Year 2017 : Impact on Libra sign

Expansion realms
This is the year you have been waiting for. Libra people have something extremely special in store. This year brings end to your extremely long test from Saturn(Sadesaati). To say this is a positive year would be undermining the power and essence of these times. This is rather transformative year and starting of new phase altogether. In subtle sense, it won’t be rhetoric to state that this year feels like a new birth all together. Now to get to specifics, this year brings end to your emotional turbulence, your financial worries end and also struggle in work and stagnation starts to fade as well. New career opportunities, starting of your own work, rise and long awaited promotion all comes to you. Time in second half, in particular post August, is best when it comes to clear rise in work life and moving to level next. Time from February onwards is good for decent rise in financial state and new avenues are sure to open up. Work, finance and overall level of abundance finally moves to new heights. Your emotional state loosens up, you feel relaxed and would be able to think from new perspectives. Your physical health and energy levels rises as well, though gradually. Old health issues, issues in family, old pending matters at work and with friends, all start to resolve ,or at least you start to see ray of hope now where it all felt dark since ages.

This is also good year to add new assets in your life. Buying new vehicles, lands and properties, new long term investment and small objects of your desire, all are coming your way. Time post July is good for rise in your overall worth. This is also brilliant year when it comes to blossoming of new relationships and end of many useless gaps and misunderstanding in your existing relations. You get chance to improve all your relations, be it public, professional or personal. Those waiting to get married can surely expect rituals now, particularly post September. Same timelines apply to extension of family life which is strongest highlight of this year. Those in creative areas, media and arts field can expect new projects and intense rise in new ideas and inspiring attitude. Good and path-breaking year for pursuit of education. Opportunities are also seen to relocate, to move to new city or even new country all for your best in longer run. Trend of travel remains open throughout the year, while first half of the year can have some trips which make you feel out of your comfort zone, latter part will give you command hence travels for your pleasure and betterment are seen. This is the year to dream again, for making a strong comeback to normal life stream and deriving joy in what you do and feel. In very steady manner this year open new horizons, new heights for you. Welcome your new life, your new birth and like a new born child, start to live magic in everything once again.

Year 2017 : Impact on Virgo sign

Expansion realms
Many positive influences are ready to enter your lives this year. Virgo people experiences push in many areas which were awaited long. The foremost area which is ready to get transformed is your work life. In previous years, you have given efforts, created frame work & platform and now this year is ready to take you to level next where you see actual results manifesting and your dreams taking shape. This pattern applies specially in context of your work life. To get to specifics, this year shows new and better career opportunities, rise in work and you finally get deserved rise and attention. This rise in work accompanies rise in your financial aspects. To discuss it separately, exponential growth in finances is a big time positive outcome of this year. You gain from many sources, you get rise in salary, your business starts to deliver more effectively and your family also shower much love and assets on you. This year takes your overall level of affluence to new heights, in gradual form. Time for these positive events is post August. Time in particular between September to December will bring man positive events in context of work and money. This time is also good for enhanced family life happiness but only when you accept responsibilities with sense of surrender. Time is also good for purist of education and many of you can expect to enroll in better universities and also moving to foreign lands for fulfilling your dreams for gaining more knowledge. Foreign travels trend remains strong particularly till July.

You will also get inspiration and enough motivation to work on your health and maintain a better routine. Though results will not come immediately but you are sure to get small window where you will gain clear insights about what needs to be done for improving your health and overall well-being. Coming to personal relationships, this is strong year again. New relationships are seen very strongly and pattern for long term commitment, sincere relationship is what is going to click alone. Marriage and settling down is possible as well and first half is very strong here. Those looking for extending their families, can surely plan as well. Good year for people connected in creative fields where new ideas, better connection and help from external sources will help you move ahead and gain more limelight. When seen in broader sense, this year has positive influences all around and shows multifaceted growth.

Year 2017 : Impact on Leo sign

Expansion realms
This year comes as a fresh breeze to you Leo people. It’s going to be end of many of your troubles and real beginning of so many positive events of long term impact. In a way, this year refreshes your life all together. Now to get to specifics, with Saturn moving out of your fourth house post Jan end it will be end of your stagnating phase (Dhaiyaa). This year many of your ongoing family conflicts, suppressing environment and bigger disputes end or move towards resolution. You feel immensely light and internal and external struggle settles down in major way. For the ones searching for jobs or looking for rise in work, this is the time to get deserved result. Time between Feb to August is best for your work life to move to next level. Months of July-August can bring some intense events in your work life. This year is also very good for your personal relationship where you find peace and harmony rising, but with intense patience only. New relationships are going to come as well for the eligible ones. Marriage and long term relationships are foreseen. While the first half is best for making new career related moves, its second half which will bring good financial rise. This year, particularly time post September, is very good when it comes to new avenues for wealth. Many gifts, new assets, wealth and higher standard of living are seen in latter half of the year.

Travel trend is also going to open up strongly post August. Re-locations are seen in this year and in general it’s the year when you will be on the move. Your social life becomes strong, your people network grows abundantly and you go on making friends and healthy contacts like blink of the eye. Your public perception becomes better, people shower much more love and your image see a healthy rise. Though in gradual form, your creativity will grow as well. Those in creative lines will start to get better results. For the ones looking for higher education, specially from foreign universities, this is perfect year to make the move. Many happy events in your family are seen which will bring great joy to you. This year when your triangle of Maaya (relationships, wealth and generic worldly engagements) gets activated leading to all round affluence and relationships, wealth, public image and fame all glow for you.

Year 2017 : Impact on Cancer sign

Expansion realms
Cancer people experience many uplifting changes this year and in essence it’s the year for consolidation of your energies and make you grow in steady manner, wherever your attention goes. Now to be specific, your phase of isolation ends and those who were lying alone or not well connected can expect to make a strong comeback in normal stream of life. This is the year for new relationships to develop and your life love is area which would blossom now. Those waiting to get married can surely expect to settle down, especially months between Feb to August are best for it. Your people network grows, you travel more and make many new friends. This is the year of expansion of your social relationships. Another brilliant area is rise in your financial state. You earn more, save more, spend more and enjoy much more. Stagnation you have been facing till now till go away and rise in your earning capacity is seen. Even some of you can expect to receive good sum of money and addition of new fixed assets like new vehicles, gains from properties and alike. The first half of the year make you grow well and overall living standards go high. Though job changes aren’t really smooth this year, still restructuring and very long term changes are now ready to occur. Many of you can even take huge plunge and change your work field itself, give your individual time pattern allow it. Long term and decisive changes in work life are aligned post August this year.

Giving attention to health and preparing yourself for squeezing the best of yourself is now seen. This is the year to meet the next version of yourself .You are seen to work on your health ,on your routine, on your shortcomings and lessons of past will guide you effectively in optimizing your working methods .You intentionally bring a strong quality check in the way you deal with things and people .This is the year of living smart and diving deep within self to restructure your habits and routine for the best .You will get chance to win over your old health issues in gradual way. Issues in family and conflicts in and around you settle down, especially in latter half of the year.

Year 2017 : Impact on Gemini Sign

Expansion realms
This year for Gemini has immense importance and will bring many positive changes, new vibes and many events of long term importance. This year for you can be divided roughly into two halves, pre-and post August. Most of the brilliance is stored in the later half while the first one will need sincere preparation from you. Now to get to specifics, this year is good for new job opportunities, getting rise and great authority in your work life. You will get goodwill, respect and deserved attention gradually as you move into this year. Time from September onwards is good for it. Good time for pursuit of education, for getting into new areas, and this year is extremely auspicious when it comes to creative lines and success in them. Your interest in reading, writing, learning, analyzing all increases and will show up in your performance and personal growth. Foreign travels are seen, admission into new educational programs, learning new skills all are seen this year. This is the year of qualitative changes in you for the best. Financially this is very hopeful year with rise in inflow and your overall level of affluence is sure to go up. Even new sources open up for you which will allow you to move towards better financial state. Time post September shows great rise in your generic people networking as well.

In essence, this is the year to completely restructure yourself. Leaving old habits, moving towards a routine which you aspired for long and optimizing your life for the best, all is good possible now. You form new philosophies, leave behind the rotten thoughts and bonds as well. This year is very good when it comes for blossoming of new relationships and matters of love occupy your attention in strong manner. For the eligible, this year would also bring marriage, though this must be positively indicated in individual charts as well. Though you might be conscious enough or not, events occurring around you would all pull you towards a new you. This is indeed the year to rise to a new level and move towards the direction of your dreams with renewed spirits.

Winds of change
Challenges and areas where improvement will come via testing scenarios too are in bounty which you need to face through intense courage and acceptance of your old karmas. This year you will need to solve some fundamental questions, issues and complex equations regarding your personal relationships. Months of Feb to June and April-May in particular can intensity heat in your family life and also bring difficult experiences in public life. You need to sort out matters in all aspects, be it personal, professional or public interactions and relations. Health too needs attention in initial half and so does health of your parents. Some of the old family matters can reopen this year asking for permanent solution. Also you can see some back bitching, ugly politics and people working with jealous attitude towards you. Some events, particularly from July onwards, can tarnish your image and hence this year is also challenging when it comes to preservation of your image. Though new work opportunities are seen strongly, your work life will also need some clean up and business ethics, way of working, people with whom you interact and model you follow to work, all can become areas asking for attention and events which redirect your attention can be unsettling in nature as well. Owing to many challenges and  crumbling of old bonds, many doubts and inferiority complexities will also be generated in you.

Potential lessons
This is fantastic area indeed when seen from higher perspective, when a year doesn’t only mean getting things you want rather your orientation is towards finding a better you, your time is here. How to deal with people, clean up in your entire social structure and relationships will enable immense learning. Though human interaction and complex psychological behavior around us give continuous opportunities to learn something, this year in specific will intensify this learning. Your love life, matters of love will allow you to enter domain of inner world and play with subtle emotions which will also reveal wealth of leanings for you which would be very personal in nature. Formal education, addition of new skills, leaning new arts, music, painting or whatever appeals you is another gross level addition in your talent pool. How you utilize your talents, your skills and your intentions in real time world is very important lesson that is going to come and stay with you this year. Beauty of this year is its blessing which would enable you to grow continually and mediums would be in and around you and rise in consciousness in second half of year would open your inner eyes as well. Rectifying your existing work ethics and/or adoption of new ways of working is another critical improvement that is ready to enter your life. These are some broad categories, though lessons, improvement and new visions are countless in this year when you are ready to open up and see events from new dimension, putting your personal evolution at the center of your existence.

Spiritual journey
It keeps getting better for you. This area, your Spiritual journey and personal growth, is indeed the highlight of this year. You see many changes in your life and many events, new people entering in your life can come from nowhere, indicating past life Samskaars coming into play vehemently. You get enormously interested in learning mantra-tantra-meditation, new techniques for self-evolution, you read a lot, you join groups, and what not. Whole new world will be opened for you post July in particular. You are seen to give Spirituality and personal philosophy a prime place and indeed this year will make you grow exponentially. Beauty here is that there are no boundaries, you pursue rituals and subtle ways both. Visit to spiritual/religious places is very strong pattern that will get activated post August this year. Rise in consciousness is sure to come and new horizons would be available to you. Later months post October can also bring intense experiences, initiation into higher practices for the genuine and eligible ones. The real essence of this year for you people indeed lies in moving towards a new version of yourself. This year brings a drastic shift in your overall level of consciousness. Accept, explore and rise.

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