Year 2016 : Impact on Taurus Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
Slow to manifest, but this is the year of many changes for you. You start slowly, gain momentum soon and move towards your goal. When we see the pattern of pleasant changes, your work life comes into focus very strongly this year. This is the year where change and rise in your work will come. Initial grounds for change will be set in first half and as you move ahead in second half, things will begin to take shape. Changing jobs or getting promotion is just a good probability but what this year stands for is something big. The real essence of this year is to make you self-sufficient and starting something of your own is biggest highlight of this year. Those who are looking to make a big move and move into entrepreneurship, this is best year. Those already into business lines, huge expansion is seen. This year your public relations improves a lot and huge force is seen inside you. You will feel great inertia and involvement with masses is clearly seen. In other words, this is the year of enhanced connectivity with the masses. Trend of travel is also very huge. Domestic, international all kinds of trips are spread all over the year. Broadly work/business related and education connection is strongly seen. Trend of education and leaning will gain momentum as you move deeper in the year.

Many kinds of gains are also lined up. Lands and property remains the topmost highlight and buying, selling and many deals are seen. Those looking for big investments will invest big time now. Apart from it, new vehicles, new home for personal use and many other desired objects will also come to you this year. As you move into second half changes will be more in qualitative sense. You excel in learning, you become totally comprehensive in your approach and your consciousness expands. You see bigger picture, define new goals and your vision and intuitive sense will increase tremendously. Achievements gained in first half will boost your confidence and many matters of family life will finally get resolved bringing you much happiness. Many of you can also change your place of residence for better prospects. Months post March are good for gaining inner strength and visible positive changes will start to appear in your life. Improvement in family life is also seen this year and months till July will give you a window to work on your personal relationships too. This year can be termed as year of strong restructuring for you, which will bring a new level of clarity in longer run.

Winds of change
The difficulties and challenges are in equal amount for you this year and relief can be expected only when you are willing to give a fight. Family life matters can give you many tensed moments and even legal complexities are possible. One of the most sensitive area this year is your personal life. If your individual charts have even slightest of friction, then transit happening this year can exaggerate the tensions in personal life. The moths of April to July are very sensitive when it comes to balance in your family life. Some of the legal issues are also seen as possibility. Though the relief is assured this year, but the way to it can be very rough and testing. This is the year which can restructure your personal relationships forever, like if your individual charts indicate some big event, then this year you can see some bonds breaking leading to temporary madness and dejection in you. It’s also the time when many confusions and conflicts in public life are seen and some of your healthy relations can develop enmity. The patterns of fluctuations in your relations is the highlight when it comes to challenging areas. Your own health seems to be one of the concerning area and your mother and other elderly people in family can too face dull phase. Your sharp tongue can cause many issues and many ego wars and lower emotions can keep your mind clouded. Apart from facing external struggle, this is also the time for fighting your inner demons.

Potential lessons
There are many things that you need to learn this year and most critical quality that needs to developed is patience. Your patience will be tested several times and majority of situations will be coming from your personal and family life itself. You will be asked to remain logical in times when everything seems so random. Your aggression and bluntness can create complexities in many aspects which also includes your business prospects. You need to remain focused and work with gentle tone. You need to realize that its perfectly fine to remain enthusiastic and very determined but you really cannot expect the same qualities from others. You cannot force your views and you cannot expect people to obey you every time. This difference of approach and energy is something which can irritate you to great limits and here lie many lessons for you. You need to accept diversity of views and work with same. This will generate huge restlessness within initially but once you accept this phenomenon by heart, peace will dawn. Learning to maintain work and family life balance is yet another challenging area which you need to master. How to tackle pressure in family life and how to solve complex issues is very important lesson that will be given to you. Leaving things as such will not be option this year and if you end things with your impulse using your anger, it will lead to long lasting feeling of guilt and restlessness, so solving matters of your family life in tactical way is the only solution you have. During all these events, you will see true faces of people and how people change with time. When the heat and dust settles down in your life, your level of consciousness and scale of wisdom is sure to rise too high.

Spiritual journey

You are busy this year and thoughts of inner journey, religion or anything to do with Spirituality will not cross your mind, at least in first half. You will be into so many things, sorting out your life and your relations, starting something new, investing money and meeting people and all this whirlpool of events will not leave any scope for exploring the hidden dimensions. You are not concerned about whether your growth and evolution are happening, you are now concerned about putting things in their place. Your outer circumstances will keep you intensely engaged and your whole of the energy will be utilized as well. Though once you move later in this year, mad rush of energy will calm down and after successfully settling down things and achieving your goals to good extent, you will develop refined wisdom and some slowdown is expected which will give you opportunity to explore the higher meaning of why things happened with you. As the year moves post August you will gain amazing balance and calmness will dawn on you. This would be the time when you will look towards higher realities and will move inwards, in very philosophical way. This year is high in reading, learning, realizations and for gradually developing desire to go deeper into the self.

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