Year 2019 : Impact on Leo sign

Year 2019 for Leo people stands for transformation, though the process seems to be strong. This year you people will see many ups-down and changes in your life. Changes are seen majorly in your work life and some major ones will also come in family front as well. Directly touching the essence, this year symbolizes a sense of deep churning, a turning page in your evolution which can seem difficult in beginning but is important to take you ahead. You are seen to make many prominent decisions, or rather many bold decisions which will need great courage and can also involve some compulsions and obligations. Let us move to discuss what year 2019 has in store for you touching major aspects in details.

One of the most important aspect which will be transformed is your work life. You will see job changes, there can be many pressure situations that actually lead to this change. This year can increase your work load, you can feel pressurized and events at work can make you feel frustrated which can ignite desire for change. So this year is fine to make change but process can be rough, there will be delays in getting desired job and you can struggle to find right balance in work-family life as well. Not an ideal time to expand your business or take undue risks. Investments in work/business should be totally calculated ones having low risk. Time frame for such changes seems to start after April this year and time between April to August seems full of such changes. Many of you can witness sudden developments at work which can even threaten job security. So for your career, this year seems challenging and essence is change, a shift rather which will take you to better place no doubt, but process can be tiring. Your work life will need patience, acceptance of more work and you ideally need to evaluate your career goals now. Focus is also going to come to quality of your work. Time from September onwards is going to get stable and you will start to receive results of your hard work. Changing job, moving to better place, position all are possible thereafter with much ease.

Financially this is just a decent year with many new major investments and gains seen too. This is strong year to gain from properties, buy vehicles, make assets and invest in long term plans. This is good year to plan your finances indeed. This year will give you chance to organize your money and become disciplined in how you treat your resources. Gains are prominent till April, then from September onwards its best time. Avoid making major deals ,spending huge during sensitive phase of May to August end where you can make mistakes leading to loss of money and reputation as well .Note that your work life changes can accompany change of location as well and compulsions being talked about initially applies as well, i.e some of the family compulsions, needs, can make you take some prominent decisions about your work life .All of this is directly linked with your finances where you have to spend money to travel ,to relocate, to fulfil your duties and settle at new place and in new situations. So financially things are fine with some major gains but being responsible and learning to get more disciplined with money should be your lesson well learnt as you complete this year. Touching the essence, you really cannot be casual with work ,family or finances and taking up responsibilities ,accepting limits and some people/situations as they are will be needed to make progress.

Relationships seems to bring many challenges to you in this year. Some of your close friends can go away and more intense is area of family life. You can feel under pressure, as if your identity is under crisis and freedom is snatched away from you. This year, as stated initially, sands for transformation, which in context of family life means acceptance of some people and situations as they are for better peace and stable relationships. You have to accept family duties, you need to work more honestly in improving your relationships with others. Also work -family balance seems to be one of the most challenging and intriguing part which can make you struggle for long .Also health of parents and children in family can swing a lot .This is not an ideal time for marrying or for formation of new relation ,in fact for your love life, this can be very testing year .Phase between May to August is intense can lead to end of your relations if immense efforts and patience is not shown. This is weak time for your love life and you need to go slow ,let go fast and keep in mind that decisions taken in rash ,in ego will quickly lead to end of major bonds this year .Time to learn patience and accept people more rather than forcing your views .For those waiting to extend family,wait till September if possible for lesser hassles.

Your health though seems to be stable part which will make you face challenges well. Though sensitive period of May to August needs attention as you can develop issues related to stomach, ears, heart, cholesterol matters as well. Though this is still a decently good year for your health, here as well, you cannot be causal. Most important lesson for you in this year is to learn to maintain a balanced diet and routine. Some of your habits needs introspection and you will have to leave some of them in order to attain better health and more importantly in order to be more productive and peace with self. Patterns of long travels is weak and with only relocation, change of place seen, rest this year needs you to focus hard on core areas by staying firm where you are.

Worth mentioning, for anyone in pursuit of knowledge, this year seems challenging again and can bring disturbances in performance. Time till August end remains average and needs far greater commitment. Lesson here is to learn to be stable in approach and not bring intentional risky changes in how you study. For the ones in creative lines, this can be year full of change, with some bold progress but coming with some condition, forcing you to learn new skills or raise your standards to new level. Essence is point that if you want to acquire skills, rise in work, excel in studies, usual amount of effort won’t do, rather you need some exceptional effort and steadiness in your approach to see progress happening.

Spiritually this is better year and your learning will continue in this year. Though many of your experiences, specially related to love life, your people relationships will teach you in harsh way. One of the most important lesson in this year is learning how to let go without creating messy attachments. Indeed, this is the year to improve. Your Spiritual growth will not come by visiting places or doing rituals, rather it is more of practical year which will demonstrate you in real time. You just need to keep your inner years open. Still time remains very good in this year to practice meditation, chanting, yoga or anything which makes you feel centered and achieve work-family balance as well. Higher aspirants can surely expect progress, and this is good year to take initiation as well. It might seem a challenging year, though in essence merely stands for taking you to level next. Its like increasing your pace, which will initially require greater inner force and commitment, but once you make it, inertia will carry you forward. Year of transformation, changes is here, accept it without getting too attached to your past image. This is the year which will take you to a much better version of yourself and to better work, family and financial state as well, all you need is higher understanding and opening up to the process which takes you there.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.

2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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