Jupiter transit in Virgo ( 2016 - 2017 ) : Impact on Sagittarius sign

Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act. Action will delineate and define you said the Thomas Jefferson. Mighty Jupiter bring such challenging yet rewarding times for you. Sagittarius people are undergoing through extremely testing times owing to grand period of Sadesaati. With the movement of Jupiter into Virgo, pious and great benefic Guru enters your house of Karma, initiating a new phase where ideas take shape and things come to visible form, but asking your immense patience and testing your values intensely. Impact of this transit is huge for you and changes appearing now will reform your life in longer run.

Perhaps most important change will be seen in the area of work, as Jupiter itself will be transiting your career house. The manifestation can literally be many depending upon individual time period patterns. Talking in generic sense, this is the time when one gives sincere thought career aspects. How and where one works gains the limelight. You will either think of changing your job as this transit generally brings stagnancy in present profile and one start to look for better opportunities. Else you can expect a considerable change in your present workplace only with either change in profile or else change in the way of your working. Atmosphere at workplace is bound to change now. Here most important aspect should be remembered; Jupiter blesses in disguise here, so effects will not be visible right away, rather you need to garner the belief that everything happening around you has a precise meaning and would ultimately work in your favor. Wherever you stand right now, you have to make a move now. Move or indications of movement will first appear inside your mind, deep within boundaries of your mind and heart you would feel some whispers and its gradual manifestation will be different according to where you are standing as of now. More detail elaboration is needed with respect to time period pattern of this transit.

This transit doesn’t imply swift change or rise in work but actually shows situation of pressure and/or events which can force/inspire you to leave job or perform your duties with some resistance. Initial months of this transit till Feb 2017 can be relatively fine, but time between Feb to June 2017 can be quite intense and shows strong changes/restructuring in work life and reason can be your family life, desire to move on, stagnation in current place or alike. This transit also favors relocation which though can seem pretty upsetting initially. Some family matters too need attention now and disturbed equation with family members will need to be dealt in mature manner.

Another area where this transit will make a pleasant presence felt is your finances. Yes, its time for your wealth to grow. You preserve, you invest, you feel the growing abundance in your life, gradually. You also begin to link your self-image to your work. This transit will impact your self-esteem and it’s time for typical healthy and optimistic Jupitarian influence to affect your subconscious mind. It’s time to re-build confidence in your abilities. Jupiter offers you a hand to make you stand once again firmly, all you need to do is work on those small voices coming from inside. You will get strong intuitive insights about how you can alter your life and here lies the essence of this transit for you ; Your real change will come through working diligently on the ‘right’ things, that you feel within your heart. Though one of the most critical thing is timing here. Changes that Jupiter promises here would take time to appear in full blown form, so you really need to be patient enough to understand the gestation period of Jupiter. Time between September 2016 to Jan 2017 is pretty good for focusing on your finances, investing and planning your financial portfolio. For many of you, addition of new assets is also possible like land, property, a vehicle or some desired object/s. Many of you can also take up renovation of your house in addition to buying/selling land and property.

Essence of this transit should be well understood. Jupiter transit for you now is like time to act and take decisions pertaining to important pillars of your life like career, finances and family. You can choose to stay on, quit, start afresh or whatever looks in sync with your inner desire, but you have to take a stand now and simply cannot avoid your inner voice turning into pressure situation in concrete form. Whether you are able to understand the bigger picture or not, decisions taken or changes happening now will pave the way for future in brighter way. You might not see hope or way right away but still you need to go by your inner convictions alone. Jupiter moving into your house of Karma is like invisible support from Almighty. As time progresses you would be able to precisely recognize the grace that dawned upon you. So have faith and allow the change with grace.

Heart of the matter:

1.Jupiter moves into Virgo sign on 11-12th August 2016 and will remain in it till 11th September 2017.
2.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.
3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

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