Karmic Lessons Learnt - Journey of Saturn and Ketu - 2

In the first part we explored the events and broader patterns activated by Saturn-Ketu association. In this part we will dive in deeper and see specificity of these events how these patterns will sink in. This sinking in will take place in second phase of Saturn-Ketu association which remains effective from October 2019 to January end 2020.This is the phase of ripening of these changes and coming to terms with lessons learnt.

Aries people needs to reform their belief system ,how they perceive working with others, some of their professional karma will get complicated before it gets settled .Change in attitude about others, about elders in family, lessons learnt from events occurring in life of father or someone senior at work/family .Forced relocation ,work related changes ,need to upgrade skills and working on lower ego are bigger lessons. Religious beliefs, lifelong perceptions about Divine and destiny will be shaken as well, some will find drifting away while others will get back home, depending on individual destiny as well. It’s about changes in your approach due to shattering of earlier beliefs and with end of many associations out of whom you derived a sense of security. It’s time to become self-reliant again. Saturn-Ketu will teach you not to rely on some idea, people, situations or resources blindly as these are subjected to change. Your sense of identity owing to your status will also undergo change.

For Taurus people, this process is extremely intense and can involve deeper realizations about work life ,relations ,finances and health .Many of old habits will have to be left, financial situation can get alarming hence needing you to change your way you save and invest. Health is major area and you will now have to resolve to live in much more disciplined way. Many of relations will fade away and biding adieu to people will be intense phase for you. Its nothing sort of rebirth in terms of how you have lived your life before and how you must live in times ahead. Saturn-Ketu have dug intensely deep in your karmic pot and many ugly, uncomfortable realities will come to surface. Its phase of total shattering of your earlier self-image. Essence for you is major changes in almost all aspects because of intense, true and sharp realizations in life. Acceptance, trusting realizations and resisting the temptation to move back to old patterns will be your challenges.

Geminis experienced major turbulence in their people relationships. It could be with friends, family, their love life. This has direct connection to their self-image as well. Saturn and Ketu indicate that you need to let go of some people, relations, reform your identity which you had formed through people associated earlier. It will be phase of finding/forming your identity again, which will be a lonely process. Taking more responsibility at home, acceptance of limitations of marriage/relationship and acting more maturely for sake of sustaining relationships will need you to change how you interact with others .It’s through struggle in relationships that Gemini would learn to love themselves again, but leaving behind many memories, people ,relations, old thought process will nevertheless be extremely painful process, but its end of time for some bonds, and you will clearly know it now.

Its areas of health, work atmosphere/relationships along with financial outlook which will undergo changes for Cancer sign people. Some habits will have to be left behind, some professional relationship karma will get complicated and your way of working, attitude ,will have to be worked upon .This can involve humiliation at work ,betrayal/humiliation  from someone close ,money issues leading to debts or simply unable to cope up with work pressure owing to limited beliefs/old way of working. Letting go of some habits, lethargy, crippled attitude about others and learning about dedication for work, your goals, your health is realization that you will finally receive. Its through getting into mud and ugliness that Saturn-Ketu will teach importance, dignity of being ethical, committed and meaningful in your behavior and working ways.

Leo, the stronger ones, will have to let go of many of their old beliefs, their rigid and egoistic nature. Difficulties in love life, end of karma in love relation or end of some close friendships can cause major shifts in how you see yourself and perception about love, commitment will come. Events in lives of your children and their health/well being will also cause some major shifts in your though process. For Leo, very much like Taurus people, this is intense process as there must be some major let go leading to fundamental change in mind, thought process. It’s nothing less than a rebirth in terms of how you see life, your beliefs, feel about life. Shattering of identity formed owing to some past relations, thought process, your status and even due to some of your possessions will lead to loss, a void and will force to you redefine your reference point of self-image. Moving into unknown is fearful, isn’t?

For Virgo people this change can involve place where they find comfort, their old beliefs, attitude, their family and perception about work as well. This can mean taking up more responsibility but under compulsions, health issues/life struggle of family member or some family conflict coming as wake up call for you or simply challenges at work asking you to give up old thought process and sloth. Separation from home, movement away, finding yourself in isolation, learning to live in solitude are events which basically will need you to reform your ideas about self, family, social acceptance and how you work to preserve and grow in these aspects. Saturn-Ketu will take you out of your comfort zone and will make you see things from altogether different perspective, from a place of far less comfort and in the process, you will learn patience and greater acceptance.

Libra people will see events around their social life, with some close family members, with relatives, your equation with people, some old bonds and your approach about relationships itself will undergo major change. You will lose many of your associations. Though some of these relations would purely be of karmic nature ending in this phase but few of them will indirectly ask you to look within, question your approach ,your ego and how you work in your people relations .You will evolve into new person with fundamental changes in how you see relationships and how you behave ,approach others. How much others matter, how much their views, participation and role is in your life will be majorly redefined now. Some of it will be forced while majority of it can seem as intentional, but essence remains change in your overall social indulgence and its importance for you.

For Scorpios, its more about self-esteem, equation with self, with some close family members and your innermost thinking and feel about how you feel about self, about events and their impact on you. With some major issues over in your finances, at home, in your planning, how you see yourself, working of your deeper instinct will undergo change. Deep within some of your hopes, plans can break away forcing you to fundamentally change how you think and how you perceive yourself in society. This is extremely personal change and primarily stands for reformation of your ideals, thought process and your place in family and society. You have to leave behind some rotten ideas, plans, hopes and will be forced to undertake new journey which can be altogether new and will create a sense of fear and loss. Identity loss and a phase of void will be settled in this last phase of Saturn-Ketu consolidation.

Sagittarius people had intense time with Saturn-Ketu in their sign. This conjunction will lead to total restructuring of many aspects. Your self-esteem, your relationship with self, with family members. Your old beliefs about self, your capabilities and potential will undergo change. You will realize some of your past illusions and touching the reality will hit you hard and can shake you completely .It’s like having your ideas about your talents, your skills and potential all broken because of events ,real time tests and your family-work posing challenges ,exposing your weakness. For you people, this impact won’t be less than new birth and loosing old identity and coming to terms with realizations will gradually take concrete shape in this Saturn-Ketu association which will ripen totally by January end 2020.

For Capricorns impact of Saturn-Ketu is extremely subtle in nature and is too difficult to be seen in totality at once. It shows many of your old support, beliefs and security falling away. This is slow process for you and coming to terms of your isolated life can be very disheartening and lonely process. Your illusions about some of your friends, family and workplace friends will be shaken, you will realize that you were having false impression about many and were deriving false sense of security from some people, from your own potential and beliefs. Now you will come to reality, which means a journey from pure potential(which made one feel secure as there seems infinite possibilities) to actual reality which in process will expose your imagined potential and you will come to realize what you really know and what you are really capable of achieving. Coming to terms with this relation and accepting your true potential with grace and then molding your life around it, this is where real essence this Saturn-Ketu impact lies for you.

Aquarius sign people will see major changes in their sense of self, their image, joy and definition of self, happiness which is being derived from external events, people, things and hopes. This means many of your associations, friendships, family bonds will either end or will be distorted, undergo major changes which will subtly change how you see yourself. Till now your ego was being nourished by views ,love ,support of others and this Saturn-Ketu conjunction will end many of your relations which in turn will shake/devastate your ego .To your surprise as well, you will see your real face which can scare you .You will come close to identifying your real self, you will see your ego and what you do with it entirely depends on your intentions. To go even deeper, some of your wishes will be fulfilled but you will realize emptiness and deeper void after fulfillment .Ambition, desire, your hopes ,some of them via fulfillment will bring you to a place which will force a deeper introspection as to was it worth? Your outer surroundings, your people relations by undergoing change will break many of your illusions and past self-image.

For Pisces, lessons are mainly aligned from workplace and in this process, you have to incorporate many improvements. Your career graph can have major issues earlier which will force you to adopt new methods, new approach and even shift in work field and building new skills as well. Some of your work-based relations can create major hassles which will teach you importance of maintaining greater diplomacy in professional relations. In deeper sense this phase highlights end of karma with some previous organization, field of work, people and place and now in second phase of Saturn-Ketu conjunction you will come to terms with such changes. Starting work life from scratch, building new connections and confidence will take time. Essence for you is reformation in your identity because of major events happened in your work life. Those who used to derive a sense of pride or ego due to their position and status will undergo a jolting experience which will force them to realize that work identity is extremely superficial and hence you need to move towards some fundamental core within.

Please Click here , Saturn Rahu Conjunction Part 1
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The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

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