Turbulent Times : Saturn , Rahu and Mars Conjunction

The challenge and chaos is here again, once again the mighty forces have aligned themselves together whose effect is sure to reflect in many areas of our life. Astrologically in present time Saturn, Rahu and Mars are in same sign of Libra. These three mighty planets came together on 4th Feb this year and will remain in same sign till 24th March 2014.So what does it mean to have these planets together? And why term challenge and chaos is used right at the beginning?

Saturn represents the cautious force which is interested in deep organization at mundane and personal level, and the cost involved doesn’t bother this Spiritual giant.It’s a planet which is intimately linked with giving results of one’s Karma. Mars on other hand brings change in violent and passionate manner, when Saturn is concerned with long term effects, Mars want results in hurry and use of force is inherent part of its nature. Rahu is again a Karmic planet(rather a node) which works in deceptive manner(much like our Karma) and events caused by Rahu are too sharp yet confusing in nature, like a riot triggered by unknown people collectively known as mob. Now when these three forces come together the result is imbalance in Sign of Libra, which is bound to affect us on individual as well as on mundane level.

For example, the Sign of India has been considered as Capricorn, and from Capricorn this conjunction is happening in tenth house, talking in generic sense these 3 planets are placed in the sector which shows how well Government will work and what is the mood of masses in general. Recent upheavals in Indian politics are clearly indicated by this conjunction, which might take more filthy shape in coming times with many unpleasant events possible in near future.

This conjunction is going to affect us in distinctive areas of our life, which will depend what your Moon sign is and how its related to sign Libra. Let’s have a quick look at the possible areas where we need to practice caution and bring out our best to protect and preserve what we have got.

 Aries : These time indicate probable miscommunication and acute misunderstanding with your peers and close ones. You want to decide on something very crucial about your life, but clear way is not visible, and do not worry its not your fault entirely. The times are blurred and you should rather invest your time in gathering facts, be it career or else taking some big decision about your relationship status. The out bursting energies in you are visible, but these times are not that smooth to take on any adventure trip or sport. Respect views which are quite new to you (and discomforting too).Most importantly its time to get your health issues sorted out ,at least give your genuine attention to them.

 Taurus : The work pressure could be immense and old neglected health issues(even legal complications too) can come to the surface which will need you to remain on toe.The attraction towards addictive substance might develop as a route to ease out your stress, it’s a good idea to try alternative healing techniques instead. Mindless travel can tire you along with making big dents in your pockets. Its important for you to stay practical and trust people around  you and take routes which are tested. Confidence that you might be feeling right now, can be extremely deceptive and can tempt you to take over ambitious steps. Stay grounded and do not lose the long term vision.

Gemini  : Yes the restlessness is  killing you. So go step by step, and take it easy. Do not put your foot in something new, as it can be mere desire of Rahu to experience something exciting, without any real need. What you plan about your future will need to be evaluated again, so avoid rework and work piece by piece. Get methodical and take control of your mind, which want to run and behave completely wild.

 Cancer : Your Spirit roams. Peace right now seems completely elusive as you wander restlessly in its search. Events at home need your urgent attention with possibility of someone close facing health issue. In search of something more meaningful, do not destroy or neglect what you already have. It’s time to practice Gratitude. At workplace the atmosphere seems very sensitive and it’s good to go by bookish rules. Your own health need top priority and any excess of smoking/drinking should be reduced (if not stopped) considerably. Take it easy you Sufi Spirits.

 Leo  : How you work in teams, and the bond you share with your co-workers seems affected. Your mind is extremely volatile and though you want to decide many important tasks of your life, but owning to lack of clear way you become more agitated. Vicious circle is what can be described as best outcome for Leo people due to this conjunction. When you go on travel remember to go with your full heart. Give attention to what and how you talk with people around you as your words can be misinterpreted, that too in almost opposite sense.So rather than defending what you didn’t meant and didn’t said, be aware in the first place before shooting your words. Rome was not built in one day, and neither need you to work on your vision in hurry.

 Virgo  : Its time you put your steps very cautiously in how you spend (or save) your money. The emphasis is on your pockets basically. The events happening in your life might force you to feel low about yourself, and it’s your task not to let your Self image affected by this temporary phase. It’s OK sometimes if you are not able to fulfil your own set standards and when your will power seems to go weak. Do not be extra harsh on yourself. These times have a distinct message for you; pamper yourself and let go all guilt and other filth from your subconscious mind. A disciplined approach in your eating habits is though needed quite desperately.

 Libra  : Needless to Say your Sign is most affected which is visible in you. Restlessness, apparent confusions in taking decisions is making you crazy. Its time to put your efforts in organizing your routine to the best as your current schedule is affecting your health adversely. You need to bring out best in you as what you say and how it is perceived has huge differences which might leave you totally surprised. Your image is at low and more you bother about it, more it affects you. Rather than trying to polish things from surface, go to real stuff and gets your acts right. Admit and recognize your mistakes made in past and it’s time to derive practical leanings from them. Saturn is at its peak; forget to find short routes to success.

 Scorpio : It’s important for you to realize what important and what not .Principle of putting first thing first is your foremost learning as well as challenge. You are under a period where slight misjudgement can throw you in deep feeling of rejection and given the illusive nature of Rahu, you won’t hesitate in experimenting anything to escape the heat around you, which can possibility mean indulgences in addictive substances too. See what’s standing in front of you and face the challenges. As you don’t question your need to eat 3 times a day(or even more!),you should come to terms with yourself and motivate yourself on daily basis. Do not look for solutions elsewhere, it lies in your will to wake up and fight. Channelization of energy is biggest key.

 Sagittarius : You want to shout and make so many reshuffles in your life. Some of them might be possible to achieve, but do not lose the long term prospective while taking action on your instincts. Your ability to plan for future is under cloud and it’s important for you to take each and every detail into account while taking any crucial step. Financially things can get bit frustrating, and you should practice discipline in matters of money. All you need is deeply imbibed faith, a firm belief that things will fall in place and sometimes patience really pays off handsomely.

 Capricorn : Despite working extremely hard your work is not getting appreciated which is one of your prime cause of concern. In general atmosphere at workplace can be very unhealthy and feeling of suffocation is taking toll on you. You are feeling breathless and peace seems total illusion .You need to remain grounded and any experiment in how you work might see great opposition. Some urgent matters at home need your time and energy.Stay focussed and have firm faith, this shall too pass.

Aquarius : How you deal with your co-workers and with your higher management at workplace might see some issues. In search for something more ,you might throw yourself in many activities and won’t even hesitate in experimenting with occult too.Your ability to set vision for your future is marred currently ,so going slow with through details at your hand is need of the hour. Travel might happen, but your heart is somewhere else and your hectic schedule is taking away all the fun. For you its best to have faith in your own abilities rather than relying on any external factor and you need to remind yourself like Lord Hanuman about what you are really capable of, instead on focusing on immediate upsets.

Pisces : Remain as straightforward as possible in your approach towards work. Atmosphere at work place seems very illusive and there can be real filthy politics going behind you. Also aggression should be kept under check and it’s a challenge for you to modulate your speech, as anger and frustration is ready to creep in .Health matters should not be procrastinated further. Its time to practice caution in even smallest of things and thinking thrice before trusting someone should be your approach. Times are volatile and element of deception is present in maximum amounts for you, so go slow with eyes wide open.

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