Venus in 7th house

Travelling through the houses Venus reaches the seventh sector ,the area of public image ,the house where one invariably interacts with others, where one sees the contrast and have to learn how to deal with others. Being the angular one ,i.e Kendra ,the seventh house is important and powerful too. Venus here can become very prominent feature of the chart, and depending on its strength it can literally dominate the personality.
Venus here gives very pleasing personality, until other planets interfere. The individuals who have this placement will be charming in their looks as well as in their behavior .These people some amount of X factor as it is commonly known ,something very enigmatic in them, which attracts people. Their personalities are soothing and generally  they are very tender ones. Huge social circle can be expected in their lives ,as they like to connect to people well. 

Venus in 6th house

The Goddess of love goes to the sixth house, the house where Self motive takes the back seat. How does Venus feel being there in this house? It depends how well it is placed. The sixth house stands for the selfless actions that we perform with a  sense of duty. This house has higher meanings too, apart from just being labeled as house of sickness. In fact every house in chart of an individual has something important to say and to divide some houses as ‘bad’ and good would mean seeing things in black and white ,which we know life is certainly not. Venus is a planet which when strong, irrespective of its placement will give material pleasure and affluent lifestyle, however the house in which it is placed tell us how one would express his desires ,in which directions and what are one’s expectations in terms of love. Let see in details what this Venus indicates, being in the house of service.

Venus in 5th house

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion, it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things said the T. S. Eliot. 

Yes Venus in fifth house gives this capacity to come out of grips of ‘personality’ and take deep dive in a world which is loosely controlled by socially imposed behavior. This is a house of paramount importance in the chart as it shows one’s psyche and how and where joy will be derived. It also shows how one expresses  desire and more importantly in which areas. Venus being in fifth house, its logical to guess how psyche will be molded, or rather refined.

Venus in 4th house

Every planet has its own characteristic qualities ,like Mercury likes to play, Saturn likes to learn and assimilate, Jupiter wants to expand and grow etc. Now out of twelve houses there are some houses suited so well for particular planets .As we know like planets each house also have its own characteristics, which matches with certain planets so well. In this context Venus loves to be in the house which is our topic right now. Venus in fourth house is deemed to be very strong ,and indeed Goddess of comforts love being in the place which itself signifies the pleasure and deep seat of Joy within the individual. When strong and well placed ,this placement can become one of the strongest part of the chart, whose impact is seen in the way one develops various taste, feel and behave .Fourth house is special being the Kendra ,i.e it is one of the important pillars of chart, being the angular house ,so significance of such a benefic planet placed here increases more. Let’s have a look how this Venus shapes up the personality when it gets the fourth house placement at the birth time of an individual.

Venus in 3rd house

Beauty of Venus is that if it has got sufficient amount of strength in chart then where it is located doesn’t matter too much ,it has power to do good in almost all houses and according to the house it gets, its results get modified ,rather it get influenced through tendencies of a particular house .Third house as we know is the house for our immediate surroundings and relates to out talents ,out initiatives for bringing out them and about our relations with people whom we meet in our endeavors. The people whom we engage on very first level in our surroundings are our siblings, which is important aspect of this house. Venus when placed in third  house of a chart can be an asset to the chart. Before we jump on to manifestation of Venus in this house, its better to pause and think ,what does actually Venus means? What are its natural impulses? Venus, since ages and across the world in various mythologies has been intimately connected with all things which relates to beautification. On outer level it may manifest in desire to look good, eat good ,dress good, and good has its own definition according to the society we live in, in addition to personal beliefs formed through distinct styles of upbringing. In more deeper sense, internally this Venus is desire to feel and experience the world in most artistic and articulative way. Venus is an urge to go through life experiences all riches, and getting as expressive and classy as you can .Its like taking the most beautiful route for your destination. Venus signifies a store house of talents too, which actually flourish so well in expressive houses .Coming back to our main subject, now lets see what are the generic results of Venus in third house.

Venus in 2nd house

The second house, traditionally has been associated with wealth and in fact it is the most important aspect of this house .To be born under Venus placed in second house is indeed a blessed configuration .Its easy and quite obvious to comprehend that when place associated with wealth ,virtues and our belongings gets a healthy Venus, it is bound to rejoice. Lets explore some of the most important aspects of this placement, both materially and its deeper significance.

Venus in 1st house

The Goddess of Love, beauty, sex, luxury and all finer aspects of life arrives. Venus the much praised planet, the great benefic as it is called in Vedic astrology signifies love primarily .The ability to give and receive love is well indicated by state of this planet in chart. Traditionally astrologers around the world know the importance of Venus in giving well settled life. In the age where instant fulfillment of desire is pursued and has become socially accepted norm, the role of Venus is of paramount importance .Lets start the journey and see what it indicates when one is born with Venus in first house.

Mars in 12th house

Like in other cases ,placement of Mars should also be analyzed with taking overall picture of the chart in consideration. When such position are analyzed in isolation, result is often a feeling of gloom, which totally deviate from true motive of Jyotisha. What’s actually the true motive of this ancient system of knowledge ,Jyotisha ? We can understand it well from 12th house placed Mars.

Mars in 11th house

Mars in eleventh house , the placement which have the potential to give sky heights to individual, and wait for it ,even make you dwell in deep bondages and world of illusions . This house is related to our deep desires ,our future hopes and also relates to all people whom we meet in our journey who help us in some way to achieve our own aspirations . That’s how concept of friends and social circle gets deeply connected to this house. To desire, Mars is the best fuel .The inherent quality of Mars is to ignite. What kind of desire will be actually ignited will have to be ascertained by judging all factors in accumulation .Talking in generic sense, which of course is our purpose here ,Mars situated in 11th house is one of the strongest factor in chart and depending on its state, direction of manifestation can vary. Whatever be the direction, Mars placed in eleventh house promises to give results with huge impact.

Mars in 10th house

Mars reaches the place where it gets freedom to unleash its full potential that too in most enthralling way .In classics the placement of Mars in 10th house has been praised highly , and in fact this can turn out to be one of the finest aspect of one’s chart .Its easy to understand why Mars who is regarded as ‘malefic’ i.e a cruel planet in Vedic astrology is considered well suited in 10th house. Tenth house covers the area of your action, how you are perceived by masses ,on the basis of identity formed through your deeds .Loosely translated this is a house of Karma, which deals with both, how one might act and how outcome of his acts are visible in his social image. Mars on other hand is Universal spark ,the dynamo which inspire to translate our thoughts into action, who loves to conquer .Its like calling a dynamic, enthusiastic and aspiring person and giving him charge to lead a gathering, how well this is achieved will depend on overall fabric of chart though ,but the spark, vigor and explosive energy of Mars in 10th house is sure to leave strong imprints in molding overall personality of an individual. Lets dive in deep to explore more on this placement.

Mars in 9th house

Crossing its journey from the houses where its lower qualities might get prominent ,Mars now comes to the place where it can unleash its full potential, that too in most constructive manner .Mars in ninth house is quite an ideal placement when we talk about channelization of energy in an individual .Such individuals are focused and rarely waste their energies .In very generic sense ,they know what they want to achieve in life and if state of Mars is healthy, i.e in Mars is placed in a sign where it find itself comfortable then much heights can be attained .Lets look in more details what mind set is given by this Mars and how individual’s psyche is evolved under its influence.

Mars in 8th house

Mars in the most intriguing house of the chart, we will often see a feeling of fear and rejection as
traditionally this position has been much criticized. Every placement has got its pros and cons and in context of Mars in 8th house, its good to begin by stating that its not a bad placement, rather it is a sensitive position which should be carefully analyzed and final words should be uttered only after getting a feel of overall fabric of the chart. Still lets see the most generic and probable tendencies due to this placement of Mars.

Treasure of Appreciation

Thank you for your appreciation bestowed on me :) .  I treasure each and every heartfelt word I receive.
Indeed Appreciation is biggest gift one gives and receives. It brings on amplitude of energy, an awesome feeling :)
I would share a few stances here which brought a smile on my face  :)
  •   I read about my zodiac and realized that whatever I was thinking or was happening with me in the last week (which you may say is the past) has created the prediction (which you may again say is the present). In other words, law of attraction is so true to my knowledge that I feel that I have created my present and now I must take action on the same to create my future (which will become my present tomorrow)

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

  Aries Time to get to work without excuses. Phase of relaxation, ease is now closing and this week brings patterns for sharp rise in wo...