Back to Roots : Corona virus and Vedic astrology

Current world scenario and widespread panic don’t need any introduction. Onset of Corona virus is extremely fearful and has raised countless questions. In this piece, will focus on three aspects. First, what are the planetary indications for such outbreak. Second, when this all could end, and life can go back to being normal. Third, what are major implications, higher lessons or to say prime purpose for all this mess. So let’s get into details.

The planetary indications for Corona outbreak

This is rather a baffling, very complex question, though looking closely we can clearly see some major pointers for it. To name them, its about Rahu-Ketu axis causing Kaal Sarp yoga, then mighty Jupiter and Saturn in their own signs, role of Ketu in Moola, Rahu in Ardra and then recent Solar and Lunar eclipses falling very closely.

Though the Kaal Sarp yoga in individual charts doesn’t seem to have much influence (debatable point) but its impact on masses in transit cannot be neglected. This this yoga is effective between February to June end 2020 which shows mass fear and panic. Then role of Ardra and specifically Moola nakshtra is highly critical. Ketu, the destroyer, detachment creator planet is in own Moola which shows its power to spread panic. Also note that germs, viruses comes under domain of Rahu and Ketu. Note that Jupiter with Ketu is helping such virus to spread as Jupiter signifies rapid expansion. Saturn in Capricorn is strongly ruthless and causes major restructuring and mass level changes in lifestyle(remember that Capricorn is Karma house of Cosmic Man).There is also a major factor which is under play, which is of Collective Karma Consciousness So in brief, these indications are some major ones which points to some major panic being spread for some long term, decisive purpose.

Possible end of Corona

Without getting into too much technicalities, end of Kaal Sarp yoga in transit, then Jupiter temporarily moving to Capricorn and Sun getting exalted, in nakshtra of healers Ashwinis are some major pointers. Now to put it in specific timelines, some minor changes of positive nature will set from 30th March 2020.Then major push can come after 14th April 2020 after which some medication can be found or some ways to tackle it. Thirdly in broader sense, its end or major decline is seen in month of May-June and some sort of major/decisive relief/end of this panic can come by June end 2020.To summarize, this panic should go under declining mode post mid of April in slow manner.

Higher lessons/Purpose

Its very difficult to digest that Jupiter and Saturn being in own signs can bring such panic and restrictions. But there is surely Higher Will at play. Jupiter in Sagittarius stands for enforcement of rules, ethics, intense learning/re-learning and physical/emotional/Spiritual upliftment. Saturn in Capricorn is ruthless, and it generally brings large mass level changes often coming through limiting, harsh events.

  • Jupiter and Saturn powerful in own signs have given relief to Mother Earth rather than giving usual personal /mass level benefits (these two planets strong signifies Universal Consciousness in decisive mood for major changes).Year 2020 no doubt has immense potential, but to surprise of us humans, this goodness is taken by our planet altogether. Time to realize how selfish we all were in merely expecting good for ourselves ?
  • Such changes will settle somewhat by June end but its impact will remain strong and will continue to come to teach us through Saturn in Capricorn ,i.e till end of 2022.It means world at large will have to implement many new learnings taught by this phase in next three years. It means social, personal level changes, reforms to come in next three years.
  • Higher lessons are obviously to stop mad hunt of humans, go back to roots, realize the rat race and get in touch with ourselves, be it at superficial or Spiritual level. Saturn in Capricorn is what ‘quarantine’ is all about, to learn new ways of life, through living in boundaries.
  • If one has desire to go even beyond to think the purpose of existence, then it will become even more clear. Transits this year in forceful manner have stopped Humanity from its blind race so that we all can learn to pause and think what we are here for. When we humans didn’t bothered to clean our mess, Nature decided to throw us all into this panic. Will we learn now?

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