Year 2019 : Impact on Gemini sign

Gemini people have a very busy year ahead. Year 2019 for Gemini people does have good potential to make dreams true, bring career rise and for good wealth as well though there are several tests on the way and lessons to be learnt before you finally receive these blessings. The main essence of this year for you is learning to grow more responsible in your work life and develop greater organization. Optimizing your potential through being more disciplined and organized in work life and accepting some ground realities about people and situations, especially in your personal relationships, is the essence of this year. Let’s discuss it in more details as to how this year is going to make you learn these lessons and what pleasant promises lie ahead for you.

Your work life will have many challenges this year. You can expect greater responsibility, much workload and your work might not really be appreciated right away. This year you can find yourself amid huge work, high expectations which can make you feel burdened and lacking life force to deal it with ease. This is how need to organize yourself will come in. Job changes are seen, though will need intense preparations and a phase of struggle before you make it happen. This is not the year to expect rapid growth in your work life or business, rather wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you need to bring best of it by learning to optimize your working methods. Its more of a qualitative year for you when it comes to work life growth. Business growth seems very slow and this is not an ideal year to look for expansion or for making a move to own work. If your individual periods are strong, career changes will come but amount of effort and time needed would be high. Coming to essence, you need to learn to be more disciplined, take on work with sense of sacredness and learn how you can do more in same time. Your attitude, working hours, methods all will need to be improved in order to take your work life ahead. Also you need to learn to take end to end responsibility of tasks that you take up. Working hard, long working hours and much work pressure all will have to be dealt with as well.

Financially things are quite hopeful and you will not lack in needs. Your hard work will be rewarded well and healthy inflow of wealth is seen which will rise as you move down in this year. You will learn value of hard-earned money in this year but your savings are bound to grow well. Gains from any other sources are weak and will not come unless your own charts indicate it strongly, so its better to rely on self and focus on work. Change of job and some marginal growth in business will also accompany growth in your financial state. Expenses are milder as well and you will get decent chance to accumulate well. Investments need to be thoroughly thought about and you should ideally focus on long term ones in this year. Gains from properties are weak as well, though avenues will open up in later part of this year.

Now coming to the timelines frame, time in initial four months till April end seems healthy for you and you will see good growth in work. These months are good for changing job, for looking for rise though you need to be well prepared. These are also good months for your financial state which will grow steadily. Time from April to September is weak then and career graph will become irregular and you can even face strong dejections in work life .This phase is very weak for job security as well and no major decision or risks should be taken in this phase .Your main focus should be to preserve your work life, your position, through immense dedication and disciplined approach. Time from September onwards is better and last four months are best for your work life to grow rapidly. These will be the months where you will see your efforts yielding results. Any major work-related decision should ideally be aligned here as it will take place swiftly. Financially things are weak as well in April to August end phase and you need to get very cautious about where your money (and energy, attention) is going.

One of the most challenging area for you this year is of relationships. You can face challenges in your love life where you have to accept many limitations ,patterns and also improve on self in order to create harmony .In the weaker phase discussed above, you can face strong conflicts which can even become fatal for your love life .This is not the time to get married and those looking for need to wait more .Love life relationships can become dull and even this year can bring end of your love relation. This is equally true about your social life and other public relations as well where many of your old bonds can end and you have to learn to let go as it won’t be possible to hold on to such relationships anymore. This is the year for grand churning in your public and personal relationships. Getting to the essence, learning to take more responsibility without creating grudges and molding yourself according to your current state and limitations/obligations will be necessary for you. In very subtle sense, this year stands for accepting ground realities and shape up your life, your relations, on these realities. Its time you get more practical about your relationships. Two most important things for you this year are to improve wherever you can in order to save any relationships or else if discord seems beyond repair, learn to let it go peacefully. Note that when you are sincere, ready to take your family obligations sincerely, total peace is assured in this year.

Another area is your health which will need care in this year. Going by the essence ,its year to become more responsible and it also applies in totality about your health .You need to rethink about your eating habits, about your routine in general .There can be circumstances where you see health going down ,issues cropping up, especially in April to August time which can force you to adopt a far better and healthier routine. This is year good for adopting new healthy lifestyle, leaving old habits, getting into exercise, yoga or any practice which aims at better physical and mental wellbeing. Time from September onwards is specially very good and will make you steadfast in your efforts. Practice of Pranayama is essential for you people to gain more life-force which seems less in this year.

Travel part is weak as well and apart from minor ones, no major travel patterns are there. When your time needs you to focus hard on basic areas of your life, to optimize your life in all areas, it will need focused time and effort which is not possible if patterns of travels are on simultaneously. Hence this year plan your travels carefully and avoid them in phase of April to August which can lead to intense drain and even wastage of money and partial or no fulfilment of your goals. If you are looking to get into learning process, be assured that you will give what needs to be given in order to attain results. This means this year is average and will require immense effort to gain education and only sincere and very focused students will excel. Look at the essence once again after going through patterns in so many areas, there is no scope for halfhearted efforts and only thoroughly organized and committed efforts will yield results this year and will take you towards your goals.

Spiritually as well this year is low, though very importantly it will make you realize importance of following your practices in sincere form. You need to get disciplined in your practices, then blessings will follow. This year is more inclined towards settling down core areas of your life, your work, your health, your relationships and all are going to consume huge amount of time, energy and effort which doesn’t leave any major scope for your Spiritual energy to rise upwards. This year you need to raise your standards, get more organized, resolve to live in much more healthy and disciplined way and find out better, effective and more productive ways in which you need to work. Its year to refresh your approach and take on responsibilities with humility which will eventually take you towards your dreams.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.

2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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