The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]



Time to get to work without excuses. Phase of relaxation, ease is now closing and this week brings patterns for sharp rise in workload and also problems at home. Problems within family, concerns of family members can come to surface. It wont be easy to run away now, so key for you is facing difficult situations and issues of your life without looking for excuses or escape. Work politics can cause harm, you need to remain very aware of people’s intentions. Wealth, time drain is also likely, you need to think, act very wisely.


You will have to take some heavy responsibility. Matters at work are looking better but ego issues will have to be dealt effectively and timely. Your routine looks in mess and you need to take control of what and when you eat. This is time to be much more intentional in your behaviour. Casual attitude about people, your work and mainly your health can cost you heavy .When you know you need to act, you should. Excessive drain of mental energies also comes by unconscious use of time. Key for you is being fully conscious in thinking and acting.


You are now in phase of more inner turmoil . Old habits, past patterns can come back if you allow then freely. This means now you need to know what you need to leave behind. Pull of old relationships, unfulfilled desires can take you to places which have nothing to offer making you feel dull and regretful. Conserve your health, energy and most important is to remain future orientated. The lessons which you have learnt should not be forgotten at any cost. Financial aspects remain fine and home affairs seems some relief in times ahead.


Mixed times for you with some new uncomfortable developments possible at work, though you will come out well. This is time when you need to focus on people who look in favour but actually have otherwise intentions. Share information with care, key for you is maintaining your dignity and not becoming causal in how you spend your time and what you allow to enter your mind .Being selective will save you from many hassles. Trips should only be planned if necessary ,some sudden expenses can come ahead.


Decently good times for you. This week will bring calmness, will make you at ease and you will feel loved and protected. Financial matters are going to get better as you move ahead. Trips pattern is rising and will bring joy .Career matters can cause tensions, workload will rise and people equation is where you need to be very careful. Maintaining very professional attitude at workplace will save you. Even if you are not sensing any threats, being very careful and behaving with alertness is key for you ,specially with people at work. Speak with care, patience is very valuable for you right now.


You need to remain very flexible as some of your earlier plans can undergo changes. Pattern of trips is now getting active and you will meet your old friends and overall atmosphere of feel good factor is seen. Most of the care is needed in your personal, family level bonds where you can lose temper and they can get impacted adversely. Patience is key for you. Knowing what and who matters to you truly will save you from many hassles. Turbulence can be experienced at workplace, for some this can be time for change of job.


While your health, financial state improves and there is some feel good factor as well in this week, work matters can make you tensed often. Now the pattern of work politics, tensions with people at work is active. Trips can come but can be hectic. You can come to know hidden intentions of some of the people which can surprise you .If passing through some old health issue ,this is time to take care and avoid unnecessary changes in medication/treatment. Wealth ,time drain is also indicated. Key for you is not taking anyone or anything too causally.


Some of the old, unfinished matters in family life, in personal relationships can surface again. This time you need to pay attention to it deeply as it will ask for some long-term solution. Health will get better, confidence will rise but challenges can become stronger at workplace. Tensions related to career matters will also keep you engaged often .Your mind at the moment seems clouded by many issues, thinking ,acting according to priorities will help you. Key for you is not doing silly things, hurting others just because you are feeling messed up within.


New patterns of very demanding in nature sets in. Now you need to pay more focused attention in matters of work, health mostly. Career which was going decently till now can cause concerns, new matters can surface which can unsettle your life to some extent. Health issues, especially if you have some history, can resurface now. This is right time to become extremely responsible in your eating habits and routine in general. Key for you is taking corrective measure in needed area keeping excuses and ego behind.


Better times for you. You will see good results of your past hard work ,health becomes better, tensions eases at workplace and workload comes under control. You need to pay more attention to eating habits ,routine in general which needs some correction, so you need to pay attention to any signals. You can also receive some critical feedbacks but for your good, so remain in accepting mode. Financial matters are looking good and you will also socialize well, will meet friends ,family ,spend good time with them causing ease and joy.


Time for recovery. This week brings high energy, will give you chance to bounce back at work and family front both. Though there might be few tests and surprises left ,so you need to keep your calm. Better work aspects are seen ahead, new breakthroughs can come for those looking. You will surely get opportunity to mend things at home ,better harmony and connection with family members will come ahead. This is your time to take corrective measures quickly and take back control of your life in full manner. Good times for financial recovery and betterment both. Key for you is not giving up when you are faced with dejection.


Home front needs much care. There can be events causing panic ,love life matters seems in bad state. It is now mandatory to take some corrective measures and mostly it has to do with improving your behaviour after accepting your mistakes. Work aspects can create challenges very often, problems with people you work can come up frequently. This is time when you need to lower down your expectations and also swallow your pride at home ,at work for the sake of peace and progress. Key for you is knowing when to apply force and when to become gentle.

The Sunday Sip [ 13th - 19th October 2024 ]

  Aries Time to get to work without excuses. Phase of relaxation, ease is now closing and this week brings patterns for sharp rise in wo...