Saturn in eighth house

Saturn is the planet of storage of Karma and needless to say, is the fiercest of all as it acts cold owing to its duty to deliver justice. Nature of Saturn in general is deemed as greatest malefic, but in real sense, its not. When it gives malefic results, its source is person himself as Saturn is agent only. Now to be born under Saturn in eighth house placed in birth chart is no event of less significance. First of all Saturn, the planet symbolizing bundle of Karma and secondly eighth house, the most enigmatic and intense of all, so this combination can never be without any deeper significance. Individuals who are born with Saturn in eighth house are born to experience intense experiences in life which has got precise purpose, either to punish intensely for the accumulated Karma or to rise beyond bondage of mundane life. Let’s explore what Saturn would imply here.

Saturn placed in eighth house can have multiple level of interpretations and how things actually manifest will depend on sign in eighth house. Saturn is pleased in Libra, comfortable in Capricorn and Aquarius. Gemini, Taurus and Virgo also goes pretty decently. Saturn feels stifled in Leo, Cancer, Aries and in Scorpio.Sign in which Saturn is being placed and its overall health (like aspect with benefices, any Rajyoga it makes and its strength in overall sense) would actually indicate what kind of Karmic accumulation one has. Saturn when placed in afflicted state or basically in unhealthy condition shows deeply entangled state of affairs. In deeper sense it will mean an individual who has messy karmic balance and present life would act as exhausting medium through many events which would deliver justice, invisibly. Saturn acts through imposing limitations .Physical deformity, intense illness or major health issues can become part of life causing a feeling of being chained and helpless. Even in many cases individual has seriously afflicted relationship which becomes cause of mourning and internally it produces deep pain. Limitation are not just at the level of body, rather more esoterically, they would be felt at the level of emotion-body and as a result often one would find it extremely difficult to share his or her concerns in exact manner in which they are received or felt. Saturn’s way of exhausting Karma is to make one suffer in hopeless isolation with no shortcuts to relief. Before you feel entire gloom and suffocating about deadly effects of Saturn here, its very important to understand the why part. Why me ? This is invariably the question which pops up as soon as hope begins to elude repeatedly for the individual under test from Saturn. This placement of Saturn is meant to balance the Karma, and until and unless one accepts chaos and intense suffering coming from one’s own existence, Saturn’s justice would appear as gibberish only.

Well placed and healthy Saturn does have its own implications, like making one extremely learned and wise beyond normal logic. Long life is one of the gift of Saturn here. Royal life in foreign lands, knowledge of many occult sciences and mastery in yogic sciences is also possible with blessed Saturn here. But underlying message of Saturn doesn’t fade whatever is its state. Saturn is agent of transformation and being placed here it can mean obstacles in life owing to partial or even complete denial of blessings. It makes one seriously disposed, much suffocated within and expression of raw thoughts and feeling looks a daunting task and effort given in achieving it can ultimately lead to surrender, with deep dejection inside . Financially this could be challenging position indicating lack or at least very slow growth in life, and career often involve many changes with immense slogging, but once you have really given your best and have followed ethical path, success does come, though delayed.

Essence of any placement should always be understood as touching the periphery can make one miss the opportunity to grow and evolve, which ultimately is the purpose of difficult planetary configuration. Saturn works through intense detachment and sorrow is its weapon. So experiences derived from interaction with others, like that from family, in marriage (both at the level of physical union and emotional support) can frustrate, and over the years one can get into isolation. Saturn isolates one to make ponder about why part so that mind can move beyond limitations. Health issues here for example will want one to look for possibility of life beyond bodily existence. Emotional turbulence from limited experiences of family can force one to find solace in seeing grander picture, where one has to rise to level of Unity consciousness. Saturn here limits and restricts for two purposes in very broader sense; to exhaust Karmic debts and for making one realize limitations of pursuing mundane life alone. This position doesn’t necessarily gives Spiritual wisdom or great insights, but can be said to ignite fire within and initiation of sacred journey can definitely takes place. Its the placement to embrace with humility and surrender with humbleness . Once you exhaust your Karma and really understand the why part, doors will be opened for a glorious future.

For other Saturn in houses series, Please click:

1st House | 2nd House | 3rd House | 4th House | 5th House
  6th  House |7th House | 8th House | 9th House | 10th House                                            11th House | 12th House

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