year where manifest and un-manifest will walk hand in hand. You become silent and grander picture starts to emerge, your inner mind will be able to link series of events which occurred in past, which means upcoming opportunities in various aspects will make you realize what have you gained in past and for what exact purposes hardships were given to you. For those who have become steadfast in approach, stable in outlook and naturally patient will find this transit smooth and rewarding and Jupiter enriching their life inside out in positive way.

Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Virgo sign on 11-12th August 2016 and will remain in it till 11th September 2017.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Scorpio sign

This is the change you have been asking, dreaming and praying for. This is the transit which is going to give you great support. You people are undergoing through tremendously challenging times owing to Saturn’s Sadesaati and this current transit of Jupiter comes as an immensely powerful shield for you. It’s time to dream again. Jupiter transit to Virgo for Scorpio people is starting of an era, beginning of new phase of life. Jupiter moves to your eleventh house from Moon sign which is known for all goodies, for growth, for increase in wealth and for moving ahead. It’s going to be extremely pleasing to read in-depth about the impact areas brought by pious and benevolent Guru. Hold your breath, excitement is ready to usher in, from all corners.

Changes appear at so many levels and to begin with, work life is the foremost area which is sure to get enlightened. For many of you, it’s a fresh phase which will bring change in work or even work line itself. This is phase for elevation so changes appearing in context of your work would be in expansive sense. More responsibilities with greater authority are clearly seen. For the ones who will continue to work at same place, this transit will bring major support from people around and rise in profile and image is seen which will get converted to many aspects in subtle way. This is brilliant phase to get started with your own work as well. You people have been put on hold by Lord Saturn for too long now and movement of Jupiter is like a green signal from the Universe for your journey back on track. It’s a life force infusing transit for you. Your work life will be infused with life, with freshness and new zest will drive you. It’s time to take your career or business to next level. For getting new opportunities in your career, time between September 2016 to January 2017 is best and post this timeline you would be needed to prove your worth and immense dedication would be required to sustain your position. So don’t get too overwhelmed, your skills, patience and position would all be tested after initial rewards.

Financially this is a fantastic phase, but coupled with responsibilities. You see major transformation in your life. This transit will activate better times and your wealth is now all set to grow gradually. You get your stuck money back, new avenues open up gradually which gives you chance to earn. For many of you Jupiter’s blessings will result in juggling between more than one sources of earning. New jobs, or rise at work will definitely result in increased monetary gains. The period of lack and stagnation in context of your assets and money matters now ends. Its important to keep in mind that you should be ready first inside your mind to receive the blessings, i.e you need to leave behind your inertia which you have accumulated owing to test from Sadesaati. Open up and believe. This is important to capitalize the opportunities, else if you allow yourself to be governed by your experiences of past, you would miss it. It’s a phase of ask, believe and receive. Increased wealth and feeling of abundance is the essence of this transit for you. You also need to understand that you cannot remain casual still and time post February you would need you to guard what you have earned and take decisions with immense caution. In rough sense, dividing this transit period into two halves, second half (post Feb 2017) would become stern and would test your values, relations, worth.

Networking is all set to grow as well and this is a phase to come out of your prolonged isolation and self-dejection. Joining new groups, going to new places, meeting variety of people, increased communication around and dynamism in thought process are part of this grace. Your inhibitions will break away rapidly and this will pave a way to new relationships to develop. This is also the time for love to blossom and many new intense relationships will take birth now. Not just for fun and frolic, Jupiter is now in mood to give you long term relationships which can go a long way and marriage is very strongly foreseen for the ones eligible for it. Even this transit is very good for family planning. The second half however can be intensely testing and you can see many old bonds getting broken and personal, social and professional relations all can get thoroughly transformed. Whatever changes appearing right now in your life are of long term nature. Be prepared to see real (or even ugly) faces of people and this transit needs you to remain aware of hidden intention of people while they connect with you.

The best of blessings of Jupiter will manifest in your ability to learn and assimilate. There would be tremendous rise in your creative skills. Good time to formally pursue education, add some new skills, get some certifications, learn music, dance or whatever your heart aspires, the essence here is increase in your overall skill set. Though changes which this transit promises will come very slowly, also testing you on parallel, they are sure to enlighten you in longer run. Diligence is the mother of good luck said the Benjamin Franklin and it’s time for your diligence to pay you back. Rise now.

 Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Virgo sign on 11-12th August 2016 and will remain in it till 11th September 2017.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Sagittarius sign

Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act. Action will delineate and define you said the Thomas Jefferson. Mighty Jupiter bring such challenging yet rewarding times for you. Sagittarius people are undergoing through extremely testing times owing to grand period of Sadesaati. With the movement of Jupiter into Virgo, pious and great benefic Guru enters your house of Karma, initiating a new phase where ideas take shape and things come to visible form, but asking your immense patience and testing your values intensely. Impact of this transit is huge for you and changes appearing now will reform your life in longer run.

Perhaps most important change will be seen in the area of work, as Jupiter itself will be transiting your career house. The manifestation can literally be many depending upon individual time period patterns. Talking in generic sense, this is the time when one gives sincere thought career aspects. How and where one works gains the limelight. You will either think of changing your job as this transit generally brings stagnancy in present profile and one start to look for better opportunities. Else you can expect a considerable change in your present workplace only with either change in profile or else change in the way of your working. Atmosphere at workplace is bound to change now. Here most important aspect should be remembered; Jupiter blesses in disguise here, so effects will not be visible right away, rather you need to garner the belief that everything happening around you has a precise meaning and would ultimately work in your favor. Wherever you stand right now, you have to make a move now. Move or indications of movement will first appear inside your mind, deep within boundaries of your mind and heart you would feel some whispers and its gradual manifestation will be different according to where you are standing as of now. More detail elaboration is needed with respect to time period pattern of this transit.

This transit doesn’t imply swift change or rise in work but actually shows situation of pressure and/or events which can force/inspire you to leave job or perform your duties with some resistance. Initial months of this transit till Feb 2017 can be relatively fine, but time between Feb to June 2017 can be quite intense and shows strong changes/restructuring in work life and reason can be your family life, desire to move on, stagnation in current place or alike. This transit also favors relocation which though can seem pretty upsetting initially. Some family matters too need attention now and disturbed equation with family members will need to be dealt in mature manner.

Another area where this transit will make a pleasant presence felt is your finances. Yes, its time for your wealth to grow. You preserve, you invest, you feel the growing abundance in your life, gradually. You also begin to link your self-image to your work. This transit will impact your self-esteem and it’s time for typical healthy and optimistic Jupitarian influence to affect your subconscious mind. It’s time to re-build confidence in your abilities. Jupiter offers you a hand to make you stand once again firmly, all you need to do is work on those small voices coming from inside. You will get strong intuitive insights about how you can alter your life and here lies the essence of this transit for you ; Your real change will come through working diligently on the ‘right’ things, that you feel within your heart. Though one of the most critical thing is timing here. Changes that Jupiter promises here would take time to appear in full blown form, so you really need to be patient enough to understand the gestation period of Jupiter. Time between September 2016 to Jan 2017 is pretty good for focusing on your finances, investing and planning your financial portfolio. For many of you, addition of new assets is also possible like land, property, a vehicle or some desired object/s. Many of you can also take up renovation of your house in addition to buying/selling land and property.

Essence of this transit should be well understood. Jupiter transit for you now is like time to act and take decisions pertaining to important pillars of your life like career, finances and family. You can choose to stay on, quit, start afresh or whatever looks in sync with your inner desire, but you have to take a stand now and simply cannot avoid your inner voice turning into pressure situation in concrete form. Whether you are able to understand the bigger picture or not, decisions taken or changes happening now will pave the way for future in brighter way. You might not see hope or way right away but still you need to go by your inner convictions alone. Jupiter moving into your house of Karma is like invisible support from Almighty. As time progresses you would be able to precisely recognize the grace that dawned upon you. So have faith and allow the change with grace.

Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Virgo sign on 11-12th August 2016 and will remain in it till 11th September 2017.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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Jupiter transit in Virgo (2016 -2017 ) : Impact on Capricorn sign

The price of greatness is responsibility said the Winston Churchill. Time for strong protective blessings to enter your lives, and with blessings, comes the need to be responsible and live up to the expectation. Jupiter moves to your ninth house giving you new level of hope. Yes, this transit brings you hope, it brings your command back. Impact areas are many and are pleasant to discover. Jupiter is here to hold you, irrespective of the degree of your gloom and bewilderment that you have in your heart, pious Guru is here to infuse great life force inside you.

Jupiter transit in Virgo (2016 -2017 ) : Impact on Aquarius sign

Jupiter moving to Virgo for you Aquarians is going to bring times for silent transformation, Changes now go into invisible mode and most of the impact areas will be felt rather than seen, at least in the beginning. Jupiter for you people is going to move to eighth house from Moon, activating the enigma house for you. Impact areas are many, and quality of changes happening would be sharp and defining, the only relative thing here is time, time to actually realize and see these changes appearing in concrete world.

The most significant change that will occur will be in your attitude. Your attitude towards everything. This is the time to be a silent witness, to see things impartially so that their true face can be recognized. You introspect where you are, you evaluate yourself first, and all this trend would not be under any pressure or due to some external influence, rather you would be driven by your convictions. You become open in accepting changes, in changing yourself, in admitting your mistakes and moving ahead. Not just inner voice, you will also receive many priceless suggestions from people around. On the surface your life might not appear to change a lot, but beneath, it’s a silent transformation going on. One of the most critical point that needs to be comprehended is that neither this transit is box of chocolates for you, nor it is signal of gloom, rather it’s an open ended pattern where what you actually receive depends entirely on how you perceive things, your attitude is the key here.

Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Pisces sign

You are back. This is the transit for you, something which you wanted so badly since so long is finally here. Jupiter transit to Virgo for you Pisces people is the phenomena which will bring huge relief for you, this is the movement clearing the way for hope to sprout again and symbolizes great resurgence of your Spirits. You people have seen tremendous restructuring/suppression in many areas till now and what you need at the moment is stabilization in those areas. This is exactly what this transit will bring to you. Jupiter transit for you means entry of pious Guru into seventh house from your Moon sign which is auspicious from all the angles, so smile and get ready for the celebrations, make space for fresh winds to enter in your life.

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

  Aries Time to get to work without excuses. Phase of relaxation, ease is now closing and this week brings patterns for sharp rise in wo...