Saturn in second house

Saturn the planet of severe austerity and patience when placed in second house at the time of birth of an individual is of mighty importance and provided it has good strength,it can create a strong pattern in life .Its always good to be aware of the fact that when you are reading and learning about Saturn ,you need to remain entirely open and receptive, as with Saturn acceptance is the key rather than expectations.Second house is our intimate sector, apart from wealth it is concerned with our beliefs, our value system and perception about the self. This house is intimately related to experiences that we receive in early part of our lives ,which shape up our thought patterns and character.To fully comprehend and appreciate the impact of Saturn in second house it is necessary to understand probable reasons along with deeper implications of this placement.

Saturn placed in second house of birth chart indicates that one has not valued the material possessions in earlier lives. Also this hints at probable misuse of resources and authority. Saturn is a planet which has all Karmas recorded for each individual and as a result of improper handling/misuse of money or other resources, it gets placed in second house to pull the strings and make one learn the importance and value of these things in present incarnation. The results given by Saturn, in any house are of far reaching nature, whose impact can be studied in depth, in volumes .But on a broader scale it impacts the finances , how one earns ,what attitude one has about money and other objects which give one sense of security and belonging. Secondly it has major influence over inner thought process and self-worth, which is worth exploring as it’s the subtle way in which Saturn sends its message.

As one find consciousness growing up, there is a sense of being in wrong place. One feels lack and its worth mentioning here that similar to its position in first house, Saturn in second house put a veil over what is received by individual in early years of life. One feels lack of warmth in family and being not understood by any is inner voice. People around are either simply lacking in ability to guide such child or else their effort is not well regulated so that end result remains a void. Owing to lack of support in childhood, one’s idea of self-worth is often distorted and there is a constant search for self-approval and one’s perceptions are generally borrowed from others.

It strongly moulds the personal belief system and one finds it hard to have full conviction in one’s capacity and often this weakness is protected through layers of hard yet superficial ego. On physical level its impact is clear in the way one deals with money. Having fatal views about Saturn here won’t help in guiding form, so blaming it and fearing for financial crisis is absolutely ill equipped way to look at it. In reality Saturn alters the feeling about money. One generally has to put lot of efforts to earn and to save. But the main aspect here is the feeling of insecurity and need to earn more for a much better lifestyle that grips the individual. One feels as if whatever is earned is not enough and more effort should be spent on securing things, objects which can give sense of security. Now how actually individual behaves will largely be governed by kind of society he lives in because Saturn here tries to find acceptance in eyes of others and security as defined by accepted norms of a particular culture.

These individuals find more peace and sense of purpose when they leave their family and build their own lives. State of Saturn here like sign, interrelationship with other planets will obviously decide how results actually manifest ,for example a well-placed Saturn here can give lot of wealth ,but deep inside one may still remain insecure about either source through which money is coming or else desire to earn more can prevent enjoying what one has already earned and achieved. A weak and afflicted Saturn here is a huge challenge and hints at messy karmic bouquet where one will be made to realize the importance of every single penny. Another result is that one’s life will involve lot of experiences which will give hard lessons. The esoteric sense of this placement is to teach one to value of hard earned money of self and others and follow a truthful path. The importance of flowing a simple, disciplined and highly balanced life becomes exponentially clear as these individuals cross mid-way of their lives and point to note here is that they learn not because someone tells them ,but because their of their own personal life experiences and immense learning which occur deep inside their psyches. Saturn teaches in its own way ,with its grip which is impossible to break away with. Life becomes much peaceful and seems rewarding when one learn the message from Saturn and implement it as well which is :

 One can only participate in cycle of earning and spending wealth and its actually impossible to have it all and you will never get it done. 
A quote from Malcolm Forbes will perhaps capture the essence of this placement with all of its beauty
Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they really are.

For other Saturn in houses series, Please click:

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House
  6th  House |7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House                                            11th House | 12th House
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