Year 2017 : Impact on Pisces sign

Expansion realms
This is the year of grand restructuring for you Pisces people. Amid much happening, or much waiting to happen, there are indeed many positive expansions and fresh vibes this year. To begin with, this is the year to experience job change and/or realize importance of taking yourself to next level for continually moving forward. You can experience rise in work, but with additional responsibilities. This year also seems good for moving to new places and many of you can also expect to migrate to foreign lands if individual charts supports it. Time till August this year is good for financial rise, travels and meeting new people.  Rise in your public network is also seen. One of the best highlight of this year is rise in your financial status, though coming very gradually. Time post second half of this year will open up new avenues for earning and also you stand very strong chance to receive big amounts in inheritance or money/assets coming to you owing to previously made efforts/investments. Another positive expansion is seen in your overall level of abundance and assets which are seen to grow nicely this year. Buying new home, new vehicles, deals of lands and properties all are very much part of this year. Also, you will get chance to work on core family life values, which means this year you do have brilliant chance to infuse new life force to your family life and begin from fresh perspective. Later part of this year also has strong prospects for long distance travels and in essence this year marks beginning of something new, be it work, your education, your relationship status, better financial life or simply the feel about life itself. Given your individual charts promise it strongly, the first half of this year also shows decent yoga for getting married. Though coming with intense effort and asking you to develop patience, this year is sure to bless you in slow yet steady ways.

Winds of change
This is quite testing year for you and many changes and challenges indeed appear in initial months itself.  Foremost area is change and extreme pressure situation in your work life. This year has to restructure your work life in bigger sense but the process seems very daunting. Changes in job, forced changes and even some sudden losses are seen which would need you to cope up with situation. With change of job, change of location of your residence is also possible which means many of you can feel like starting from the scratch. Some of you can struggle to find aspired job change and can feel intense stagnation. You will also need to put immense efforts and one of your best performance in your career to sustain things. You will be required to prove yourself again and again which can irritate you to the core. Patience is the only solution you have for multifaced problems. Next area of intense challenge is your personal life. Your relationships and family life look very sensitive now and if your individual chart suggest, this year can bring fundamental shifts. Some of the old relationships can rupture now and this whole process can bring immense pressure to you. In terms of timeline, the time till August this year is stiff and needs you to remain on your toes.  There is very less scope for relaxation and turmoil will be felt on all layers of your existence. This is the year when your family, work, self-esteem, feel amount life all undergo major restructuring and best what you can do is to cooperate with the process.

Potential lessons
There are many indeed and most of them will come untimely and in quite rough ways. This year you will be needed to understand that uncertainty is very strong principle and sometimes despite our lack of preparedness we need to face big challenges and be ready to move out of our comfort zones. Indeed, moving out of your settled zones is most important lesson. You have to leave the old and rotten, whatever amount of pain it might accompany and move towards new life.  This applies to your old beliefs, your relationships, your place of residence, your emotional reaction to people and situations and your work life in general. You will be needed to raise your level of standards to remain in race, like learning new skills, expanding your thought process, moving to new places, start working more and/or much more effectively, taking more responsibilities without asking for immediate returns. You need to learn to realize importance of true hard work, importance of sustain efforts and most importantly value of perseverance. You will also learn that sometimes it’s not in your hands to decide the outer circumstances and all what you can do is to give your best in whatever you receive. Working under rules defined by others, taking orders with humbleness and maintaining decency despite your frustration are also very stern lessons that you will learn in hard ways. Touching the essence of learnings, this year you need to learn to let go and create space for the new, irrespective of how much frustration and fear you have it in you. Letting go and trusting the Higher power is your ultimate learning, which when done would allow immense peace and inner joy.

Spiritual journey
This is certainly not the year for your Spiritual journey to proceed ahead. Now you are seen too busy in sorting out core issues of your life and though lessons and leanings are priceless this year, but to really understand and implement them is majorly daunting task which should be given time. Though many of you do find balance and ground to assimilate much of the wisdom contained in this year post August. Time ahead of September in particular will bring rise in your consciousness and you will also get some time from your usual routine to devote to higher practices. Only genuine aspirants and disciplined individuals with practice of years can expect to move ahead and even experience some major events in later part of this year, rest it’s all fine to forget bigger/philosophical questions and just engage yourself in organizing your life. Lessons that you get this year will help you rise to new levels once you begin to settle down. Though it can feel too difficult to keep your higher consciousness at work, but when you work in mode of surrender and try to align events, you will find clues for sure and process of Spiritual rise will move parallelly.

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