Year 2017 : Impact on Aquarius sign

Expansion realms
This is the year of breakthrough for you and positive expansions are in bounty. Aquarians have a fantastic year ahead which is sure to bring immense joy from many directions. To begin with, you experience joy in current situations as stagnation phase ends for you completely. You feel relaxed, free from many complexities and many of your old conflicts, problems, inner and outer struggle all comes to end. This is one of the best year to get a new job as changes in career for the better are clearly seen for you. Many of you find dream job, get great rise with higher authority and with greater financial freedom. Rise in career graph in most comprehensive way is one of the best highlight of this year. Apart from moving up in the ladder of your work life, financial rise is yet another equally impressive area where you see immense possibilities. New avenues open up for you, you see rise in your salaries and even some of you get into parallel steams of earning. If you are planning to start something of your own, expand your work, your network, get into more exciting areas or simply take your business/work to next level, this is the year. Though entire year seems fine, but later part from August onwards seems best for these positive changes. You are seen to get lump sum amount from family, from deals in lands and properties or simply through investments made in past. Essence of this year is to bring greater financial prosperity, addition of new assets in your life with feeling of solid security with you.

Your health and health of your parents, family members, spouse, all become better this year and overall atmosphere in family is sure to become lighter and many celebrations are seen now. Though no direct yogas are seen for marriages, but if indicated in your individual charts, then time in second half of this year is all good for getting married and even for extension of your family as well. Good year for students and anyone who wants to learn. You are seen to take admission and many of you can expect to move to foreign lands also for this purpose. Foreign travels are also highlight of this year which is also aligned post August strongly. New relationships are seen to blossom and many of you can expect old mess in your relationship area to end and fresh vibes to usher in bringing in new relations and much excitement with it. Much travelling, meeting with new people, exposure to new cultures and ways of living, addition of new languages, skills, talents all are seen this year. This is indeed one of the most powerful and potent year and it will take your life to level next, in style. Live it all, joy is all yours.

Winds of change
Best part of this year lies in the fact that changes do come, but majority of them would be for your best alone. Changes are seen in your workplace and even in your place of residence and those looking for foreign travels, foreign migration (if supported in individual charts) can surely expect things to unfold. But the first half of this year ,particularly month of Feb to June and more specifically of April-June seems intense and changes appearing can make you very unsettled and frustrated. Despite the fact that all occurs for your best, you can still feel insecure, lonely and vulnerable at times. Challenging part of this year is to cope with your new work and career now demands much from you, though again for the best but initial half of the year can be pretty unclear and events can come being wrapped in unease and can be seemingly uncomfortable. Moving to more serious aspects, changes in your relationships can be complex area and some old relations will now end which can give you lot of pain and feeling of loneliness. This is difficult year when it comes to how people come and go in your life. Now coming to most intense part, initial half of this year is weak for your health and also some complex politics can surround you at work. Those involved in legal issues, in matters of property etc can see things touching rock bottom and some family feuds can break or come to full swing before moving towards resolution. Though challenges are less in quantity, but whatever tests you have this year, seems high in their intensity.

Potential lessons
You seem to have learned much from your recent past and in accordance this is lighter year with less lessons and you will be left free to live your life in your way, majorly. Still, you get opportunity to learn about behavioral patterns of individuals, you see uglier side of relationship getting exposed at times giving you more clarity about your priorities. You also learn how you deal with new environment, new people and how you start from scratch. You learn to live in new places, adjust with new people and also get accompanied to new customs and rules. This year lessons and learnings are milder and with strong positive streak. The essence of this year is that rather being entirely dictated by situations, you take the command, or more precisely, you feel greater degree of freedom and proactively get into learning mode. You see expansion of your consciousness, you get better placed to assimilate much more. This year is good for material gains, moving to better version of self and seeing rise in your overall prosperity levels, but when it comes to learning and for development of comprehensive approach, this is finest year. So reach out to the colorful world, learning and growing opportunities seems endless for you.

Spiritual Journey
It seems slow but very steady. You now understand what was meaning of events that occurred in your past or recent past and derive meaningful links. Though this year has many direct impacts as well. You are seen to go to places which also includes places of Spiritual and religious importance which is sure to being much blessings to you. You are seen to learn or simply indulge in many holistic methods for self-growth. You indulge in mantra-tantra-meditation and similar practices and for genuinely Spiritual aspirants this is brilliant year which is sure to take you miles ahead. You can meet Guru, and will become streamlined in your practices and routine. Apart from external rituals, the second half of this year primarily, will bring rise in your conscious levels and you see things, people, events from fresh perspective .Brilliant year to grow in inner domain as well .This is your year ,live it in its all might and move ahead with joy and all the wisdom.

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