Dynamics of exceptional celestial configuration: Saturn, Rahu conjunction and Mars impact

There are times which comes to shake up the existing system, fury among the masses comes to the surface, when huge amount of random energies get accessible to us, and depending upon our intent it shows its manifestation . Currently in heaven the planetary configuration is exceptional. Saturn being in Libra and Rahu also there, these two planets have been in this sign for quite some time. But now they have reach at the same degrees ,making the conjunction as we say in astrological terms .The story doesn’t end here, Mars being in Cancer has an aspect over Saturn as well as Rahu ,and to add more on to that ,Saturn in turn aspect Mars. So Saturn and Rahu together in Libra and mutual aspect exists between Saturn and Mars. How does it affect us? Let’s look into details.

 Though I am not keen in going into its affects on world at large, such configuration deserves mention of some important points. History has been an evidence that whenever such close association gets formed between three most difficult planets with energies of different kinds, some events takes place, which generally are of unpleasant nature. Earthquakes have been recorded at such times, war broke out, economies tumble and there is an acute feeling of restlessness among the masses .Mars being in sign of Moon, even nature’s fury through water is indicated, which might take the form of tsunami or even unexpected rainfall or floods. As Rahu is also present in this celestial drama, there might be some issues happening in the name of religion too ,which obviously can have an element of deception as it won’t represent the true face of the situation .

On personal level such configuration makes mind extremely prone to take wrong decisions and its extent will of course depend on where such combination falls in our individual charts .In general this configuration represents excess amount of energy which can get extremely destructive If we allow our lower human qualities to reign. Great patience has to be practiced to divert this energy being manifested in unpleasant ways. This configuration will last for approximately a month and on personal levels it demand us to bring out our highest level of qualities to sail easy. Let’s have a look at key areas where it might affect us on individual levels.

Aries : Personal relationship is under impact. Public relations need to be carefully handled, also affairs at home could go random way along with your vulnerability to health issues.

Taurus : Health is the main area to watch out. Legal matters should be dealt with extreme caution. Atmosphere at workplace can get quite messy.

Gemini : Financial crisis can shake your foundation, along with probability of acute misunderstanding in your love life.

Cancer : Adventurous spirit needs to be controlled ,affairs at home can be turbulent. Health is an area of concern.

Leo : Mindless expenses and restless Spirit. Energy is surplus and you might find it hard to find a way.

Virgo: Financially things might be quite volatile .Be extremely cautious of what you say and commit.

Libra: Most affected sign. There could be a situation of extreme crisis in many spheres of your life, be at workplace, or finances or even your health. Practice highest level of patience.

Scorpio : Guard off yourself from tremendous pull of addictions .For you energy might find it easy to go simply un channelized ,leaving you physically and mentally exhausted.

Sagittarius : Two basic pillars ,finance and health seems to under impact. Also your vision of future might get completely disabled for sometime.

Capricorn : Disenchantment with your career might reach peak now. Also your relationship needs attention.

Aquarius : All hard work yet no help from heaven might be your inner voice right now. Keep a very strong check on your health too.

Pisces  : Disappointment in love life, overall drop in enthusiasm .More than any other sign you guys need to take care of your health.

The final outlet of energy generated by mutual aspect of Saturn and Mars, along with intrigue given by deceptive Rahu will actually depend on the level of consciousness that one is living on. Its apt to conclude with the words of Hellen Keller ,”Character cannot be developed in ease in quiet .Only through experience of trial and suffering can soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved.”

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