Mars in 3rd house

In high school physics we have studied what resonance is .If we go by definition then resonance is tendency of a system to oscillate with greater amplitude at some frequencies than at others. So the planet whose sole motto is to give spark to our Soul, to give a tremendous push towards our goal, the frequency of third house seems the best. That’s where the frequency of Mars and third house matches so well that resonance occurs ,and amazing results can be expected .Mars actually provides a bridge between our thoughts and their manifestation .It is a force which gives shape and structure and is restlessly engaged in activities of various sorts arising from its natural instincts to conquer and establish its authority ,or most of the times, it can be just plain impulse to act devoided of any structured ambition .And what is third house of a chart? The qualities that we saw briefly about Mars, are the ones well received and aspired by this house.
 These people are on the move, they are performers ,and depending what their talents are, they constantly like to be on stage, showing their skills. Its important to note that in subtler terms the main motive is rarely to show off their talent ,rather the real force is impulse arising in their hearts ,which wants energy outlet and using their bodies as medium for it seems instant answers to them .Give some plan to these people and see their enthusiasm to start on the venture. Imagine a scenario where a fresher, a new starter has started off in her career. She comes to her workplace with a curious attitude to explore her work ,her teammates, environment around, the policies and work ethics of organization and alike .The feeling of this girl typically describes Mars placed in third house .It makes one curious, who wants to explore on many levels, but being the planet of extrovertism, these people often have instincts to explore more of matter, whose physical presence has been established. Comparison with Mercury would make things clear .Like Mercurian impulse is to explore on mental levels, on realms where body might not move and your consciousness will actually roam thousands of miles via your thought projections, the mind stuff takes the back seat when Mars comes into the play, these people actually like to travel and find their Spirit suffocated if confined to one place for long time.

These people have never dying reservoir of energy, and we often see great athletes, and sportsmen taking birth in such configuration. They are the sort of people whom you want to have with you in difficult and terrifying situations ,as their courage and strength of Spirit is exemplary. Individuality matters a lot to these people and they will go to any extent to support their argument and love to debate to any length for it. Difference in opinion with their peers and in their interpersonal relationships can be a big time challenge to them, which stems from their swollen egos. In their over flowing enthusiasm they often act in haste, which can gain become a matter of conflict as adherence to any sort of process seems binding to them ,and they somehow want to reach to the end quickly. At workplace these people will find it unjustified and against their instincts to work under a authorative environment, as they actually want to lead and impose authority rather than digesting it.

Mars well placed in third house has the capacity  to alter the whole fabric of the chart and give it tremendous spark. This is rather a blessed configuration as it shows how Soul is now ready to explore more on various levels and through the application of Karmyayoga, one has unending potential to achieve dizzy heights during his lifetime.

For other Houses,Mars in Houses
        11th House | 12th House

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