Year 2016 : Impact on Aquarius Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
Year of many changes is here. It’s a year when things will change gradually but will have far-fetched impact. The desired and pleasant areas where impact will be felt are many and their discussion will bring joy to you. One of the most important area which would see expansion is your work life. After a phase of sheer hard work and putting your best, rise and much authority is bound to come to your career life. Not essentially change in workplace, this is actually the year when qualitative changes will occur, i.e your position, your authority and your roles will undergo transformation. Time post March seems good for work and business expansion. One of the best areas where positive and brilliant changes awaits you is your financial aspect. Greater affluence is one of the strongest highlight of this year. Its not just money, affluence includes all round prosperity for you this time. Investments in land and properties, new vehicles, sudden huge gains from inheritance and similar channels will open up later this year for you. Months of September to November are particularly very strong. Many trips, both domestic and international ones can be expected and trend remains strong particularly till August this year. The later part of this year favors long distance travels and for the ones looking for migration, this can be defining year. Relocation and change of living place/city/country are strongly indicated. Relationship is one of the top most area of focus this year and many of you can expect to get settled and new relationships are seen getting developed. This whole year is good for increase in your network, expansion of your reach, starting new ventures and adding new profiles to your work life. Many happy events are lined up in your family life particularly in later months of this year. This is the year of rise and power coming to you, this is the year of climbing the ladder of professional success in definitive manner.

Year 2016 : Impact on Pisces Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is the year of changes for you, changes which will come gradually but will be long lasting in nature, whose aftermaths will rewrite story of your life. Many areas are going to see expansion and positive growth this year. This is the year of change in work for you, though your journey can be challenging, but ultimately change at work, expansion of business is seen. Along with change of work (where you work, what you work and on what position you work), this year also signifies reshuffling in your authority and greater power & sense of responsibility is going to come to you. Your phase of isolation is going to end slowly and this year is crucial for you many of you as it has capacity to change status of your relationships, yes its time for new bonds to develop and eligible ones can surely expect to get married. This year time post August is highly auspicious for blossoming of personal life prospects. Another very positive and uplifting trend of this year for you is interest in education and learning. Many of you would pursue higher education, or in general gain of knowledge is seen and this gain is huge, a giant leap in seen as far as your level of wisdom is concerned. Travel is another strong trend of this year, which will make you go places. Now coming to timelines, its time post August this year which is favorable for relationships to blossom, for travels and for rise in work. The period from beginning till August seems to be the time for your preparations when you would be required to get rooted and complete your homework thoroughly.

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

  Aries Time to get to work without excuses. Phase of relaxation, ease is now closing and this week brings patterns for sharp rise in wo...