Year ahead 2015 : Taurus

Predictions are based on moon sign.
Expansion realms
This is the year of commotion, of breaking away of old patterns and for emergence of many new ones in various spheres of your life. On expansion front, this year is strong on promise and areas of impact seems to lie mostly on outer circumstances , on periphery .The broad classification of this year yields two zones, first till July 2015 and then onwards. The first half of this year strongly stands for complete reshuffle in your personal and professional relationships. There seems to be some strong churning going on for you people and you would see many new bonds emerging.Its time to work on your PR skills and grow your network like never before. The dull in your personal life can end with blossoming of long term relationship and this year is one the finest to get married or for serious long term bonding. This year is also very good for long term travel and in fact there could be both domestic and international travels and trips for you. First half of this year is particularly strong for bringing out your dynamism and re-energising all areas of your life with your desire and intent .Second half of this year seems to be relatively stable with your focus growing more towards settlement which can lead to big investments which you were holding on since long. New house, property, a big land deal is on its way .There could be many family celebrations and if there is any issue with family or internal conflict, that could see amicable resolution. New vehicle and objects of luxury and comfort will make place in your life, raising your living standard.There could also be increase in flow of money in yrou life and new ventures/sources can open up for you.Summarizing on positive note, this year can see you getting back to mainstream life in most passionate manner.

Year ahead 2015 : Aries

Predictions are based on Moon Sign.

Expansion realms

With abundant blessings from Jupiter and stern control of mighty Saturn, this is the year which have plenty of growth opportunities stored for you Arians. Broadly diving this year, there seems to be two phases of growth and areas of focus will change gradually. Let’s see what they are. Till July 2015,i.e mid-way of this year there will be opportunities to invest your hard earned money well. Many of you will see new property, new home, some big land deals and alike taking place. One of the most pleasant news can come with declaration of legacy under your name, i.e someone elder/authorative in your family can give you huge amount of money, lands, and assets or simply pass on some kind of legacy to you which will be of great use to you in long term. Second positive change can occur in your career where you can actually make a big switch and time in first half of this year is more than brilliant to change job, take up more responsibility and even start something brand new of your own. Perhaps the greatest gift that this year contains for you lies in its ability to renew your career prospects. Post July 2015, your focus would shift towards quality in your life.From where to what to how. Second half of this year can bring inner transformation in you with you working on your skills and many of you can actually enroll for formal education. Second half strongly favors pursuit of education or enhancing skills/talents in any way feasible for you, though effort required will be huge but amazing gains too are seen. To sum up your positive areas, it would be first change in your outer circumstances like where you live, where you keep your money and how much of it, where you work and what actually is your work. Second half of this year will bring more of qualitative changes that will be felt more, but will be of transformative in nature in long term.

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

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