Saturn in fourth house

A family living on the foothills of Himalayas in India was apparently content and happy. The couple had a small boy, who being their only son was being brought up with extreme caution and sincerity. The mother was particularly very concerned about safety and growth of her child as she had experienced some traumatic events in her own life which led her to be quite obsessed about situations surrounding her child. Being surrounded by dense forests and various sorts of wild animals, parents always made sure that their kid takes only safe routes, do not go beyond certain heights and alike. While the father was busy in earning and feeding the family,mother being solely responsible for bringing up her kid and also immensely driven by her own fears in unconscious ways, had put severe limitations on what the boy should do and what not .Though the external beauty was immense ,the boy gradually build a world of his own, accepting limitations imposed in most diligent ways. His room had a corner where he used to feel himself cozy lying with his old and faithful dog. He used to talk very less, and even if he wanted to have some amount of it, he didn’t know how to express himself. His mother who was now growing old was somewhere satisfied as she thought she gave a protected environment and brought up her child safe and strong amid such wild conditions, but then the knots and clots in psyche of young boy were immense, he grew up in illusion as to which world was real and why his world looks so different to the world which his eyes could see, but heart couldn’t felt.

That’s how Saturn in fourth house would look like to begin with. Saturn the mighty force of nature when placed in angular fourth house, makes personality very heavy, and when we say heavy its all facets need to be understood thoroughly. Saturn here often gives different environment during childhood. Either parent do not have time, or they do not have that love in their hearts or else simply because of some practical limitations, the gentle love and attention do not reach the individual. Often childhood goes in learning lesson of what to do and what not and these lessons can be literally very strict and can be imposed in a religious way. Though the manifestation of Saturn in fourth house can be huge and endless as nature of Saturn itself, we will try to touch the essence along with its deeper implications and message.

Fourth house describes how one feels, the inner core of individual and what emotional state and response would be .It describes the early part of life and overall feel and takeaway of an individual from everything that he or she experiences. Saturn placed here puts a veil on inner mind and heart is devoid of light and joy. One finds it difficult to dance and feel the joy around, and reasons could be many. Often it is said that family environment lacks warmth leading to seriousness and cold nature of individual, but this is not the only face. In some situations, the love and nourishing might be present in abundance, and it might be lack of interest in indulging which could cut off one from ‘normal’ world. In yet another scenario, the harshness and ups-down of life might bring the  Vairaagya ,the detachment ,leading to absolute indifference about joys and sorrows of life. Whatever are the compelling reasons, often Saturn here gives another view of world and one has strictly personal view about right and wrong, whose roots will go deep down in values obtained consciously or unconsciously during early years of life.

These individuals will speak less and analyze more. They have their own ways of judging things and often their methods and way of acting can be highly traditional or unique, essence is that it will get noticed and will be different from the usual. Practicality matters to them a lot because this is what they have been told is important and to live rationally, is not a choice, but the only path available. To understand that such persons won’t become good parent themselves would be like committing a big mistake. They can give wonderful discipline to their children and set themselves as role models. But perhaps the main challenge here is how these people deal with emotional needs of people around them, and more importantly, to their own. They can suppress what they feel to the extent that they might look or even become heartless and insensitive. They would cry in the dark to hide their softer sides as showing their vulnerability to outside world would break them and shatter the idea about Self, which they had built in ages.

Saturn has positive side too, which should not be neglected. A strong and healthy Saturn here can make one thoroughly hardworking and highly disciplined person. Such person have potential to become a mass leader and irrespective of their own experiences and personal life ,they can mesmerize the masses and can be leader of people. Their most unique character is their ability to perform their duties with detachment .They have very strong ideology of their own and can become guiding light for many. Saturn here is wonderful for pursuing higher Spiritual life as these people will have inherent capability to understand Law of Karma and when they accept the lessons given by Saturn graciously and practice the essence of what they have learnt in their life, they can attain state of perfect Karma Yogis.

For other Saturn in houses series, Please click:

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House
  6th  House |7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House                                            11th House | 12th House

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