Mars in 7th house

A young lad ,lost in his own world once decided to go for a journey. On his way to his destination he boarded a train, where he saw and met people from different cultures. Their physical appearances varied and as he settled down in his seat he noticed its more than looks which differed ,people around him were talking in language which was unknown to him, they were acting in a  way which was kind of new to him. As time progressed, the events happening around him began to irritate him and internally he began to repent why the hell I decided to go on this journey, it is the terrible mistake which I have made!.As his anger reached peak, he felt helpless and began to withdraw his attention towards whatever happening around him, still he didn’t felt better. 

Mars in sixth house

 Mars in 6th house is like a commander of an army, asked not to lead ,but to work among the common army men .The sixth house is the place where we need to work for the higher motive and individual aspirations do not work very well here. Mars here gives a killer attitude and such people are amazingly skilled and authorative in their work. Traditionally Mars is said to be extremely well placed in this house, and indeed it gives good results but we should always look for the sign in which it is placed for more accurate revelations.

Every planet has got its own way to express itself. Mars like to be expressed by giving outlet to energy through body, hence sports and athletic activity appeals to these people hugely .In fact if this Mars is pretty strong then choosing a career in army also becomes the possibility .Mars gives the courage to handle the tough situations and being in sixth house it actually becomes capable of directly dealing with the difficult circumstances . 

Learning to live with afflicted planets : A Holistic approach towards remedial measures -2

We have heard the messages from the Sun, Moon and Mars, which forms the triangle of Self, Will and Energy for its expression. Now lets explore more about the planets who exert influence over important spheres of our life. Lets have a look what subtle messages are emitted by planet of intellect Mercury ,the goddess of Love Venus and Spiritual Giants Jupiter and Saturn.

Listening to the message from Mercury:

1. When Mercury is weak of afflicted in chart then one should always weight pros and cons before speaking. Timing is also important. Giving attention to what& when you speak and taking responsibility of it will strengthen Mercury.

2.Develop a habit of learning something new every day, however small or insignificant it may seem, keep your learning graph going up.

3. One needs to organize the thought process, how? One should recognize the fact that there should be a limit till planning and thinking should go, after that implementation must follow. One should learn to think and plan within pre-defined time limits. Here the motive is not to win some race against the stop watch, but to consciously develop organized thinking that is capable of giving results.

Learning to live with afflicted planets: A Holistic approach towards remedial measures -1

 Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think said Martin Luther King, Jr. These words find relevance in context of human quest to look for readymade and some magical solutions to even most difficult problems in life. In context of astrological counseling, one often look for remedies to cure the bad planetary configuration or time period. Although there are genuine remedies present which do help to dilute the Karma to some extent and give us courage to face the troubling times, in contemporary times obstacles and distractions are many to sincerely pursue any of it.

First is the lack of time which we all complain about, second and more important is lack of desire to indulge in any kind of ritual which aim to cleanse our own illusions and third and perhaps most important is inability to understand the meaning of particular remedy, like Mantra or  Stotra and unconscious unwillingness to surrender to someone ‘sitting above and ruling us’. Even if one gathers all courage and faith to sincerely follow the prescribed remedies ,often messages from planets remain unheard .Lets have a look how one can give most genuine attention to weak or afflicted planets, which should be viewed as holistic approach towards remedial measures.

Timing of Marriage and Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology gives clear and strong clues about the probable timings of marriage as seen in one’s chart.There are multiple rules that can be stated and which can be tested with high degree of replication. Here in brief lets discuss the time tested principles whose replication rate is quite high in context of giving marriage.

1.First and foremost is the time period of planets related to 7th house or of a planet who is actually the 7th lord in lagna chart. Antardasha i.e sub period of such planet generally sees one getting married. These points needs further elaboration. Planet who is 7th lord is fine, but planets who aspect 7th house,or who are making relation with 7th lord(by either aspecting or by conjunction) are also fully capable of giving marriage in their dashas. Planets who are in nakshtras of 7th lord also become potentially good for such event.

Mars in 5th house

The house of our inner joy ,the house which tell us the avenues where we will find our minds hooked up, when occupied by Mars ,what are its manifestations? Lets see. Mars when placed in fifth house shows a personality whose thoughts and action shows disconnect at many levels. Such people show immense creativity irrespective of their age, but there is always a fine line between innocence and childishness. Degrees of planets occupying any house should be checked with respect to the degrees of ascendant. If Mars is deeply conjunct with fifth house ,then such personalities shows random thought patterns .Mars is all about energy related to actual manifestation and fifth house in its essence is of deep pondering, thought domain ,and we see immediate disconnect between these two aspects, which indeed can be seen in these people. This placement often gives love for sports and other athletic activities ,where you satisfy your inner instincts by giving outlet to tremendous energy lying inside .Whenever we are dealing with Mars, a comparison with Mercurian impact would clearly bring the true picture with the help of contrast.

Mars in 4th house

  Whenever we are dealing with planets such as Mars ,it becomes utmost important to judge the influence of signs in which it is placed(even Nakshatra and relationship with other planets assumes much importance in case of strong planets like Saturn and Mars, this can be compared to Jupiter who do not leave its benefic aspect altogether ,irrespective of sign in which it is placed). Mars placed in fourth house of a chart needs to be judged with extreme caution. When placed in signs where it find itself comfortable like that in Aries ,Leo or Capricorn and even Scorpio ,it becomes great asset for the chart. Such persons are powerhouse of energy, they are dynamic beings which are always ready to achieve something very big. These people will have a tremendous ambitious personality, and often their childhood memories leave long lasting impact on them which gives strong foundation to them to decide to achieve something bigger. Their desires can actually be rooted deep in their subconscious mind ,which might have connection with some scar left on their mind due to some unpleasant or some drastic event happened during their formative years.

Tapping true potential of Jyotish : Psychology of Astrological Counseling - 2

Continuing our journey in exploration of different kinds of mind set with which one approaches astrologer for counseling, what goes on in their minds, what they expect and what they receive in turn is the subject here. After going through some of the major psychological frames that are encountered by an astrologer we will see in what ways astrology can help one, from its preliminary to most splendid form.
A  sect of people, who approach astrologers for counseling, are Magic seekers. These people actually do not trust this system, rather they put conditions on astrologer. They seek magic through counseling. They believe remedies given should invariably change their course of destiny and should give them results exactly as aspired by them, else they turn hostile and even abuse both astrologer and astrology itself. The boundations of Karma and theory of Prarabdh-Karma do not appeal to them and a genuine astrologer will feel suffocated dealing with such people. Even if things work for them, it do not give them inspiration to genuinely trust this knowledge, they remain outsiders ,perhaps like a child watching a magic show. So on deeper levels the experience with such class of people is never enriching in true sense owing to their rigidness in understanding how things work in integrated form, and more importantly due to absence of patience and depth in their personalities.

In Search of Hope: Psychology of Astrological Counseling - 1

Famous roman poet Horace once said 
A heart well prepared for adversity in bad times hopes, and in good times fears for a change in fortune

In silence of our hearts we all realize the essence of these words sometimes in our lives. Only change is constant is what we have been taught  and a mature being indeed witness and realize it going through the journey of his life .Though the definition of good and bad times is highly relative term, on personal levels we all have our terminologies. Often in times of turmoil mind looks for some magic hand to offer help, some miracle to show the way, which paves a way for our search, search for a hope onto which we can rely and give oxygen to our aspirations and visions. These are the times when one might go for an astrological counseling, as on large, astrology has an image which will somehow provide hard coded view of future along with some magical remedies which will avert the ‘bad’ events, what an astrologer can sense looking at the chart.

Mars in 3rd house

In high school physics we have studied what resonance is .If we go by definition then resonance is tendency of a system to oscillate with greater amplitude at some frequencies than at others. So the planet whose sole motto is to give spark to our Soul, to give a tremendous push towards our goal, the frequency of third house seems the best. That’s where the frequency of Mars and third house matches so well that resonance occurs ,and amazing results can be expected .Mars actually provides a bridge between our thoughts and their manifestation .It is a force which gives shape and structure and is restlessly engaged in activities of various sorts arising from its natural instincts to conquer and establish its authority ,or most of the times, it can be just plain impulse to act devoided of any structured ambition .And what is third house of a chart? The qualities that we saw briefly about Mars, are the ones well received and aspired by this house.

Mars in 2nd house

A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions ,said the Marcus Aurelius. 
The universal dynamo Mars in second house of a chart actually presents the essence of these words quite beautifully .Mars is an extrovert planet who loves to display power ,but when placed in second house ,these tendencies undergo subtle modifications .Here Mars’s tremendous energy gets directed towards clear and precise goals. Yes these persons are highly ambitious in their lives and love to conquer what their minds aspire .Though the actual results will get modified by state of Mars i.e in which sign it is placed, whether its direct or retrograde, what are its relationship with other planets and alike. Still talking in generic terms, individuals who are born with Mars in second house will develop a feeling that to acquire and posses in life is of great value, intrinsically  they have fire burning inside themselves to grow to a very high position, and often they give almost all of their energies in pursuit of wealth and status.

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

  Aries Time to get to work without excuses. Phase of relaxation, ease is now closing and this week brings patterns for sharp rise in wo...