Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Libra sign

I've learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you. The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path. Transforming fear into freedom - how great is that?  said Soledad O'Brien. Now it’s your turn to know how great is that. Saturn transit into Sagittarius brings end to long phase of Sadesaati for Librans and this statement in itself is enough to reveal all. Saturn leaves you completely and your good times will set in now. This transit of Saturn lasting roughly around 3 years will bring your life on track in all most all areas. Though impact areas are many, but essence of this transit can actually be summarized in very simple way, it’s like a bird being freed from the cage, it’s like breaking away of various sorts of chains and bondages. Transit of Saturn for Libra individuals simply means freedom and joy. Saturn has freed you from its clutches and you are free to fly and explore new worlds. Let us move to discussion of all possibilities that lies ahead of you.

Your work life will undergo many positive changes, but first things first, all the positives that are promised by Saturn will be on hold (or too slow) to manifest till November 2017.Once you move post this timeline, you will start to feel impact of this transit in free manner. Career is sure to go up, new job opportunities are sure to come, specially in 2018 which is year for new opportunities to come. To be very specific in terms of timelines ,fresh breeze is seen to come between Nov 2017 to Oct 2018.This one year time for you will set pattern where you will get new job, will be given more responsibilities ,your talents would be recognized(but not given financial due immediately).New business ideas will come ,more people will come in your life bringing new avenues to earn .Though it’s important to understand that time in 2018 in particular is not for realizing immediate gains and rise, rather it’s for working hard, getting engaged, setting up platform and laying foundation. Moving ahead, it would be 2019 which actually bring real fruits of your past efforts. Your takeaway should be, have patience and hold your nerves in 2017 and vigilantly keep looking for new opportunities and/or new way of working in current state, specially in 2018. Time ahead will itself bring much life force in you and this transit of Saturn will bring back your work life on track and by the time this transit ends, you will be rooted deeply, beaming with energy and renewed life force and all settled in your work life with much security and prosperity.

Financial growth will also follow similar pattern for you, looking low in 2017, picking up slowly post Nov 2017 and 2018 will bring many new earning opportunities but can ask you to come out of your comfort zone with higher salary or gains having some condition attached to it.2019 onwards is where lies your real freedom and affluence and this year will set in long term trend of intense financial rise. Important to know, some weaker months in this transit, for all aspects, are between May-August in 2018 and 2019 as well. During these months, you have to practice caution and not lose your calm, those would be momentary pause and not any major trend to worry about.

Your health is sure to reach to new optimum levels. You are all set to regain lost glory. While 2017 does have some lows as far as your health is concerned, specially till September 2017, time ahead will bring vitality back and your immunity, sense of wellbeing all will move up. Physical wellbeing is accompanied with emotional balance making a comeback. To get very specific time till September 2017 is low for health and then during May-August 2018/2019 will again need attention, rest it looks all encouraging for you. Emotional suppression has ended, pressure inside mind will end, external situations become conducive to help you gain greater peace of mind. You need to give some time for old memories and wounds to heal, just don’t bring them back and let go is extremely important lesson for you as far as your experiences are concerned to allow overall healing.

More than expecting growth in current place, this transit actually brings the time to get set go and do new things. It’s time to open up, leave your inhibitions behind. You can now get into entirely new areas. Starting a new venture, finding a new job, falling in love, starting a family or simply starting afresh from wherever you are at this moment is gist of this transit for you. Meet new people, form new groups, attend more parties, make new friends. Saturn now free you from its clutches hence no longer there is any need and desire to remain aloof, circumstances around you will bring pleasing events which will allow you to mix up and get back into mainstream of life, something which eluded you for long. Apart from generic social life, this transit of Saturn will bless you with someone special.2018 holds beautiful alignment which is very good for falling in love. Your love life will move ahead and show signs of dramatic improvement. For getting married, if your individual chart permits, this is also the best year and for extending your family life as well. This Saturn transit doesn’t have any Spiritual messages, as need not say, you have already seen the biggest Spiritual journey in past. Though extremely important; you need to remember, practice and preach what Saturn has taught you in the past.

Your extent of growth now only depends on your hard work and strength of your intentions. After coming from stern test of Saturn, your Karmic issues has been settled as of now to great extent and now time is to reap benefits of all the patience and hard work that you have put in past. This is also the time when your creativity will rise and you would be able to actually utilize your all the learnings of the past. Cosmos is smiling on you, it’s time to dream again. Life has come back in its full vigor to you, celebrate and feel the joy of life in its most vibrant colors.

Heart of the matter:
1.These articles are majorly applicable from Moon sign.
2. As Saturn remains in one sign for 2.5-3 years, these analysis articles have long term applicability. To be particular, they discuss potential and possibilities for next three years (2017 -2019)
3. Saturn transit is most intensive phenomena and impact life of individual in fundamental ways, still individual dasa pattern stands first and these transit articles are second to impact (except the ones under impact of Sadesaati, where dasa gets suppressed majorly).

For Other Moon Signs , Please Click :

Aries | Taurus Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
     Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces 

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