Year 2018 : Impact on Libra sign

Without a hint of doubt, this year is game changer for Librans. Libra people have been under long spell of tests and their soul, body, spirit, whatever rhetoric one wants to use, is deeply tired. This year 2018 brings end of your Sadesaati and this is the year to look forward, dream again and essence is your rebirth. Though you want success, results fast as you have waited endlessly but this year doesn’t bring magical changes or overnight success, rather in a very logical way, it will provide you platform to move upward, in direction of your dreams. Analogy of coordinate plane in mathematics will be useful. Your journey since long have been all along negative axes, and this year actually brings you to point zero,to beginning of a new start, towards the positive ones now. Let us now directly jump to discussion of potential of this year and what possibilities exists for Librans.

Career is all set to move ahead. This year doesn’t necessarily mean job changes, but the essence is ease in and around you. So if you really want to change job, it would be possible though you will need to learn new skills, have to adjust to some conditions, be ready for new responsibilities which can even look scary. So growth this year in your work life can be said to be conditional. Nevertheless, career will grow, better rise and deserved recognition will start to come. Your efforts of past will start to yield results, though gradually. Similar is trend for business persons who can expect their work to grow and getting into new lines with new partners is all good to go. In terms of timelines, such patterns become very strong and easy to manifest from May onwards. May to September is the time to experience the best in your work life which can surely raise your position as well. The slowness, and frequent frustrations in this year, particular between March to June, should not discourage you, this year ultimately stands for moving to level next in your work life. Moving to your own work is also a good option, given you have detailed plans and homework done thoroughly.

Financially, this year moves slowly and picks up pace from May in particular. Though from mid of Feb itself prospects look to rise here. This year salary rise, business gains are not substantial, but possibilities of a good start does exists. Actually, this year doesn’t stand for direct financial gains, rather it signifies stoppage of excessive outflow, wastages and losses that you were experiencing, its time for some pause. You need to plan your finances, and whatever small salary rise, gains are promised, you should take up as this is only a transitory year and things will change quickly once you enter time post October this year from where financial status will rise sharply. Phase of April to June is weak for finances as well. Gains from properties are also seen, particularly after July this year. Time from September seems good and from October will get quite inspiring from where your real financial growth will set in.

Your health will see major improvements this year as well and time from mid of February seems good. Old health troubles, low vitality and emotional dulls will settle down and now you can expect things to work relatively fast. You can move to better healing techniques, try something new and this year is very good for making fast recovery, for better health and for developing new habits along with leaving the old ones. It won’t be wrong to say this year has tremendous potential to generate a new you, at all levels, be it body or deep within the layers of mind. Your firm to leave rotten way of living, develop proactive healthy habits, taking care of yourself in wiser ways, all are possible now and such trends will get stronger as year proceeds. Starting part of year till mid of February and then month of October are weak for health and also March-April needs caution as well. March to June phase is generally low, which can also mean slow down, obstacles and temporary blockages in process of healing, at all levels.

This year has some real good possibilities when it comes to learning. You are seen to grow well when it comes to accumulation of knowledge. Higher studies are very strongly favored, and you will excel in it. Its time to learn new skills, languages and basically upgrade yourself. When you are interested in adding skills, there is no resistance at all and you will see many sources opening up for you. Foreign travels are also very strong pattern and work, study will take you there. You will also see major expansion coming in your social life. The isolation of past years ends totally and its time to get busy. You will meet many interesting people, new friends and associations will be generated and you are seen to get engaged. Joining some groups and organizations are also seen, the essence remains coming out of your shell and letting your energies flow outwards.

When it comes to love life, marriage, possibilities are brilliant now. The end of isolation as stated above holds very true here as well. This is year to fall in love, allow love to enter freely in your life. Marriage is strong possibility for those looking. New relationships will be quick to develop as you are going to meet many new people. The essence in broader sense must be stated now, this year symbolizes a grand comeback and re-entering to mainstreams (in all areas), which means your work, finance and social/personal relationships all will get a fresh breather. Time till October this year remains good for marriage and working on new bonds. Better support from friends, family is also seen. In deeper sense, past years have already exhausted your negative karma with respect to people relationship as well, so from this year onwards you can expect genuine support and a brand-new innings in your family and public life.

Spiritually you had enough of learning and this year is light, though your journey continues in mild form. Actually, this is the year to assimilate what you have really learnt in past. New lessons will be milder and all you need to do is to keep gathering your valuable lessons from past and formulate your theories as to how and where you have to bring permanent changes now. Most important is to remember such lessons. This is surely the year for grand transformation and marks your major comeback. Do not become hopeless by slow pace, things will surely gather pace post May this year in all sectors. With each month passing you will see positivity rising. Utilize this year to shed your fears ,to leave past behind, to upgrade yourself and prepare yourself for good times ahead. Things will take shape gradually, but this is indeed the milestone year for you. Stand up and deliver now, Saturn has blessed you.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.
2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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  • New Year 2018
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