The Divine plan : Combinations for learning astrology - II

The real leaning occurs when we implement what we have memorized. Continuing our discussion, lets discuss some charts which shows huge potential for learning as well as for practicing astrology.

The first chart that comes to mind is of K.N Rao, the Rishi in present age who has revolutionized the approach and outlook towards Vedic astrology. His research based work and replicable patterns that he has given in his teachings have modernized this science like never before. The foremost thing about his chart is that planets of knowledge and intellect, Jupiter and Mercury both are exalted, i.e extremely powerful .Jupiter is exalted in tenth house of Karma and it aspects second house(from where comes the skills to predict).Mercury exalted in twelfth house with Ketu is immensely rich Spiritual state and very refined state of intuition. His ascendant itself is in Vishakha nakshatra which belongs to Jupiter. Along with Gaja-Kesari yoga which has given him high moral stand, he has strong Mars which is showing his skills for research based work. Also point to note here is that Mars is again in nakshtra of Jupiter and Jupiter himself is in nakshtra of Mercury. This chart exuberates pure bliss.

The Divine plan : Combinations for learning astrology - I

It’s been the timeless quest of human being to find how things work and mechanism underlying the why and how part. The Divine knowledge of astrology is known to provide deepest clues and hints about what a soul has brought, where its headed and what experiences it will accumulate while undergoing this process. We are in the age where information is available as soon as impulse is generated in the mind and in such conducive environment, eager minds can tread on the path of learning pretty fast. Though when it comes to learning, the inclinations and potential can be clearly read from the birth chart itself and same goes true for astrology too.

Though some combinations are mentioned in ancient classics (like in Saravali, Sarvartha Chintamani etc), we will work on broader guidelines which can be replicated and can give us a framework to work on. Let’s have a look at some reliable patterns which indicates desire, potential and even destiny of soul to learn, explore and master the art of Jyotisha.

Jupiter in first house

Throughout the history, human beings have been endeavoring to explore, learn and expand the horizons of their minds in search of something better. When it comes to expansion and advancement of any aspect, the mighty and pious Jupiter comes into the picture if we try to map things in astrological sense. Jupiter is the planet signifying the upward flow of energy and desire to expand and accumulate. This is the force of nature which generates hope and makes one rooted and visionary. It’s a symbol of hope and Truth. Like the planet Saturn defines the limitations and challenges which a Soul has to face, position of Jupiter shows the level of blessings and potential of individual to rise, expand and evolve. Birth of an individual with Jupiter placed in ascendant is by no means a meager placement. When one comes with this mighty planet being positioned in first house itself, then it is the birth of huge significance. Before we move into specifics it’s important to repeat that how Jupiter actually behaves will depend on the sign in which it is placed. Let’s move to discussion of what are the possibilities when the Guru of Gods is positioned in the first house, when a Soul begins its journey on earth.

Saturn in twelfth house

Twelfth house is one of the most complex area of chart and hence most misunderstood and not really well explained, especially when it comes to placement of planet like mighty Saturn. Saturn in itself is considered to be most intriguing planet and when it gets placed in twelfth house of birth chart, it is quite certain that implications are far reaching and needs very careful approach. To begin with, it’s important to know what twelfth house really is. Speaking in broader sense, twelfth house calls for a big shift. Its change from material to non-material. In terms of physics analogy, it can resemble black hole, an area where things disappear or are lost. Its call to human to look beyond desires (after thorough and repeated experiences), and come out of unconscious living, what typically is called getting out of the wheel of Samsaara, the escape from cycle of mundane existence. Saturn here can be very influencing .Let’s see its manifestations in various forms.

Year 2016 : Impact on Aries Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is the year of transformation and renewal for you. Changes appear in your life starting from the qualitative way leading to concrete and visible restructuring in many aspects of your life. The first half of this year is good for making your plans, giving shape to your long term goals and deciding what and why you want changes to occur. Post March this year, you will get your energy level renewed and great passion and enthusiasm is going to come to you. The phase of stagnation will end this year and change in work life is seen. Many of you would give serious thought of moving ahead and if your individual chart favors starting a business, then it’s the year to go ahead. The second half of this year will ignite desire to bring change in your work life which would gradually give you good results. Time post August-September for you is encouraging. This is also the year to get immense boost in your financial prospects as increased affluence is seen. Those who stand a chance to receive money, assets, land and properties from their elder ones in family, this could be defining year for sure. The trend of travel also remains very active in first half. Also time seems fine as far as pursuit of education is concerned. Many good and happy events are seen to be lined up in your work atmosphere and in your family life as well which will boost your morale. Month of September and ahead look pretty good when it comes to reaping the fruits of your hard work.

Year 2016 : Impact on Taurus Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
Slow to manifest, but this is the year of many changes for you. You start slowly, gain momentum soon and move towards your goal. When we see the pattern of pleasant changes, your work life comes into focus very strongly this year. This is the year where change and rise in your work will come. Initial grounds for change will be set in first half and as you move ahead in second half, things will begin to take shape. Changing jobs or getting promotion is just a good probability but what this year stands for is something big. The real essence of this year is to make you self-sufficient and starting something of your own is biggest highlight of this year. Those who are looking to make a big move and move into entrepreneurship, this is best year. Those already into business lines, huge expansion is seen. This year your public relations improves a lot and huge force is seen inside you. You will feel great inertia and involvement with masses is clearly seen. In other words, this is the year of enhanced connectivity with the masses. Trend of travel is also very huge. Domestic, international all kinds of trips are spread all over the year. Broadly work/business related and education connection is strongly seen. Trend of education and leaning will gain momentum as you move deeper in the year.

Year 2016 : Impact on Gemini Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
More power to you Geminis. This is one of the finest year and could prove to be milestone for you on many aspects. The planetary configuration for you gets best from the better. Expansion, rise and many pleasant changes are lined up this year. To begin the discussion, the foremost brilliant change is going to come in your power to organize your life. Your decision taking abilities become well refined and you are looking like a champion. Desire to put things in right perspective is the highlight of this year. On your work front, the first half signifies gaining strength and showing your skills. This can bring much authority and power to your work. As you move down the year, trend becomes of change. Those looking for making a switch can start their homework. Though it can take some time but later part of the year does promise changes as per your expectations. You take many big decisions, including related to your work life as well. You are seen to take command when it comes to your health and routine. You are seen to lead an optimal state where your performance will be highest. Better health and greater efficiency are key words this year and related is your high level of beaming confidence. Initial half till July is good for working on yourself and getting to a commanding position.

Year 2016 : Impact on Cancer Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is a year of many qualitative changes for you. Things move from good to better and this year is actually high on expansion trend. You get decisive and pretty bold enough to take some big decisions about many aspects. Initial months till July are very intense and can see many new events which will raise level of your confidence. The best of this year is stored for you in the second half of this year. As you move into second half, many areas will see upliftment. Trend of learning and travelling gains immense limelight too. This is extremely good year to start or resume your studies and many of you would excel in academics. Many of you would move to foreign lands for pursuit of education. Its year of change in your living place as well, for the better. Your public relationship skills gain sharpness which helps you in developing many contacts. This is the year of enhanced networking for you. You can literally be on your toes, talking, meeting and connecting in much better way. Even in your family life you can expect bonds to become stronger and some of the old and forgotten relations will get renewed this year.

Year 2016 : Impact on Leo Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is a powerful year for you. You people have seen very testing times and stagnation owing to difficult transit of Saturn. This year you get multiple supports from many channels and rise above. This is the year of many pleasant expansions and growth in desired areas. The foremost area is end of stagnation when it comes to your work life. Its the time for your work life to prosper. New opportunities are going to come up and along with new jobs, its also the time for rise, promotion and increased level of authority in your work life. For the ones in business, this year stands for rapid expansion and venturing into new lines is very much possible. As you move into this year, slowly new opportunities will fly towards you and post July, your career would come into focus very strongly. This is the year when your work life will go major changes and those who are looking for job change will find it. Getting into new ventures, starting new business or expanding your work all are seen this year. Along with this restructuring in work life, greater authority and power will also come to you. Time post July is brilliant to expect these changes. You also gain hugely in terms of monetary gains. Rise in salaries, greater turnover in your business is seen. Ground for these pleasant changes will start right from the start and post March, things will begin to gain strength.

Year 2016 : Impact on Virgo Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
More power to you people. This is a year of change and rise for you. Many areas will witness pleasant changes. The foremost being your work. This is the year where many of you can change your work. Vibes of change and expansion are strong when it comes to your work life. The strongest pattern of this year is to start something of your own and get into exciting new ventures. The preparations for it should begin early in year and time post March is specifically very strong to get started. When you enter August, things will become fully conducive to get into full swing. Its year of expanding your network, for expanding your business, for making more contacts, for increasing your reach in terms of quality and quantity as well. Months from Feb to July are good for making a blue print and working hard on your aspirations. The second half of this year stands for actual manifestation. Another very strong pattern for you is education. Many of you will take admissions formally and can even go abroad for it. Travel is another strong pattern that will remain active throughout year. In fact this year can turn out to be most the hectic of them all. You can be literally on your toes, as both domestic and international trips will keep coming all throughout the year.

Year 2016 : Impact on Libra Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is the year of rise and freedom for you. Though changes would appear gradually, but would definitely be of great impact in longer run. The foremost area where extremely pleasant changes are awaiting you is your financial status. This year you would see increase in your financial abundance. The phase of stagnation in money matters will leave your life now. Time post March specifically is extremely good when it comes to financial freedom. Rise in your salary, expansion of your business leading to increased turnover is seen. Your reach and network is bound to increase which would help you gain more. Trend of wastages on undesired channels, expenses in unplanned ways, all are going to reduce majorly and this year the main highlight is pleasant increase in your overall worth. This is very good year for these are looking for long term investment. The first half will generate huge inertia which would set you in brilliant place to carry forward your rise. If you are expecting job changes or rise in your work and if your individual charts are supportive enough, then this year will surely see you changing your jobs. If you are planning to start something of your own or enter into new ventures, then you can make a start early this year.

Year 2016 : Impact on Scorpio Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
Intense is the word which seems apt to describe your year. Whatever you go through will be sharp like razor’s edge. Things move and move with passion. You are running through peak phase of Sadesaati, the most testing times from Saturn but still many desired and pleasant changes will occur in various aspects of your existence. The foremost change which you would really love to the core of your heart is fading away of trend of delay and denial. Your time gains immense power and things move this year. You see rise in your confidence and become fully conscious and determined to take on whatever may come to you. This positive vibe is something very new and time post March is fantastic when it comes to rise in your sprit. You seem like a warrior this year and giving up no longer remains an option for you. Your health improves drastically which would also bring much peace and joy to you. Time post July this year is good for moving ahead in ladder of your work life. You have seen phase of intense isolation and stagnation in recent past which has corroded your spirit, now you see changes appearing in direction of your goals. Rise in work, promotion, desired job changes, expansion in your work and business all are real time possibility this year. After a long time, you see things moving with speed and apart from change and rise at work, much authority and power are also going to come to you.

Year 2016 : Impact on Sagittarius Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
Slow and steady, that’s how this year works for you, especially when it comes to the areas of expansion. This year does have many opportunities for growth for you in many aspects. The foremost trend which remains heavy this year this of learning and travelling. This is particularly very good time for beginning or resuming your studies. Many of you would go to foreign universities for your higher education. In general, the first half of this year is extremely auspicious when it comes to rapidly progressing in your academics. The pattern of travel is however very generic and will remain top most thing for you. You are going to visit many places, many cities many countries. Those looking for relocation and change in their place of residence, time till August is perfect. When your individual charts have strong yoga for migration, this year has full capacity to make it happen for you. Time also remains very conducive for matters of love. You can approach your love interest and time is fully potent for blossoming of beautiful relationships which can make this year as very memorable one.

Year 2016 : Impact on Capricorn Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is a beautiful year for you, so much beauty and magic ready to enter in your lives, so much to experience, so much to cheer about, so much to care and so much to share. To start with, your already growing professional life will expand further. Much more authority and rise is going to come in your work life. For the ones in business, huge expansion of business with handsome turnover is very much possible this year. Entire year is good for rise and experiencing power, things will get activated post Feb and time between March to Aug is specifically very good for brilliant rise in your career. Next pleasant area is your financial status which will rise to even greater heights this year and first half is particularly very strong for giving you great inertia. Many big gains, big investments, gains of lands and properties are seen this year. Even those who are eligible and stand a chance can get huge sum/assets as inheritance. Next comes the strong trend of travel for you. You are going to go places and both short and long term travels are going to come up this year. Those looking for long term migration and relocation, can expect movement this year for sure. Time post July-August will activate your travel prospects majorly.

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