Year 2016 : Impact on Leo Sign

Predictions are based on moon sign.

Expansion realms
This is a powerful year for you. You people have seen very testing times and stagnation owing to difficult transit of Saturn. This year you get multiple supports from many channels and rise above. This is the year of many pleasant expansions and growth in desired areas. The foremost area is end of stagnation when it comes to your work life. Its the time for your work life to prosper. New opportunities are going to come up and along with new jobs, its also the time for rise, promotion and increased level of authority in your work life. For the ones in business, this year stands for rapid expansion and venturing into new lines is very much possible. As you move into this year, slowly new opportunities will fly towards you and post July, your career would come into focus very strongly. This is the year when your work life will go major changes and those who are looking for job change will find it. Getting into new ventures, starting new business or expanding your work all are seen this year. Along with this restructuring in work life, greater authority and power will also come to you. Time post July is brilliant to expect these changes. You also gain hugely in terms of monetary gains. Rise in salaries, greater turnover in your business is seen. Ground for these pleasant changes will start right from the start and post March, things will begin to gain strength.

This is year of new investments and gain from lands and properties is also seen. You buy lot of things and new assets are seen to be added in your life. New vehicles, your home, small to big all good things can come to you gradually. Many happy events are lined up this year specially post August this year. You feel strong and your emotional turmoil will fade away slowly this year. This is the year of strong comeback to you, comeback in main stream life with end of phase of your isolation. Greater peace and harmony will come in your family life and those who stand a chance to get inherited money and assets, can also get it as year moves into second half. Trend of learning and travel also remains active specially in the early part of year. Its good year for higher education, for visiting many places of Spiritual and religious importance. Most importantly, this is the year when you should make your long terms goal, define what you want as push from the stars is going to give you huge inertia which will help you go long way in your journey in times to come. Get ready for an exciting year ahead.

Winds of change
Many changes and challenges also awaits you this year and most of them will come in early part of this year. Months of Jan-March and then June-July are sensitive when it comes to your approach. You are vulnerable and can get attracted towards all which is not socially accepted or is not ethical. In desire to get results early, many of you can adopt shady means. There is going to be steep rise in your aggression which can harm your professional and personal relationships both with same intensity. Your ego can pull you in many conflicts and maintaining healthy relationships especially at work is a big challenge this year. Your family life can have many ups and down, and it’s your attitude which will define how things take shape finally. Health of your mother and other elderly in family will need attention. In fact your own health looks shaky, especially for those who have habit of smoking or heavy drinking in particular. Lungs, nasal tract, respiration issues and heart related disorders are seen in extreme cases. For the ones being involved in legal cases in family property or alike, this is messy year and can give you strong jolts, though result can be satisfactory. Time between April to July is sensitive for family life and even shows some sudden and unpleasant turn of events in your work life. Though the relieving part here is that there aren’t too many unpleasant changes this year as ultimately this is the year of rise for you Leo people, but whatever areas are mentioned above can have extremely fierce intensity.

Potential lessons
You are already on learning spree as mighty Saturn is holding you tight. Some more lessons are on their way this year. You will need to learn maintain good relationships despite major differences at your work. Same kind of vibes will prevail in your family life and controlling your aggression will be extremely important else issues can get exaggerated owing to your impulsive behavior. Very important area is your approach which seems shaky and desperate. You need to make sure you are not taking up anything which can be problematic in longer run. Avoid illegal means or short cuts in your work. Moderation in your eating and living habits in general also needs to be adopted this year, else health issues are imminent. Leaning to live with patience and allowing others to put their views freely is yet another area on which you need to work. Months till July have very high intensity and many of the events can disturb your emotional well-being. Hence it is important for you not to remain too attached to your goals. Find happiness in small things. The best part of this year is that most of the learning has to be adopted in first half and patience and maturity shown in this time will take you long way.

Spiritual journey
You begin with a bang but ultimately this is the year with low Spiritual content. Actually your comeback in the main stream life will be intentional and as you are going to handle many important changes this year, your Spiritual journey will go in the background. Time till July is fine when it comes to practices which connects you to Divine, but deep within you can be lured to mix your personal desires with your Spiritual or religious motives. Your journey in past has been fantastic and now it’s time to pay attention to core areas of your mundane life. Intense worldly affairs will keep your Spirit engaged thoroughly. A slow year when it comes to your inner journey, but best part is that you do not forget the essence and take the learning of past with you.

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