Celestial Waiting Drama : Combinations for Delay in Marriage Part 2

Let’s look out for some more indications in chart which can mean delay or late marriage .These all factors stands the test of time and will show their strong presence ,until and unless really counterbalancing factors are present too, which we will discuss in the later part of the article .So let’s jump into the action.
 Retrograde planets play important role in chart. Now there are two things, first is seventh house and second its lord .In case of retrograde planets it matters less where they sit, what matters more is which house they own .So for example if sign Capricorn falls in seventh house and its lord Saturn becomes retrograde and it becomes capable of delaying marriage irrespective where it is placed in chart .So in in very general terms seventh lord if retrograde can probably signify a period of intense waiting before things get settled in personal life.

Questionaire - August 2013

Hi Vaibhav
I trust that you are well .
I had something pop into my head just now and you are the best person I know who would understand more about this,
What I was thinking is what are the possibilities of us being able to rule our planets? As opposed to our planets ruling us!
Maybe some of us are already doing this, which is why some people are more happy and lucky in life? With good guidance, could everyone be taught how to rule their planet?
Also, if this can be done, what impact would this have on the entire universe and our future?

Mercury in 7th House

To effectively understand planetary influences in any house, we should at least grasp the basic characteristics of that house .The descendent as it is called, being opposite to ascendant ,the seventh house traditionally stands for marriage .But it  feels very meager to get satisfied with such scarcity of description of any house, of course there has to be many sides to it, with more subtle meaning hiding in seemingly simple verses .Also this house has been associated with partnership or business .Now can we sense any inherent similarly between these two aspects? Obviously there has to be more than superficial words, which will enable one to successfully comprehend the meaning of this house , paving a clear way to further understand how planets and signs modify its basic quality.

Celestial Waiting Drama : Combinations for Delay in Marriage Part 1

There is a well known dicta tum in the world of astrology which says that chart should be interpreted keeping society and time in mind ,indeed this holds very true, especially in the context of personal relationships. The term late is very relative and obviously wont invoke same responses in all. Tradition prevalent in country, outlook towards relationships in general in society, upbringing and immediate environment surrounding one will shape up the way one will perceive the idea of marriage in general as well its interrelated intrigues.

Mercury in 6th House

The sixth house in a chart represents the area where we need to focus on our own efforts without paying much attention to results it will bear. Thats why this house is traditionally called as house of Service. Now what exactly service means? Though the beauty is that there can be multiple interpretations of one term, here digging deep within ourselves and bringing forth our deeply buried qualities of working selflessly or working with motto of achieving just more than personal gains will truly present this house. Now its interesting at this point to discuss some of the attributes of Mercury which  will help us to get a clear picture of how its placement here manifest and why in classical texts sixth house is said to be primarily Mercury’s favorite one.

Mercury in 5th House

The house of creativity and pleasure as it is often called in traditional ways, fifth house in subtle forms presents the ways in which joy will be perceived by an individual .The idea of fun varies among us and how and where one’s mind will bent can be seen from placement of planets and signs in this house. Mercury when placed here will give its traits to individual and accordingly psyche will be molded in a way that idea of pleasure will be derived from all the activities that pleases this planet or which come under its domain. Obviously alteration effect of other factors will play its own role separately, if any.

Mercury in 4th House

Mercury in fourth house can be a boon to a chart provided its strong .When we say Mercury should be strong it means that it should either be in its own sign or in signs of its friends Venus and Saturn. So in Gemini and Virgo it gets strong ,and in-fact in Virgo it gains maximum strength .In Taurus ,Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius too it will be pretty strong. Any conjunction of Jupiter, Venus or any functional benefic of the chart with this Mercury add to its strength .Mercury when strongly placed in fourth house will give an inbuilt desire to learn and grow in life. Such persons often have profound foundations for pursuing education in its most prestigious forms ,and for them indeed education matters a lot as they define person on the basis of their formal degrees and ability to indulge in intellectual conversations arising from facts and statistics gathered. Their childhood is often peaceful and often they seem to be too naïve on their face, but inside they are quite dynamic beings, especially in the thought domains.

Wandering Souls

Vacation - Leisure time we spend with family, away from all disruptions of our daily routine.Wandering in and outside country to see contrast, feel different, and rejuvenate ourselves.

I intend to start a new series called “Wandering Souls” To share my experience and insights from my rendezvous.Some places bring you closer to your roots ,tradition, culture and some help us discover ourselves.
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Photo Credit : Images from Pixabay.

Mercury in 3rd House

Each house in horoscope basically represents an important aspect of human life, and twelve house completely cover all possible departments in relation to human existence. The nine planets (Vedic astrology do not consider effect of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and other recently discovered planets) also signify some aspect of our life in most unique way .For example if we take Moon ,then talking on very primary level ,it signifies emotions in an individual and one’s mind set towards events ,and fourth house in chart signifies deep depths of one’s subconscious and define boundaries about one’s ability to receive and comprehend normal as well as subtle thoughts and emotions .So for Moon it will be very comfortable to be placed in fourth house as this house will help Moon to flourish its characteristics in most comprehensive manner.

Mercury in 2nd House

Mercury is quite well placed in second house, as Messenger of Gods, Mercury have a basic instinct to exchange thoughts and being placed in second house make it vibrate in most beautiful way .Here Mercury can express itself fully, provided its strong and not affected by other difficult planets .Whenever Mercury is strong in chart it gives its trait to individual and in this house this tendency becomes even more strong. Persons with Mercury in second house will be extremely curious to learn .Their childhood is often symbolized by exploring many fields either through reading books or by giving serious attention to what goes around them. These people are great analyzers of any situation and comes up with genuine and impartial view of any event .Mercury here gives the ability to sense things and these people generally have tremendous comprehension powers, which often comes from their own learning.

Mercury in 1st House

Mercury in first house is quite an ideal placement for this planet. People having such placement of Mercury are endowed with many qualities that are much sought after. Mercury by its very nature is youthful, active in thought domain, interested in intellectual debates and loves to gather knowledge on many subject. For Mercury depth of knowledge never matters, rather it is very much interested in expanding its reach.Mercury in first house makes one very cheerful personality ,until other factors alter this behavior .

Facts, Myths and Belief : Number 108

Importance of 108 in Spiritual traditions of the world

Majority of religions, faiths and sect in our society follow certain norms when it comes to either worshiping the Almighty, deity and have carved out definitive principles and procedures for the same. Final aim might differ but basic principles remains same .One of such practice which is in continuation and supported by many religions around the world is of Japa, i.e Mantra recitation ,and intimately connected with this is a Japa Mala ,a set of beads .The number of beads are generally 108.

Moon in 12th House

Moon placed in twelfth house is an extremely sensitive placement and will need cautious study .We should always see this placement in context of Moon’s relationship ,if any, with other planets in the birth chart.

Moon in 11th House

Moon in eleventh house makes one extremely sought after personality .People with Moon in their eleventh house will take lot of interest in public gatherings ,and are often known as party animals in modern sense .This position of Moon is very favorable from the view point of amassing great wealth, but when Moon is in strength then real concern for a individual lies in building his social image and to secure his uniqueness among the people he knows. A man in known by the company he keeps applies to the core to such individuals as they seek to find themselves in mirror of social relationships.

Moon in 10th House

As stressed previously too ,wherever Moon is placed ,it looks out for greater emotional security through traits signified by that house. Tenth house is the place of Karma, public image and shows the individual’s tendency or rather his approach towards any task in general .Moon placed here can be a boon if it gains power .It is important to note the ways in which this planet can gain strength. Though parameters can be many ,the two factors which should be invariably seen are : the day in lunar cycle i.e tithi along with the fact whether it is waxing or waning .Increasing Moon is considered auspicious and its logical to guess that it will be strongest on full Moon day .Aspect of Jupiter is yet another powerful factor which have the power to constructively alter the way in which Moon can work in a chart, unless Jupiter becomes functional malefic for a chart. Even Jupiter becomes malefic, its aspect remains positive and quite channelizing to a major extent.

Moon in 9th House

Ninth house is one of the most fundamental sectors in heaven which provides the impulse to learn ,discover and gain power in intellectual as well in visible social domains .Sun and Moon are two kingly planets in our solar system .The inner meaning of kingly is actually is their constant thirst to gain power by discovering Self either through indulging in studying variety of subjects ,cultures of world ,human psychology and in some cases religious and Spiritual realms too or by establishment of authority through force ,dictatorship and imposing personal philosophies and ideologies .The attention remain much on gaining well recognized status and authority.

Moon in 8th House

It spread instant fear in the mind of traditional astrologers upon seeing the eight house Moon .Since ages various sorts of problems and phobias are attached with eight Moon .One need to see chart in wholesome aspect to reach on any conclusion and instant fear about it should be avoided altogether .State of Moon in a chart shows environment at home in childhood and general attitude towards pain and pleasures in small and large events of life. Moon determines our outlook, the way we perceive things. Also health of Moon largely shows our own physical health and body’s capacity to bear stress ,especially in early stages of life.

Moon in 7th House

Seventh house Moon is quite ideal in many ways. This Moon will make one do extremely good in the areas where public interaction is involved .People having such placement generally have bright and very soothing public image and their company is much sought after. Emotionally these people are primarily dependant on their relationship with masses along with their personal relationships .For these people social reputation matters in real sense and they depend quite heavily on how they are perceived in society.

Moon in 6th House

Sixth house Moon becomes extremely sensitive and patterns are visible in physical as well as in mental domains. Though fluctuating moods and jumping on to different issues is inherent nature of Moon ,this pattern becomes more vehement in sixth house .Such persons become overly sensitive to slightest of pain and pleasure and exaggeration of facts becomes part of their nature .Their health is also a issue of concern as their immune system become quite prone.

Moon in 5th House

The planet Moon when placed in fifth house of a chart shows intense craving for love and emotional dependency and dependency. Such persons have immensely creative mind and if other similar and supporting features are present, then one is quite talented in areas of arts .When this Moon forms a relation with Saturn Mars or Rahu then studying on technical lines becomes the choice of native .Such combination especially favor education in chemical related fields .If in case there is no aspect of such planets or else aspect of creative planets like Venus/Mercury then one becomes thoroughly involved as adept in artistic fields .Such person excel in acting, dancing, have beautiful drawing skills and have immense interest in poetry too .Many authors and journalists will be born if Mighty Jupiter too aspect it.

Moon in 4th house

Moon in 4th house is makes chart quite strong in many aspects .The nature of this planet and the characteristics of this house vibrates so well together. Moon here makes one very much a family man and for such person emotional bonding and feelings hold prime importance in life which will weigh more when compared to any other thing .When Moon is placed in fourth house in strength then person has deep and memorable memories of childhood which will leave lasting impact on his subconscious mind . The childhood environment where one grows will be filled with much love and nourishment and these experiences generally get deeply engraved in psyche.Such persons like to remain connected to their roots though their place of residence might change quite often.

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

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