Year 2018 : Impact on Virgo sign

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable, every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals said Martin Luther King, Jr. This is particularly true for Virgo people. Year 2018 for Virgo symbolizes a fine balance between effort and its conversion, this new year stands for justice, justice that universe will bring to you which was denied since long. To define this year in straightforward one-line sentence isn’t easy as this year is complex yet blessing, tiring yet refreshing at the same time. Let us directly jump to discussion of how this year will bring changes in different aspects of your life.

Work life for Virgo people has been under pattern of stagnation since long and this year does bring fresh vibes here. Changes in job, rise, promotion all are part of this year, given you do not expect it automatically. It will require sincere and committed efforts and upgrading yourself to actually achieve this desired change. New job is totally possible specially in first four months and then ahead of August but will come with consistent effort. Likewise, promotion will demand your level next. You cannot expect to enjoy benefits without raising your own standards, be it any area. Addition work, much serious roles and far greater responsibilities are seen to come, though once you are devoted, this additional pressure will silently convert into glory as you reach end of this year. Touching the essence, this year represents opening of new avenues and your efforts related to your work life will start to yield result in proportion of your intention and efforts. Business persons can expect new major deals, expansion and movement into new lines, but all should be done with thorough research and intense home work. Timelines of April to August in broader sense can bring volatile patterns and issues in work life is very much possible and will need your immense patience. Trend of relocations in context of work remains heavy this year and will become stronger post September.

When it comes to matters of money, this is positive year. You are going to see expansion here without much conditions. Rise in salary, greater gains from work, business are seen. Virgo people were struggling since long when it comes to savings, this year breaks this trend and now you would be able to save effectively. Best of this year can be derived by carefully investing in long term plans. Those who are yet to make a start, this is well-defined year, you should start your financial planning this year. Gains from properties are also possible, but probability is mild unless your individual charts indicate it as well. Help from family is also seen to come in all aspects, especially in matters of finances. When you are prepared, have patience to wait to see your money grow, this year is extremely rewarding and wants you to learn/adopt to much better money handling skills. Initiatives taken this year will have far reaching impact. Months of March to June needs intense patience and better trend would follow post July.

Your health will remain decent this year, though any improvements will only come very gradually, and sincerity needed is greatest here. You need to stick to stable routine, develop a far better schedule and leave some old habits (which this year totally supports and indicates). This year will surely help you gain greater awareness which will directly lead to better health. Implement those voices coming from inside which knows what to leave, what to moderate and changes that are needed for reaching optimal state of functioning. There is need to do regular exercise, specially Pranayama as you can feel heavy and life-force can get suppressed in this year. Your emotional health though will need conscious care as additional work, duties in family can take a toll on you. Months of March to June and in particular, March-April, needs care on health front.

In context of relationships, this year doesn’t bring new relations rather the main focus is how well you fulfil your existing ones. Time is average for new bonds and love life, family atmosphere all will demand much sincere approach from you. Health of parents, especially mother can become matter of concern and apart from health concerns this year actually denotes rising expectations from you which you really cannot and should not escape. You need to accept how things are and look for ways in which you can provide best to people connected in your life. Time in later part of year post September will become somewhat better for your social and personal life and marriage, long term relationships and better people network will then be possible with relatively lesser hassles.

Great effort needs to be placed if you are looking for gaining knowledge as your primary impulse can be of resistance and lethargy. Your inner state can resist any change which required you to move out of comfort zone. Students, people in creative areas will need greater inner drive and consistency is the key. Though patterns will change for the better in later part of year from October onwards from where trend of learning will open up swiftly. Same timelines apples to travel, long term and later part of this year will bring some good trips, Spiritual ones as well. Relocations, as discussed above, are part of this year and needless to say such changes can come as surprise or burden, asking you to leave your comfort zone, but accepting change humbly will only open up gates for justice that is promised in this year.

Your personal growth, the Spiritual journey, seems to stagnate. This year doesn’t have any direct lessons as you are seen to be involved intensely in sorting out your work, family and health sectors which will consume most of your energy. Some trips and blessings are aligned in later part of this year and few genuine aspirants can expect better connection and regularity in their practices from May onwards. In fact, pressure, extra needed effort and expectation of high ethics and sincerity and rising family life-work hassles in middle part of year can even make you question everything and your faith can shake, if its not rooted till now. This is not the year to experiment or receive any major lessons, rather its time you set your life on track, utilize available time and resources for achieving your goals through proper planning and execution. Nature of this year isn’t entirely independent, rather it is correlated with you, how aware and determined you are to take your life to level next when opportunities finally becomes visible. Pull your sleeves up, hard work will show up now.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.

2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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