Learning to live with afflicted planets : A Holistic approach towards remedial measures -2

We have heard the messages from the Sun, Moon and Mars, which forms the triangle of Self, Will and Energy for its expression. Now lets explore more about the planets who exert influence over important spheres of our life. Lets have a look what subtle messages are emitted by planet of intellect Mercury ,the goddess of Love Venus and Spiritual Giants Jupiter and Saturn.

Listening to the message from Mercury:

1. When Mercury is weak of afflicted in chart then one should always weight pros and cons before speaking. Timing is also important. Giving attention to what& when you speak and taking responsibility of it will strengthen Mercury.

2.Develop a habit of learning something new every day, however small or insignificant it may seem, keep your learning graph going up.

3. One needs to organize the thought process, how? One should recognize the fact that there should be a limit till planning and thinking should go, after that implementation must follow. One should learn to think and plan within pre-defined time limits. Here the motive is not to win some race against the stop watch, but to consciously develop organized thinking that is capable of giving results.

Listening to the message from Venus:

1.For males, weak or afflicted Venus will gain strengthen if perception towards females is changed .One should give great level of respect to women in general and tendency to look them as mere sex objects is lethal to state of Venus. Women should be treated with dignity.

2. For females, understanding that every other women has her own importance in this world will help. Motive here is to develop respect for peers, elderly women.

3. One should give dignity to the idea of Love. Rising from deep dark worlds of lust and attachments and practicing Selfless Love and Compassion will give Glory to Venus, irrespective of state in which it lies in chart.

Listening to the message from Jupiter:

1. One should realize the importance of following honesty in personal and professional area. Weak or afflicted Jupiter gains power if one follow idealistic behavior amid tempting conditions.

2. Speak only when it is required and advice should only be given when explicitly asked. Give learning a special place in your lives. Read inspiring stories about the successful and idealistic personality. Make a resolute to follow at least some of the principles ,no matter what happens.

3. Even if you don’t believe in religion and ritual, it is not necessary to mock the ones following it. Develop a deep sense of respect for all sects of belief.

4. Elder ones in family should be given high level of respects and they should never be mistreated. Treating elder and wise people with great respect will glorify the Jupiter amazingly.

5. Teachers,preachers and the ones who are involved deeply in gaining or imparting education or any form of genuine knowledge should be given respect. If possible one should try to impart true education to the needy.

6. Never miss any opportunity to work for other. Selfless act and altruistic activities will boost Jupiter’s health in profound way.

Listening to the message from Saturn:

1.Weak or afflicted Saturn shows some difficult Karmic patterns. Saturn is anyhow difficult to please and infact what all have been written for other planets bundled together might do good for Saturn alone! Saturn demands highest level of ethical behavior irrespective of the environment .Hence following honesty in all areas, and showing most idealistic behavior might give strength to ailing Saturn in chart

2.Its utmost important to give respect to less privileged ones. Respect the ones having trouble in life ,respect the laborer and service class people who toil hard for their lives. Saturn lives in their lives.

3.Most important and subtle message from Saturn is to understand that the material possessions and riches do have their limitations and attachments do not work well with this planet. So develop a sense of detachment however small to start with. Saturn loves such approach, something what Lord Krishna preached in Karma Yoga of Bhagwad Gita.

By giving out attention to what weak or afflicted planets really want to convey, we respect them and actual healing process starts .This is how one can approach remedial measures in their most comprehensive and subtle form, which help immensely in overall growth of an individual.

For  Part - 1 :
Learning to live with afflicted planets : A Holistic approach towards remedial measures -1

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