Saturn in ninth house

Saturn, the lord of Karmic justice being placed in ninth house at the time of birth of individual can imply varied meanings. Ninth house is the area of chart from where we see the level of blessings in life, life force inside individual, level of awareness and possibilities of evolution. In more refined sense this house also tells us what can be the approach of a person in pursuit of material and non-material as well. Saturn placed here can become one of the important placement and can define the major orientation and unconsciously individual can get driven by purpose of SaturnLet’s see in details what can be the implications when mighty Saturn gets situated in ninth house of birth chart.

Saturn being placed here indicates person being molded into something intense, someone with fierce mind set which at times can be twisted and complex too. The seeds of such mental state are sown right from the early years. Upbringing of individual can be extremely suffocating or family environment can be quite disturbing (financial lack, orthodox parents or grandparents, lack of proper value system in family itself and alike) leading to derangement of thought process, sometimes quite drastic and long lasting in nature. As an example, Saturn here(in its weak or afflicted state) can give health issues of parents(can be fatal in fact) which can lead to birth of altogether unique set of principles in individual, like extreme hatred for traditional set of beliefs or excessive anger and frustration to whole existence itself. Education and general upbringing can also suffer obstacles and internally one can face much depression and lack of interest in regular course of growing. When Saturn is weak here, one can find himself lonely and burdened which can make one dull and low spirited as if chained and bounded by duties, born to suffer, to realize the limitations of human endeavors and to feel deeply exhausted after series of anxious trials in life. The essence of this placement needs mention now, Saturn in ninth house wants one to realize finiteness of human existence and when it acts of higher level(i.e overall chart has strength to assimilate what Saturn has to offer) then it gives birth to desire of knowing existence beyond limitations, something which has more permanence and no limitations. It gives thirst for reaching a place where things won’t end, where there is no lack and where suffering will end, the element of immortality.

Person can try to remain isolated owing to inferior experiences in life which he doesn’t really feel like sharing. This can lead to suffocation in social life and though these people will do everything like normal, they will conceal biggest information about themselves until they feel too secured to bring it out. The role of signs in which Saturn is placed and role of other planets which makes relation with this Saturn comes into picture to decide how this desire to look for immortal life will unfold itself. When Saturn is not healthy, then it can shape individual into mean, self-centered and always trying to hoard on to the things. It can show up as rigid behavior with extremely low level of acceptance, where ego becomes driving force and not the truth. Beneath such seemingly shallow pattern lies desire of Soul to feel secured, but approach can be deeply mundane leading to further complications. Ego tries to make up for the loss experienced in earlier part of life and on the way it can develop dislike for religion, indifference to Spiritual talks and stubbornness to belief which seems to lie outside confined boundaries of mind. In very generic sense, Saturn here also gives much wealth, foreign travels but only gradually in life. There can be complex relations at work as working under someone and taking orders or following rules can feel like attack on dignity. Role of powerful Saturn needs special discussion here as it can come out to be most evolutionary placement in the chart.

When placed with dignity and in healthy state, Saturn’s stifling tendencies decreases and more importantly, it indicates early and meaningful recovery from setbacks which gives birth to comprehensive approach in life. Saturn here gives interest in knowing Spiritual side of life. In general it brings desire to learn, brings much patience and mature persona. When other supporting features are present in chart then this Saturn can expose one to deeper intricacies of religious rituals or can bring true detachment which can be part of systematic Spiritual journey. One can produce literature of great influence, can become head of some group or company and can get attracted towards mass upliftment. When Saturn is powerful here, initial experiences might not be harsh but its actually the aftermath which is more interesting; One is able to channelize energies, and proceed towards freedom in real sense. Composed and dispassionate attitude given by Saturn here can make one a mass leader who can devote his life for a mission. The essence of fruitful Saturn should be understood, though it does give all material prosperity but one will find true satisfaction going beyond them, like a lotus leaf which remains immersed, yet totally aloof.

In broader sense, Saturn in ninth house is message to rise above usual existence and look for higher meaning of life. Compelling life circumstances can be difficult in general. Other planets, sign in which Saturn is placed and overall fabric of chart becomes the medium between Saturn and individual which decides how clear this message is received, what inference one takes out of this message and finally in what manner individual’s destiny gets shaped up.

For other Saturn in houses series, Please click:

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House
  6th  House |7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House                                            11th House | 12th House

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