Saturn transit to Aquarius : Impact on Aquarius sign


Expansion areas

Saturn movement to Aquarius is in your Moon sign. Now your Sadesaati will reach peak and this transit phase signifies the peak time of your Sadesaati, i.e the intense phase of tests from Saturn. So key words for you are growth amid many challenges and intense time for personal transformation.

Career changes can come with intense preparation. This phase is average though for getting stability in work and changes in job can have some conditions attached with them .Its not the time to expand business and new ventures should be taken up with utmost caution. Career will grow but at slow pace.

Financially this is slightly better phase then previous one and you will grow decently .There will be better salary, better business returns. Gains from properties is also favoured bur weakly.

This is decent time for those looking to get married, Saturn does not oppose marriage but process of marriage can take time and small complications.

You will find better confidence, stability and self-esteem in this transit despite the fact that Saturn is in intense form for you.

Challenges ahead

Saturn moving to your Moon sign can be the most intense time of your entire life. This can have numerous interpretations, i.e how and where Saturn will test. Career challenges can have many forms. You can get stagnate, your new job can be very demanding, work pressure will shoot high and you can get sharp opposition from seniors. Getting into blame games, workplaces and even getting trapped into some conspiracy is possible in this phase. If your individual time is weak, it can even lead to job threats and losses.

Challenges in relationships can also be the top concern. The seeds sown in last 2.5-3 years will start to show visible and permanent impact .This means its possible to face problems in marriage, love life and some family level conflicts, differences with other family members can take rigid shape. This phase can permanently damage and even end some your friendships, social relations. Problems in professional relationships can be intense as well.

Many of you can now face health issues. No doubt Saturn sitting in own sign will generate good willpower to face them, but if you are prone for any health aspect, that can now come fully to surface .More than anything, this phase can be testing for your mental health.

Delays can be experienced now in most intense form. Things will come to you after making you wait and something in lesser amount. So fulfillment of goals will be delayed and in some cases can even be denied.

Peak phase of Sadesaati is time when karma of past life and even many past lives comes to surface for justice. This means how and where one will get trouble cannot be told in generic sense. This is subjected to individual charts strictly. Like if someone has weak marriage aspects in chart ,then problems will become too bold in this phase. Sometimes the events can be beyond comprehension as one can even get result of some act from past lives which in current state will seem like out of nowhere and even unjust. So it really depends on individual karmic account whether one will face some problems or no problems at all. There have been some cases when a person can even get success in Sadesaati phase.

What needs to be done

The list here can be in form of a book ,as peak phase of Saturn has lessons which can go on for entire life. So in short, this is your time to learn in most profound ways and there is series of dos and don’ts for you ,if one is interested in handling things consciously.

Foremost is to remain humble .This phase can create tensions and you can become frustrated and can hurt others emotionally. Stay humble, do not blame others. You have to develop faith that whatever is happening with you is solely due to your own karma .Living in humility is top lesson.

Patience, the key word which is synonymous with Saturn. You have to have patience in every possible way. Saturn’s tests can only be dealt nicely when once is truly patient.

Another top lesson is to remain ethical. This phase can create conditions where you can attracted to shortcuts, can get into relationships for mere pleasure, can neglect values, commitment etc. This can be considered to be trap of Saturn to test you. So do things which are right. Choose dullness over sudden and temporary happiness if it involves risks and unethical aspects. Living with morals can seem dull, boring but practicing in this phase is absolutely necessary so that you do not get into new mess.

Value people .Value people who care for you .In your problems, frustration don’t hurt them. You are in vulnerable times and your actions can push people away leading to permanent losses. Such losses will even come as seeds have been sown earlier as well ,but if you realize it, then don’t repeat such patterns. Respect those who love and care for you.

The list of what you should do can go on and it will certainly look like too idealistic and even impractical in current world scenario. Though as you will move ahead, you will realize that’s you really cannot hope to succeed in such phase without being at your best. So its more about adapting to values through your experience. So to summarize be as righteous as your personality allows, rest Saturn will give you real time experience of what it means.

Spiritual journey

Needless to say ,this phase for you is the peak of Spiritual growth but in most intense form. This doesn’t mean reading books, practicing meditation on yoga mat and discussing Spiritual things with like minded. This is far more real time. This is rather a time when Saturn can make you isolated, you can live alone in your mind( and at times in actual physical life, people can reduce, you can move to isolated places) and then you have to understand what Spirituality actually means .Like practicing honesty when others are making money and having fun via politics, like respecting others while still hurting inside ,like not shouting or blaming others for situations in your life, like not making excuses or shifting blame on destiny ,God, family or others and accepting that you are wrong and then rather than becoming defensive, working on yourself .That’s how you can make best use of this phase and Saturn can only be pleased by such honest inner work .Its time to take accountability.

Heart of the matter

Saturn will stay in Aquarius between 29th April to 12 July in 2022.Saturn will then remain in Aquarius continually from 17 Jan 2023 to 29 March 2025.So applicability of these articles is in this time span.

These articles are based on Moon signs.

These articles are of generic nature .How actually results span out depends on individual time period pattern mainly.

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