Year 2017 : Impact on Virgo sign

Expansion realms
Many positive influences are ready to enter your lives this year. Virgo people experiences push in many areas which were awaited long. The foremost area which is ready to get transformed is your work life. In previous years, you have given efforts, created frame work & platform and now this year is ready to take you to level next where you see actual results manifesting and your dreams taking shape. This pattern applies specially in context of your work life. To get to specifics, this year shows new and better career opportunities, rise in work and you finally get deserved rise and attention. This rise in work accompanies rise in your financial aspects. To discuss it separately, exponential growth in finances is a big time positive outcome of this year. You gain from many sources, you get rise in salary, your business starts to deliver more effectively and your family also shower much love and assets on you. This year takes your overall level of affluence to new heights, in gradual form. Time for these positive events is post August. Time in particular between September to December will bring man positive events in context of work and money. This time is also good for enhanced family life happiness but only when you accept responsibilities with sense of surrender. Time is also good for purist of education and many of you can expect to enroll in better universities and also moving to foreign lands for fulfilling your dreams for gaining more knowledge. Foreign travels trend remains strong particularly till July.

You will also get inspiration and enough motivation to work on your health and maintain a better routine. Though results will not come immediately but you are sure to get small window where you will gain clear insights about what needs to be done for improving your health and overall well-being. Coming to personal relationships, this is strong year again. New relationships are seen very strongly and pattern for long term commitment, sincere relationship is what is going to click alone. Marriage and settling down is possible as well and first half is very strong here. Those looking for extending their families, can surely plan as well. Good year for people connected in creative fields where new ideas, better connection and help from external sources will help you move ahead and gain more limelight. When seen in broader sense, this year has positive influences all around and shows multifaceted growth.

Winds of change
When it comes to changes and challenges for you Virgo people, this year brings new tide. Movement of Saturn this year means Saturn’s arrival in your fourth house from Moon which means period of resistance and slow growth. Saturn starts Dhaiyaa which shows up as need for greater patience and hard work. Slow growth in work is seen and first half of year till August can make you stagnate and your efforts will take longer than usual to get noticed and to give results. Your family life now needs much more attention and some old conflicts, matters of property and other concerns rises which you need to focus on now. Job changes this year will require immense hard work and focused intention. This is also the time when you can be forced to change your place of residence and even city and country level changes can come now which will evoke feeling of unease in you. While the first half gives you fairy tales dream when it comes to matters of love and relationship, the second half of this year will throw you in hard core realities and will expose you to complexities of human behavior which means many old bonds getting broken and social life getting a painful restructuring. Long working hours and much greater responsibilities will also test your values and work ethics. This is the year when challenges will unfold gradually but intensity is something you need to bear with best of what you have got.

Potential lessons
Avenues for lessons remains potentially available for anyone and at any time and you people too will receive plenty of them this year. Though the subtle aspect here is that apart from leaning new ones you also need to show what you have learnt in recent past. The transit of Saturn this year is esoteric sense is like old teacher returning and asking you coldly about what you have learnt till now, in your recent affluent years. This year you will see those aspects coming to focus again where you failed in past. Be it relationship, your work life and work ethics, your health and how you treat people and generic public behavior, your learnings of the past will be tested intensely. Months between April to June are quite intense and your health, your work atmosphere and professional relationships will come under scanner. Legal hassles are also in sight for those who are into some matter which can take serious form, hence the lesson of remaining extremely ethical in all of your dealings and now learn from mistakes of past without fail .The first half of this year through some random and big expenses will pull your attention in organizing your expenses is planned way and same also applies to your resources, time and energies .This is the year when you will realize that events(hence lessons) will repeat in your life, sometimes in soul breaking ways ,until you get the inherent essence and identify areas which needs permanent changes.

Spiritual journey
You begin in steady manner, remain on path and then gradually slow down. Mighty Jupiter remains in blessing state in initial half of year and your orientation remains towards finding the essence in events. External rituals remain influential though deep inside you remain concerned about your core material needs. As you move slowly into this year your desires move to periphery. As you taste long awaited success, you find yourself in relaxed state and your Spiritual urges takes a back seat. Some trips to places of spiritual/religious importance will come till August this year. You remain interested in generic learning and months of July-August can be eventful and make you realize several points for your personal growth. After rise in consciousness initially you feel the need to align your energies to give shape to your dreams and run for your ambitions. Decent year for inner growth when you tap the potential available in initial months. Learn the lessons by heart and you will be set free to pursue your dreams.

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