Tradition of Remedial measures: Relevance in contemporary times and Vulnerability of Vedic astrology - 1

New age philosophy dictates that there is One Source of abundance and prosperity which is ever present and according to intent and resistance of one, its portion is received .
The factors which decide how much resistance one might face in pursuit of this Source can be seen through the eye of Jyotish, as good, mixed or tough time periods .

Composite tradition of India and Eternal Theory of Karma -2

Giving intense and timeless Wisdom to Arjuna, the hero from Indian epic Mahabharata, Lord Krishna in Gita when touched upon the topic of Karma, explained how difficult it is to judge nature of any action, Bhagwad Gita (Chapter 4-Verse 16):

“Even the intelligent are bewildered in determining what action is and what inaction is.“

Spark of Divinity and Quest for Wisdom and Liberation - 2

Learning is a continuous process, as we all know it. In esoteric world this holds even more importance .There is a famous saying that it’s your attitude which determines your altitude, and we if scrutinize bit closely we will find that not all mind are keen to analyze and take out nectar of Wisdom out of any difficult situation .The momentum gained in one life in pursuit of Knowledge continues its Journey as we have already discussed before.

Venus : Purity of Mind,Passion and Path of Devotion

When we look up-to the sky, after Moon ,the most beautiful treat to the eye comes from seeing the bright and shining Venus .The birth of poetic emotions upon seeing it is not accidental, as since ages Venus has been associated with all forms of beauty, poetry, aesthetic arts ,finer qualities and this is a force whose position in heaven at the time of birth can determine how much potential and desire one carries for the affluence in matter of luxuries, sex and general prosperity.

Divergence in personalities and Journey of an Individual

Every Soul has got its very own aspirations and intent, some are discovered and some are created in the course of life. As a child we all have experienced the times when becoming anything in future seemed like one of the option that we carry in pockets of our minds and world appears like a storehouse of opportunities, waiting to be explored and conquered. 

Change Fear and Transformation

We often hear, write, even decorate our ‘status’ over social networking sites with famous quotes, but real  understanding comes only when we actually pass through any event pertaining to it, that too with a receptive consciousness. Change is one such a thing, which is simple to talk about, but hard to live by and comprehend.

Spark of Divinity and Quest for Wisdom and Liberation - 1

We are born with impulses to learn and grow,the seeds are present in each being, and when the right time appears ,flower blossoms .Every soul has inbuilt desire to experience various contrasts and acquire prosperity and wealth.However the whole game of existence seems to have much interest in how an individual learn the lesson provided by events and move a step ahead in process of evolution.

Path of happiness and Optimistic mind set : Jupiter Moon relationship

Each individual spends huge amount of his energy in pursuit of happiness, looking for hope Optimism and better future prospects.The relationship that exists between Jupiter the planet of positivity and Moon the inner core of man, shows how well a mind is attuned for receiving the ever flowing stream of positive energy.

Saturn Moon relationship: Evolution of a mature mind and birth of Discipline

The relationship between Saturn and Moon holds extreme importance and have long term and intense impact whenever Saturn aspects or conjuncts the Moon. Planet Moon signifies the inner core of a man ,the emotional make up and presents the desire to be nourished and taken care of in a tender way .

Saturn Sorrow and Spiritual Splendour

Saturn the Mighty planet have scores of mythological stories of deep significance associated with it. The planet of perseverance ,maturity and detachment have been much condemned in all systems of esoteric studies, be it western ,greek or hindu astrology. Traditionally considered as the son of Sun and Shadow, Saturn is said to have red eyes with tall body with long teeth.

Dhan yogas : Planetary combinations for wealth in a horoscope-Part 2

In continuation with the earlier post, let us consider some more factors which contribute to the wealth .The role of owner of 2nd house is of great importance, though whole chart has to be analyzed before reaching any conclusion, some general traits can be laid out by seeing where owner of 2nd lord sits in chart:

Composite tradition of India and Eternal Theory of Karma -1

Vedic astrology has its roots in the theory of Karma and Karmaphal, the results of our accumulated Karmas .The ancient sage Prashar, who has revealed the wisdom of Jyotish ,has mentioned about Karma of previous births and their results  at various places in his work. To a believer who is born and brought up in India, the theory of past lives, Karma and their results all seem to be engraved in his DNA and matter of questioning such theories seldom arises, as for him it is just a matter of belief in our sacred scriptures. But to ask for ‘scientific’ and rational proofs of such ‘myths’ is but obvious and quite healthy too. 

Dhan Yogas: Planetary combination for wealth in a horoscope-Part 1

Vedic astrology have clear and sound yogas which shows financial prosperity that will bless a native. Planetary configuration in a chart indicate the potential in an individual to amass wealth .The number of yogas and their strength will determine the degree of wealth, making one normal to filthy rich.

Planetary Combinations for Permanent Settlement Abroad

In continuation with earlier post, we will explore the combinations responsible for permanent settlement abroad (in more technical terms it will imply a place far away from birth place).
 Rules for foreign travel apply here too, and for settlement some extra prerequisites are laid below. It’s important to note that there can be numerous yogas, and yogas which we are going to discuss are the ones which have stood the test of time and in my experience have completely fulfilled the result promised.

Blossoming of a relationship and Yogas for Love marriage

There might be a debate on whether Money is everything or not, but majority will agree that concept of Love and a beautiful relationship holds a great importance in any individual’s life.
Vedic astrology or Jyotish have clear and precise rules which can be relied on for matters pertaining to relationships, their origin, nature and all other aspects related to it.
In current article, let us see what makes heart melt in emotion of love and prospects for a love marriage as per Vedic astrology.

Planetary combinations for foreign travel and residence abroad

Once considered as painful yogas of living away from home, planetary combinations for foreign travel are much sought after in present times.Vedic astrology reveals numerous sound and time tested principles  which gives a clear indication about the possibility and timing of travel in other countries that can be replicated any number of times with high accuracy. 

Pisces, The Cosmic fusion

The last sign of zodiac,Pisces signifies the return of the child, to its Father. Ruled by Deva Guru Jupiter, Pisces has two fishes fusing into each other as its symbol, signifying merging of all polarities at this stage.

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

  Aries Time to get to work without excuses. Phase of relaxation, ease is now closing and this week brings patterns for sharp rise in wo...