Living with the Saturn : Practical Remedies for planet Saturn

Saturn is known to give most challenging times and its transit(or dasa) is most feared. Amid mess and hopelessness one try to find remedial measure, any method which will please this planet and will take away all the pain. Saturn wants a fundamental change and working on outer level, through exoteric rituals alone won’t work. Remedies do have some effect, but when it comes to Sadesaati, Dhayya , etc.,Saturn needs change in inner most level and expecting relief solely through lightening Deepak under a tree or pouring mustard oil on Saturn’s idol are bound to disappoint .Lets have a look at some fundamental areas where one should work diligently to gain true Grace of Mighty Saturn.

1.Discipline is the key word for Saturn. This is the starting point, the main message in broader sense. Accept the fact that until and unless you bring discipline in your life, things won’t change for better.However long you resist organisation in and around you, Saturn will continue to haunt through in-numerous means .So accept and acknowledge the very first and main lesson which Saturn wants to instill in you.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Pisces Moon sign

Saturn transit bring relief to you with its movement out of your difficult sector .Previous stay of Saturn gave you opportunity to learn in many areas and as per the true nature of Saturn,many of your lessons might have come in difficult way .Now Saturn comes to your ninth house from Moon activating new phase in your life.Impact areas are many and this movement of mighty planet is more on positive side and will allow relatively free flow of growth. Let’s have a look what this transit has stored for you, going from the most subtle to concrete manifestation.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Aquarius Moon sign

Saturn transit for you bring gradual change and shift in your focus areas. Saturn now moves to your tenth house from Moon, which now is grand scheme to bring your work, career to limelight. Saturn will now exercise great level of control over you as many important areas will come under its scanner.Impact areas are many and almost all of them are critical part of your life .Lets have a look how Saturn movement to Scorpio is going to affect you.

The first and foremost impact will be seen in your work and at workplace. How your individual time periods are aligned will determine exact nature of effect but talking in generic sense your work life will come under limelight now .Many of you who were thinking to change the job for better ,this is the perfect time.Time till August 2015 is perfect to make a big jump in search of better prospects. Those who decide to stay in their present job, they will have to take up additional responsibilities, which can also mean a rise in your current role .For some of you this movement of Saturn will activate process of inquiry within and it can also give you possible shift in your work line itself. For those who are seriously pondering over making a big jump in their careers,2015 is the year to go for it.In context of work ,there can be possible change in location too and coming out of your comfort zone will become necessity now. One of the important feature of this transit should be given attention,its Saturn’s desire to have a relook at the way you work, your approach .If individual time period pattern is not supportive for career jump then a period of stagnation, where you will need to work extremely hard ,might come forcing you to restructure your approach.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Capricorn Moon sign

Saturn is infamous for being great malefic, for giving pain and harsh times. But there are times when Saturn blesses too, and when this Mighty force blesses, expect the experience of real freedom joy and sky is literally not the limit to describe it. Capricorns have reached that stage where they are ready to receive blessings from Saturn. Out of all zodiac signs, Saturn transit for you is the best. It’s actually the best times one can ask from Saturn and it can grant with its all might. It’s time to sing in joy, dance in freedom and move ahead in life like never before .Saturn’s blessings are rarest of rare and its now all open for you .Impact areas are many and contrary to image of Saturn, all manifestation are fantastically positive for you people. Let’s see what’s all stored for you.

Most amazing change will be seen in your career or business. For the ones in service, its time for rapid growth and promotion, assumption of bigger and brighter role is now seen. Your authority at workplace will increase and you will receive respect and your opinion will now be counted as very crucial. Your career is now ready to shine and you could literally outshine the best ones and be the winner in all areas. Your working capacity increases and you would be able to work long hours without any complain, in fact you would love it. Your productivity also increases and you are sure to capture the attention of many around you. Your work will now be recognized and time till August 2015 is specially very good for getting awards and visible appreciations.For business persons it’s time to expand and launch new products/projects, build and grow your network and go beyond your own expectations.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Sagittarius Moon sign

Saturn transit for Sagittarius people brings change and time full of opportunities for self-growth .Saturn now enters sign previous to your Moon sign and thus your Sadesaati has started. But before you instill fear and any assumption in your mind takes birth,it should be made clear that its not a period of doom and gloom, rather it’s a period which requires cleansing of your psyche and it will restructure your life for the best. Impact areas for Sagittarius people are many and lets being from inside to outside manifestation.

You could feel increased sense of responsibility in your life ,in your work, in your personal relationships, at home and with your finances. The main aspect here is increased sense of awareness that sincerity is important and you need to deal with utmost practicality as realm of dreams and plans in air is over now. You would feel the need to act with sensibility and if your life is in mess right now, then you can feel the panic. There could be pressure from various means to organize yourself .First important manifestation is issues with health, which often comes in this period and old and neglected health problems can now become bigger and will cry for your immediate attention .Its highly advisable not to postpone them, rather you should take your health on top most priority now and should build a very disciplined diet and routine for yourself .Secondly your mind can get little blurred now and you might find it difficult to draw a line between what is necessary and what is not. Your travels can increase now out of sudden with many planned and unplanned trips coming up.Time till August 2015 is very good for travelling worldwide as there could be many opportunities to travel foreign lands.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Scorpio Moon sign

We often see and hear inspirational stories about many great and renowned celebrities.We get goose bumps listening to their tale ,we derive motivation from them. This is your time to make your story, this is your time to stand up to the challenge and show the strength of your character. Saturn transit for you brings your Sadesaati to the peak. Saturn now enters your Moon sign and with this you enter in a phase which is most feared and is literally damned. But before you make any fatal impressions it will be good to be reminded that promotion in work, considerable financial success and awards at workplace are also seen in this phase, and it’s not just a phase to mourn and condemn ,rather it’s the time to witness the biggest revolution that can happen in one’s life. Now we can get into details with your open and receptive mind.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Libra Moon sign

Saturn transit for Libra Moon sign people bring great relief as their Sadesaati  now enters into third and last phase ,which is less tormenting as compared to initial years. Saturn now goes way from your Moon sign ,and results would shows as less burden inside you .There will  feeling of lightness and though your troubles and challenges cannot be said to end completely, this transit is sure to mark a new era in your life. Impact areas are many and Saturn brings you relief along with caution .Open minded approach should be taken for the signs where Saturn is making direct impact, hence its required for you guys to be highly open minded and receptive to fully understand and appreciate message of Saturn. Saturn doesn’t want to give you mindless pain, all it wants is your attention.

Saturn moving out of your Moon sign will first get reflected in your health. Your health is bound to bounce back now and those of you who are on medication, medicines will start to affect more now. Now any effort given towards betterment of health would give you results, unlike before where efforts were going in vain .Greatest influence of this transit is perhaps felt on inner mind, how one feels .Your Sadesaati now getting into last phase marks the rewinding phase, where you journey for revival will begin ,though gradually .You would start to gain some form of mental balance and relief in your heart will translate into better peace and harmony at home as compared to earlier times. The heaviness in heart and dullness in mind will ease out and you will find inspiration to move on. Next impact is most important as it relates to your work and finances.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Virgo Moon sign

Dance, sing and celebrate. Virgo Moon sign people now witness historic times, this transit will bring end to their Sadesaati, the seven and half years crucial test of Saturn will now end completely .This transit is actually memorable and most pleasing thing that could happen with you in terms of planetary moment .Out of all zodiac signs, Virgo sign is going to be blessed in most affluent manner. Saturn is now ready to bless you with all of its might. Though impact areas are many ,but essence of this transit can actually be summarised in very simple way, it’s like a bird being freed from the cage, it’s like breaking away of various sorts of chains and bondages. Transit of Saturn for Virgo individuals simply means freedom and joy.

The most important impact will be seen in all pending matters .All the pending issues in your life, be it in any area, will now be ready to sorted out and in most of the cases result should be very satisfactory. Career matters will now look up, stagnation in job and business will say good bye and its time for rapid growth. Those waiting for new job should pull their sleeves and bring back their sprits as their Sunrise has arrived. For the ones aspiring to grow in their current roles can surely expect promotion and rise along with substantial financial growth too. For the ones in business it’s the time to grow their network and 2015 is especially extremely auspicious for taking the steps.Your people management skills will see a brilliant and positive turn and a certain charm will envelop you.

Saturn transit to Scorpio 2014 - Impact on Leo Moon sign

The times of great reshuffling and restructuring are here for Leo people, Saturn arrives in your fourth house from the Moon, activating the great churning within and around you. Impact areas are numerous and this is one of the place where transit is much misunderstood and simply feared on the face, so to comprehend it better and completely we have to increase the limits of our mind. Let’s explore the manifestation of this transit, from gross outer world to the deep within the psyche of Leo Moon sign individuals.

On outer levels in visible world there are many new things and events that are now ready to unfold themselves. This is the best time to invest in lands and properties, specifically till the august 2015.Depending on your current state, you could get property in inheritance, or you can take decision to build house of your own, or simply buy or invest in it. This is also the time to get a new vehicle in your family and next year is best time for it.This is the time to break the inertia and allow change in your life, so a change in current place of residence is very much possible and relocation to different city or different country too is foreseen.Not just change in location ,this is very ideal time for traveling around the world as Saturn here likes to throw one completely outside the comfort zone and exposing one to different culture and people is one of the typical trait of Saturn.

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