Year Ahead 2014 : Cancer

Expansion realms

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope, said the Martin Luther King, Jr.The first part you have already done, with accepting the realities and facing the tough challenges with full of your heart. Now is the time to jump to the second part of it, yes it’s the year of hope. Its the year when apart from many material things, your self belief will come back to you, and in what a fantastic way!

More than anything else it will be your imagination, thinking ability which will see huge expansion. You will come to terms with yourself. Self approval which was waiting on your door will finally get your nod.As the year moves on, your interest in learning will grow and accordingly, this will be the year to pursue education .Many of you might opt for foreign universities looking for quality. Travel happens too in second half of the year. So its going to be the year of traveling ,learning and expanding your vision. On the way you meet new people who bring lot of new experiences in your life. Indeed this is the year when some strong bonds can develop in your lives .For many of you the time period post July can bring new relationships and it will be the for love to blossom. Depending upon the social customs these months can also give marriages. Yes this year is highly potent in reviving your personal life.

If you people have been aspiring to start some new venture, then this is the year to begin with. The months between July to Sept are very conducive for a new and fresh start up. The ideas will be plenty as you become open in experimenting new things and the spirit to do take some initiative will remain high. This year will see you expanding in multiple areas beginning from your mind, increasing social reach, filling colors in your personal lives and totally rejuvenating your lifestyle .It won’t be incorrect to term this year as one of the milestone in your entire life.

Winds of change

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Yes this year do symbolizes change, and change for the better ,but there is lot to be done before the calming phase sets in. There is lot of energy needed to be spent at home front, where matters are still challenging. Its good to remain highly alert and ready for contradictory issues arising at both your home and at your workplace when someone close to you might come to you with a strong complain and critical issue that needs to be solved on priority. The months between March to May might pose challenge in this context. If you have been neglecting  your health and for example are habitual smoker or regular alcohol taker ,then same time period will warn you in all of its might to give up such self abusive habits or else at least to develop a holistic view about your lifestyle. Apart from your own health, your parents too need attention, especially elderly females in house.

The first half of the year needs you to practice high level of caution when it comes to investing your money, and unless and until very necessary, any experiments with money should be strictly avoided. Old issues related to your property might resurface and here too do not be in any hurry to jump into buying or selling stuff, as in long term  view you are bound to commit mistake owing to clouded state of affairs which planetary movements show, especially in months of March-April. Though not in alarming way, your personal relationship can exhibit ON OFF type of behavior, staring with OFF part as the year begins. This trend will remain significant till July and message here for you is not to take any rash decisions in these months involving your partner .

Potential lessons

This is nothing new for  you as master Saturn has already given you enough of lessons through rigorous testing times in past, and before the dawn appears, you might need to learn a bit more. The foremost lesson is to love yourself. Yes it’s time to step out of self abusive patterns that you might have developed in past. It’s time to march towards healing, the change is near, in fact the tremendous phase of transformation is about to come. Prepare yourself for a big internal revolution that will start in your lives as you enter the second half of the year. The initial months of the year, especially till June should be spent in quickly formalizing your lessons learn t well in past. Another area is how you deal with matters at home, your attitude, approach and action all will be tested thoroughly. It’s going to be hectic year with lot of events happening and some kind of reshuffling and renovation seen at your home and more importantly in your way of approach towards problems. Most important lesson however is to acknowledge your limitations, define a plan to overcome them and then work towards them relentlessly.

Spiritual Journey

 This will be quite interesting area, and presently it is totally activated. In fact the past year had already initiated the silent yet steady Spiritual journey for you and this year will only add much vigor to it. You see many lessons even in smallest of the events. Your learning graph will soar magnificently. Though this is an year to register and acknowledge your limitations, it’s also the year to succeed them. This is the year to learn like a child who has just arrived in this world. It’s an year to witness reforms and how you look at things ,people and situations will undergo tremendous revolutionary change. This is an year to build your own philosophy, learn from your and other’s mistake and come out much wiser. This is the year to reorganize yourself to live life in most splendid form, and second half of the year is absolutely stunning in giving you almost magic like experiences in inner world. Stay Conscious and open to learning. A brilliant year ahead to take quantum leap in your inner journey.

For Other Zodiac Signs, New Year 2014  :
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