Year 2016 : Impact on Aquarius Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
Year of many changes is here. It’s a year when things will change gradually but will have far-fetched impact. The desired and pleasant areas where impact will be felt are many and their discussion will bring joy to you. One of the most important area which would see expansion is your work life. After a phase of sheer hard work and putting your best, rise and much authority is bound to come to your career life. Not essentially change in workplace, this is actually the year when qualitative changes will occur, i.e your position, your authority and your roles will undergo transformation. Time post March seems good for work and business expansion. One of the best areas where positive and brilliant changes awaits you is your financial aspect. Greater affluence is one of the strongest highlight of this year. Its not just money, affluence includes all round prosperity for you this time. Investments in land and properties, new vehicles, sudden huge gains from inheritance and similar channels will open up later this year for you. Months of September to November are particularly very strong. Many trips, both domestic and international ones can be expected and trend remains strong particularly till August this year. The later part of this year favors long distance travels and for the ones looking for migration, this can be defining year. Relocation and change of living place/city/country are strongly indicated. Relationship is one of the top most area of focus this year and many of you can expect to get settled and new relationships are seen getting developed. This whole year is good for increase in your network, expansion of your reach, starting new ventures and adding new profiles to your work life. Many happy events are lined up in your family life particularly in later months of this year. This is the year of rise and power coming to you, this is the year of climbing the ladder of professional success in definitive manner.

Winds of change
The core areas of your life are under total focus this year, yes its your career and your personal life relationships which are going to remain top most sectors where many changes will occur. Though positive influences are sure to please your heart, it won’t be without churning you deeply and testing you intensely. You enter this year with intense trend of reshuffling and deep churning in personal relationships. This year can bring some strong unsettling events as a measure of clean up in your social relations. Your love life remains totally in limelight and time from Jan to March and then June and July are months when randomness and extremely fierce energy will operate which can lead to big decisions. This year can end many of your relations, which can come as shock and pain. Same holds true for your professional life where direct confrontation with seniors and management at work can make your life messy. A phase of struggle and conflict is seen, specially from April to July this year. Though rise and elevation are integral part of this year, on the way you have to deal with many complications. Politics and highly ambiguous atmosphere can cloud your work life in first half of this year.

Your health looks sensitive now and especially lungs and respiration system needs care. If you are heavy on smoking, then may be its time to moderate. Health of your parents also looks concerning and though good times are indeed present, you will be needed to pay your time, money and energy on matters of family. If you have any legal issues pertaining to old family assets or related to lands and properties, this year can be extremely tiring for you and will need your best. You need to tackle health, career, your family (where someone is seen to struggle) and probably some legal issues also. Giving up this year won’t be even an option and you have to look in the face of problems and fight till you find a way, which indeed will be shown to you.

Potential lessons
This is the most critical part when it comes to what really you are going to gain from this year in its essence. The ups and downs, the smiles and tears will be lost in lanes of time but wisdom gained with alert consciousness will remain with you in times to come. Putting first thing first, it’s your personal relation which you need to manage much more effectively. There is scope for miscommunication, deceit and extreme hatred being invoked by silly things. You need to talk to your partner and make your expectations thoroughly clear, repeatedly if required. You need to lay stress on integrity and what matters to you. This is something which you need to focus on as early as possible. Ethical behavior is something which is now not a virtue alone, but will become need of the hour. You need to live by principles which you expect from your partner. Any deviations or giving in to temptations which cannot be explained can cost you heavily. If you feel separating from your partner is the only way out, then practice patience and wait for year to procced on, the high level of restlessness created by initial months will gradually settle down. Give time some time if you feel you are on fire to take some stand when it comes to your personal life.

On work front, reacting to events around you might seem very normal and obvious thing to you but you can cross the lines of dignity now and then. Avoid direct confrontations, avoid talking rudely and say goodbye to your sarcastic way of dealing things. Do not underestimate the small dangers, pay attention to your weak areas. Work on your shortcomings as this year can be fatal if you do not work on your weaknesses. There can be sudden and unpleasant events happening at work place which will need your extreme level of patience. Show what you are really made of. Do not lose the long term vision at all. In both personal and professional life remember that short term temptations and impulsive speech/acts can give your ego a big boost and secured place temporarily, but it can back fire really bad in long run. Another very subtle lesson of this year is to value the presence of your parents in real sense. Talk to them, serve them, love them and do whatever you can for them.

Spiritual journey

Until and unless your personal charts indicates time for evolution, this year really hasn’t got much here for you. You are seen to be deeply involved in core areas of your life which would hardly leave you eager for any sort of Spiritual pursuits. The trails and experiences gained in early part of the year can frustrate you and can even force you to look beyond mundane existence, but this urge can be temporary itself. You will be pulled pretty soon into affairs of this world as happy events will return soon. Though not direct experiences of Spirituality, but post September this year, desire to settle down and look things from a fresh perspective will arise in you. This can be termed as a phase of intense introspection. As this year is high on travels, some of you can travel to religious places to seek Divine intervention, but this call can be pretty shallow itself, lacking real intention. Time to sort out your duties and align your energies in better way, the Spiritual journey though never stops completely, but is definite slow this year so sort out rest of the affairs of your life in details this year. Prepare yourself for taking up bigger roles with great responsibilities.

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