Saturn transit to Sagittarius : Impact on Leo sign

Saturn transit brings fresh vibes to you Leo people. It’s time to take a deep breath and let the old go, it’s time to move ahead again. The transit of Saturn into Sagittarius for Leo Moon sign people is going to bring huge relief and its beginning of a new era. Impact as usual will be felt and seen on many areas, but perhaps the greatest change will be a sense of calm and relief, you will feel light and hopeful. It’s a transit to cheer about, Saturn will bring you much joy, but certainly not without some responsibilities. Let’s learn how this transit will mold your life and what’s stored for you.

It’s time to say good bye to heaviness inside you, mighty Saturn now removes many blockages from your life. Many pending tasks, projects and complex unsolved matters will now look up for resolution. So, the foremost impact is green signal, to wake up from your sloth and stagnancy and move ahead. Your work life is going to be impacted positively by this transit. Time from Nov 2017 is very encouraging to look for new jobs, better work environment and expansion in your business. The stagnation that was prevailing till now ends. Things move, you see changes, better opportunities that matches your talent. Such opportunities can even come via some jolt, sudden loss of job which you weren’t expecting, but all happens to make you move to a better place, so do not panic if you see unpleasant events in the beginning, remain assured they will take you to better state. Specifically, time between Nov 2017 to Oct 2018 remains very pleasant for favorable changes in work and some relocations, travels are also seen. Though greater responsibilities, more mature roles have to be assumed, which you should welcome whole heartedly as they would take you to level next. Time for caution is between April to Aug in 2018 and 2019 when you can see strong disturbance in work life, in health, in your relationship with family, children. These are the months which can have element of suddenness and can make you unsettled. In particular time April-Aug 2019 is much more testing and can cause severe strain at work, these times would need your patient approach.

Financially, there is good boost as well specially post Nov 2017.Better paying jobs, hike in salary, expansion in business, more customers in your work all are possible. You make lot of progress when you focus on people network, so remember to remain in touch and feel free to ask for help and invite others to help your work grow. Gains from lands and properties is also possible, especially post October 2018.You can also get a lump sum of amount either from your past investments or from your family or simply from something unexpected. Saturn transit is specially very good when it comes to your personal and public relationships. You see clear improvement back home where tensions resolve, some pending matter gets closed, better events starts and much more harmony arrives. Time from October 2017 to October 2018 is best for your personal relationships. Falling in love, meeting the destined one is strongly seen and this phase is very good for getting married as well.

The feeling of isolation for many of you is now all set to depart, making a space for love to fill there. Time is very conducive to open your heart, take initiative in matters of love. Not just romance and emotional upsurge, Mighty Saturn has come to bless you with long term serious and sincere bonding, so for the ones who are looking for marriage or soulful connection, time has arrived with a bang. Similar you see very healthy rise in your people network, you meet many old friends, make many new ones, people get back to you with gratitude and you feel strongly connected and better supported. Though the first half of 2019 can be problematic for your relationships and approach has to be much more patient. Those planning for kids, year 2018 has good scope for it.

One of the most significant impact will come in the way you think and feel. Last transit of Saturn had given you many condensed experiences whose impact must have been very strong but its meaning and impact remains unclear. Present transit of Saturn will give you the ability to synthesize the information within your psyche, organize what you have learn, deduce lessons. It’s like taking out handful of butter from liters of thick milk. There will be rise in your creativity and you will like to express yourself, but important notch here is that it will require immense effort in order to do so, especially in later part of transit. This is the good time to form new plans, build new vision for your life, restructure your life for the better and optimize your routine. Its good time for the ones aspiring to go for education as the general nature of this transit for you people is to learn and amass knowledge. Higher education, movement to foreign lands, enrollment in long term education courses, doing skills additions, learning new subjects, self-learning all are joyous experiences which Saturn brings to you. Though only sincerity would be rewarded with wisdom.

Saturn here also bring some caution and lessons for you, though in milder versions. As Saturn arrives and you move ahead, you need to become disciplined in your financial matters. Any casual approach will not be spared now and Saturn wants you to put extra effort and more physical as well as mental exhaustion in order to earn money. It’s time to value money and invest and spend with care. There could also be expenditures in your family. For the ones associated with creative lines like media, fashion industries, communication, writing, film making and other similar fields, Saturn is going to bring recognition of your efforts, though only gradually so keep your efforts and spirits high and continuous.

Esoteric and deeper implication of this transit should be understood for better comprehension. Saturn transiting fifth house from your Moon means some old Karmas getting dissolved and many events with no logical justification popping up. So there could be some bonds in your life which might crumble down, some people who will depart which can initiate deep pain for some time in you. This transit often bring restructuring in social life and some of the previous life connections come to the picture, hence blossoming of new bonds and falling in love is one of the most basic trait of this movement. You need to give a way to old and rotten relationships to end and let go of old habits (which no longer serve you or are harmful). This Saturn transit can be phenomenal for your Spiritual growth.2018 has great surge and you will travel to many places, gain immense blessings, meet many advance aspirants and even getting initiated into Higher path is very much possible. Indulging in serious practices of Mediation, yoga, tantra and alike is all open to you now. This is one of the best transit for making a giant leap in Spiritual world. It’s time to trust the Greater force and let things happen, acceptance is the quality with which Saturn’s lessons becomes less painful and even more importantly trough which main message become clear. Welcome to the era of inner transformation.

Heart of the matter:
1.These articles are majorly applicable from Moon sign.
2. As Saturn remains in one sign for 2.5-3 years, these analysis articles have long term applicability. To be particular, they discuss potential and possibilities for next three years (2017 -2019)
3. Saturn transit is most intensive phenomena and impact life of individual in fundamental ways, still individual dasa pattern stands first and these transit articles are second to impact (except the ones under impact of Sadesaati, where dasa gets suppressed majorly).

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