Jupiter Transit 2014 : Impact on Scorpio Sign

The scorching sun is shining on your head, draining all of your stamina but you still need to run many more miles.You feel tired, loosing much of your energy, but somehow continue to run. Suddenly you see a tree on the way, with fully grown mangoes loaded on it and a fresh running pool of water nearby. On the sight of it,you become delighted, excited and straightforwardly jump into the water stream to rejuvenate yourself and then enjoy sweet mangoes at length. There you are, totally energized once again to run many thousand miles. Jupiter transit for Scorpio people is going to offer exactly same scenario, a pool of infinite energy where you can get yourself recharged for you journey ahead.

 Already under most challenging period from Saturn, you people will get a much needed break and a grand favor from Divine. Jupiter will enter your ninth house, that too in exalted state, signify rise of your destiny factor. Many of your pending matters will now look up for resolving. There are literally numerous areas where impact of this transit will be felt, seen and much celebrated by you. The way Jupiter is going to shower blessings on you will be nothing less than historical.

The most important area perhaps which will see huge stabilization is your ability to face challenges bravely. Jupiter is Optimism personified, and when it gets exalted in Cancer in ninth house in transit, its nothing less than Lord Krishna guiding the lost warrior Arjuna in the battlefield of  Mahabharata.The difficulties and tensions arising from ongoing Saturn cycle of 7.5 years will be counterbalanced by strength of Jupiter. Your inner drive increases, your enthusiasm increases and so is your will to finish-off even the most daunting tasks. Once again you will be back in making new plans, expanding your vision and nurturing fresh desires.

This is absolutely fantastic year to study and that too with excellence. Many of you will take admissions to pursue your education and traveling abroad for it is very much possible. Formal or self, this is the year to gain knowledge and increase your wisdom in leaps and bounds. The most important aspect of this transit for you is to give you extreme exposure to varied situations, make you meet many new people and experience many interesting events. All these will invariably contribute in your growth story. Not just for education, speaking generally this is one of the best year to travel intensively and many opportunities will come your way.

Flings and short romantic phase is also seen, but your thrust would remain strictly on your personal growth. Many seniors from your workplace and elderly members in your family will become critical instrument in handling complex matters, so you need to remain open to useful advice coming your way.Its time to open up yourself and experience variety. Do not fear of changes happening around you, they will lead you to beautiful destinations.

Overall a fantastic year which will help you grow very fast and will give you many opportunities in multiple areas of your life. Make most of this year and get rooted deeply. This year has tremendous and almost inexhaustible potential, and its all up to you how much you can actually extract and as Helen Keller said, Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence,Jupiter is ready to bless you these basic ingredients, and what dish you make depends on your taste and intentions alone.

 Photo Credit -  Pixabay.com

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