Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Taurus sign

Saturn transit into Sagittarius for Taurus Moon sign people is challenging one, but also full of immense possibilities and this transit will invoke many unconscious traits, events, samskaars, to become visible and without a doubt such transit bring deepest level of changes in life. These are the times when one’s deeply buried Karma is brought to surface. Saturn passing through your 8th house signifies a period which might test you to the core on various fronts. This phase of Dhaiyaa for you, though creates fear instantly, but understating the core essence is extremely important. Saturn doesn’t not destroy or create endless difficulties here, it just reminds you by taking small tests. It really depends on how well you are implementing the lessons imparted by Saturn in the past. So this phase of Dhaiyaa cannot be same on everyone, it really depends at which level your consciousness is operating and how flexible and receptive you are to acknowledge and implement the forgotten lessons.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Gemini sign

Saturn transit to Sagittarius means its movement into seventh house from your sign. This transit symbolizes time to introspect and bring fundamental changes in many spheres of your life. Some changes are swift to occur while others can be forced, rather, your attention would be forced towards some neglected aspects. This transit is known to suppress life force and bring restrictions which make it look deadly, though real essence of this transit is that it actually makes one become practical and this is the time to accept realities, work on the ground level and restructure your life with respect to what you have and what you want in future. To gain more clarity, let us move ahead to discussion of its impact on different areas of your life.

It doesn’t imply bad times for your career, but yes this transit is here to make you more real and become more accommodating with your work life. Changes are possible as well, particularly in later part of transit, after October 2018.Though the main essence is slow down. Saturn wants you to attain perfection with repeated efforts. Your weakness will come to surface, relationship at work, your working method all can come to focus and you can be asked to upgrade yourself. Dasa or transit of Saturn works best when you cooperate freely rather than developing escapists tendencies via some magical remedies. Here Saturn would work in most optimal manner when you really evaluate your approach, current limitations, you identify how and where you can improve and implement what is ought to be done. Time from Nov 2017 to Oct 2018 is still encouraging and can bring positives changes in work life, expansion of business, more contacts and much more work but this all can have some condition and/or its own price. This transit means growth won’t be possible now without moving to level next, without working on yourself. April-Aug 2018 and 2019 will need cautious approach and this phase can bring real complex scenarios in work, health of close ones, relationship and in your health as well. Later part of transit post Nov 2018, i.e in 2019 can become stiff and you will be required to put immense efforts for sustaining work life.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Cancer sign

Saturn moving to Sagittarius sign is sign of celebration for Cancer Moon sign people. This transit is most praised in classical texts, as form your Moon sign Saturn will enter into the sixth house, the house where Saturn is ought to work in most effective and in positive manner. For you, many changes are clearly seen and more than anything else, this transit will bring acceleration in whatever you are doing, Saturn would provide you all tools so that you can make the most out of your work, finance and relationships. It’s time to optimize your life and realize how well you can live. The areas impacted are many, let’s have a look how mighty Saturn will bless you. First and foremost, change will be seen in context of your work.

A change at work place is awaiting you, time will show you the contrast and this is the time when one finds fault existing within himself in his way of working, if the inspiration hits you right, it could prove to be a very bright beginning in your career or business. Often individual starts new venture, change job for better and engages oneself more proactively in whatever he is doing. In gross terms, time from Nov 2017 to Oct 2018 can bring pressure situations, new twist at work, excessive workload and high demands from you but this phase would also have seeds for bigger transformation. Time from Nov 2018 onwards till end of 2019 is what is best for restructuring of your work life. This is not just a phase for change of job or expansion of your business, rather Saturn in transit for you symbolizes something defining. This transit can bring change of work field itself. Those looking for jumping to own work, starting something of their own, set a startup or move to different areas, this transit will provide excellent platform and needed skills/courage to actually make it. Though for many of you such change can come via jolting experience like sudden job loss or your health or family situation becoming a barrier to continue to work. In such scenarios just remember the essence, it’s all happening for something bigger, so remain grounded and thoroughly hopeful. Time to watch out is April-Aug in 2018 and 2019 where you can experience maximum turbulence, but leading to enhanced clarity and way to brighter future. Trusting the process is what you really need.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Leo sign

Saturn transit brings fresh vibes to you Leo people. It’s time to take a deep breath and let the old go, it’s time to move ahead again. The transit of Saturn into Sagittarius for Leo Moon sign people is going to bring huge relief and its beginning of a new era. Impact as usual will be felt and seen on many areas, but perhaps the greatest change will be a sense of calm and relief, you will feel light and hopeful. It’s a transit to cheer about, Saturn will bring you much joy, but certainly not without some responsibilities. Let’s learn how this transit will mold your life and what’s stored for you.

It’s time to say good bye to heaviness inside you, mighty Saturn now removes many blockages from your life. Many pending tasks, projects and complex unsolved matters will now look up for resolution. So, the foremost impact is green signal, to wake up from your sloth and stagnancy and move ahead. Your work life is going to be impacted positively by this transit. Time from Nov 2017 is very encouraging to look for new jobs, better work environment and expansion in your business. The stagnation that was prevailing till now ends. Things move, you see changes, better opportunities that matches your talent. Such opportunities can even come via some jolt, sudden loss of job which you weren’t expecting, but all happens to make you move to a better place, so do not panic if you see unpleasant events in the beginning, remain assured they will take you to better state. Specifically, time between Nov 2017 to Oct 2018 remains very pleasant for favorable changes in work and some relocations, travels are also seen. Though greater responsibilities, more mature roles have to be assumed, which you should welcome whole heartedly as they would take you to level next. Time for caution is between April to Aug in 2018 and 2019 when you can see strong disturbance in work life, in health, in your relationship with family, children. These are the months which can have element of suddenness and can make you unsettled. In particular time April-Aug 2019 is much more testing and can cause severe strain at work, these times would need your patient approach.

Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Virgo sign

Saturn for Virgo people enters the fourth house from Moon, activating the phase for challenges, intense churning of past karmas and most importantly this phase is here to test you whether the lessons learnt in past (during the phase of Sadesaati) are still intact or not. This transit starts your Dhaiyaa, which is much feared though essence should not be forgotten. Phase of Dhaiyaa is not troubling always, it depends how well you remember the past lessons and how intensely you are applying them. Despite the heaviness connected to it, there is much to learn from this transit. Let’s explore the manifestation of this transit, from gross outer world to the deep within the psyche for you Virgo people.

The biggest impact is seen in your work life which is sure to undergo transformation, though the process might be intriguing for many of you. Much more effort and consciousness will be required in whatever you are doing, but this is not some insane burden being imposed on you without any specific reason(In fact nothing is without a reason when it comes to Mighty Saturn).Saturn needs you to pay attention to what you are doing and its motive can be many, like to make you excel in whatever you are doing through optimizing your actions by bringing your weakness to the surface(hence the ‘pain’ associated with this transit).Next, Saturn can also show bring sudden break in your work or even in work line for something bigger and better, which you won’t be able to see or sense right now. In gross terms, change of job under pressure, even loss and sudden twist are possible and in terms of timelines, April to Aug 2018 and same months in 2019 are very weak which can bring unrest in work life. There could be change of place, relocation associated with your career aspects. 2018 still has balance and intensity of such changes, new developments in work life would increase many folds post Nov 2018 onwards. This is not the time to expand your business, rather your focus should be on improving your current mode of working. Its time you gain perfection in whatever you are doing currently.

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

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