Year 2017 : Impact on Libra sign

Expansion realms
This is the year you have been waiting for. Libra people have something extremely special in store. This year brings end to your extremely long test from Saturn(Sadesaati). To say this is a positive year would be undermining the power and essence of these times. This is rather transformative year and starting of new phase altogether. In subtle sense, it won’t be rhetoric to state that this year feels like a new birth all together. Now to get to specifics, this year brings end to your emotional turbulence, your financial worries end and also struggle in work and stagnation starts to fade as well. New career opportunities, starting of your own work, rise and long awaited promotion all comes to you. Time in second half, in particular post August, is best when it comes to clear rise in work life and moving to level next. Time from February onwards is good for decent rise in financial state and new avenues are sure to open up. Work, finance and overall level of abundance finally moves to new heights. Your emotional state loosens up, you feel relaxed and would be able to think from new perspectives. Your physical health and energy levels rises as well, though gradually. Old health issues, issues in family, old pending matters at work and with friends, all start to resolve ,or at least you start to see ray of hope now where it all felt dark since ages.

This is also good year to add new assets in your life. Buying new vehicles, lands and properties, new long term investment and small objects of your desire, all are coming your way. Time post July is good for rise in your overall worth. This is also brilliant year when it comes to blossoming of new relationships and end of many useless gaps and misunderstanding in your existing relations. You get chance to improve all your relations, be it public, professional or personal. Those waiting to get married can surely expect rituals now, particularly post September. Same timelines apply to extension of family life which is strongest highlight of this year. Those in creative areas, media and arts field can expect new projects and intense rise in new ideas and inspiring attitude. Good and path-breaking year for pursuit of education. Opportunities are also seen to relocate, to move to new city or even new country all for your best in longer run. Trend of travel remains open throughout the year, while first half of the year can have some trips which make you feel out of your comfort zone, latter part will give you command hence travels for your pleasure and betterment are seen. This is the year to dream again, for making a strong comeback to normal life stream and deriving joy in what you do and feel. In very steady manner this year open new horizons, new heights for you. Welcome your new life, your new birth and like a new born child, start to live magic in everything once again.

Winds of change
You had your share already. Still this year has few changes and challenges, but the direction and ultimate purpose is best and these tests will now come mildly. Some changes in work, in your location are seen and first half of year, broadly, will continue to test you and bring some random expenses and misalignment of energies now and then. Your health remains a concern at times, specially till August. Though the intense test from Saturn ends now, still you need to learn to respect your time, use your energies and resources in most effective ways and also stay focused despite no visibility of immediate results. You will also need to readjust your approach and behavior at work and owing to greater responsibilities, you can feel pressurized with work and of new work ethics as well. Initial half, particularly till August, remains weak for your health and health of your children as well. You can also see some relationships, particularly love relationships, ending this year, but all would be for better, but can give intense pain at the moment of occurrence. Your bonding with friends and relatives will also undergo major changes now which would be of long term, but again like any other change, this can precede some ugly scenes and disappointments. People can complain of mismatch of their expectations, hence rising to demands of people who matter remains a potentially challenging area this year. April to August is weakest time of the year which can have challenges in health, matters of home and these months can also bring some sudden changes and developments at work. This time is also disturbing and very dull for education learning and any qualitative aspect. Essence of the year is alignment of test in first half and relative betterment as you move ahead.

Potential lessons
Most of you won’t be eager anymore to learn anything now as this is what you have been doing since ages. This year cannot offer anything drastically new and in subtle sense all lessons of this year will somehow be repetition of learnings that appeared before you in previous years. You need to remain hopeful enough to accept changes and new opportunities, which can feel fearful and burdensome in the beginning. You need to learn to believe more in self and be more allowing in your relationships. Now coming to most critical lesson that you actually need to live is to let go of all the disappointments of past and not allow your past experiences and your past self-image to come in the way of your present and future possibilities .This is extremely important lesson and once you live it with your whole being, everything else looks like a child’s play now .You have already survived the most intense phase of life and this year can make you grow all round once you consolidate yourself and are not tempted to look back. Second extremely important lesson is not to miss new opportunities or indulge in excuses for justifying why can’t you take more onus. This is very important to understand that this year is new beginning and changes appearing would need new you with empty mind. Learn to let go and live life like its your first day here on mother earth.

Spiritual journey
Though much has been said about the brilliant possibilities in your outer world, this year actually holds the brightest gems when it comes to your personal evolution. This is more than brilliant year which can give you all what is needed to grow in inner domain. Trips to religious/spiritual places will come very often, new avenues will open up very swiftly to learn anything that enhances your overall level of wisdom. You get interested in occult, in spirituality, in finding essence of things, in linking all events of past. The why part which was banging inside your head since ages now start to become clear. You realize grander picture and come at ease with self. The best part here is settling down of dust of past and old Samskaars which would allow your growth to refresh itself and smoothness is what you can expect now. Swift journey and end of conflicts within allows you to rise as higher as you want. It’s the year of beauty once you start to believe in self once again.

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