Year 2019 : Impact on Sagittarius sign

You people are undergoing though one of the most transforming times of your life and this year brings peak of it. Year 2019 for Sagittarius people has many ups-down, new patterns in work, travels and most importantly, realizations. Directly touching the essence of this year for you, this is the year of learning many lessons and realizing many truths, most of them would be uncomfortable but have to be accepted and worked upon. There is ongoing Sadesaati, the Saturn’s testing transit in peak coupled with weak Jupiter transit. Though there are many positives and blessing in disguise waiting too for you. Let’s move to discussion of what are the challenges and where lies the silver line for Sagittarius people.

Your work life seems slow and even stagnation can come. In fact this can be one of the most challenging year where you can face stagnation, lot of pressure, dejections and changing job can be really difficult now. With such patterns on, your job security seems at lowest this year and your efforts should be aligned around preserving your job, your position and in justifying your role. Job changes look difficult, though can be achieved if you are ready for some sort of strong adjustments and conditional growth is what this year can bring. It can mean like relocating to different place, travelling intensely, taking up very challenging roles or roles which does not justify your skills. This is the year where career growth can become very dull and you can feel stuck and in order to keep moving ahead, you might need some adjustments and allowing things for the sake of career security. Business growth can decline and this is completely no time to invest in new areas. In fact you can face many diffuclites in your operations and people connections, financial lack and issues from partners are heavy in this year. So the essence in your work life is to maintain and preserve what you have right now.

Coming to timeframes, time remains almost challenging whole year, though you can get some silver line between April to August phase where getting new job, making some progress in work and business can be possible. Other parts of this year, including May-June too, can bring intense delays and suffocation. Financial growth seems low and you can face many expenses and much money will go in fulfilling your duties, in traveling in shifting to new place or simply on health issues of self or family matters. As discussed above, career this year will need lot of adjustments which can also mean relocating to new place, though coming as uncomfortable one, also needing lot of money to settle down. Avenues for earning seems low and even your current earning source can fall down. Though if you have proper plans, this is the year to make long term investments. Positive part is possible gains from lands, properties, inheritance and from past investments. Needless to say, save more, do not make any blind or impulsive moves. Job and financial matters look suppressive and you must accept challenges and identify areas where you need to improve. Beneath the diffuclites you are certainly going to see avenues for improvements. This year is blessing in disguise when it comes to raising your skill set, adding new talents, languages, skills which are going to benefit you immensely in longer run. Take this year as learning phase and focus on experience rather than gains.

Similar patterns exist when it comes to your relationships. The most stunning part, when we look things in positive frame, is ability of this year to bring true faces of people to surface. Yes, this is the year of realizations. Accordingly, you will see many bonds ending, people disagreeing, leaving you. Many of your friends can move away from you, in fact you yourself can move away from your family in search of better career, sustaining or simply starting it. Moving to new places can make you feel isolated. This is weak year for love life and many of you can face conflicts, ego issues and physical/emotional separation as well if conscious effort is not given constantly. Not an ideal year to marry and formation of new relations either is not seen, the current ones can face deadlocks and lot of mess. It’s your job this year to make conscious effort to keep in touch, not to create intentional ego issues and keep things simple. Though it is important to mention that this is the year when you can feel isolation in its peak and unless you don’t understand its purpose, it will all be futile and such patterns will have to be repeated in future as well. You need to spend time with self, introspect your approach, your behavior. You need to accept mistakes that you have made in past, resolve to improve. It’s impossible now to expect improvement, growth or happiness in relations without raising your standards and moving to much better version of yourself. You must learn value of compassion, patience and being a good listener in this year.

Travels are part and there can be many long-term travels as well. In fact this is good year when it comes to traveling to foreign lands and those who are looking for permanent migration (and their individual charts supports it), can surely expect to move. Looking from entirely different perspective ,if you are starting a fresh chapter, creating a new life ,starting from ground zero or refreshing your approach by getting into new career, field or by moving to new place, this is very ideal time .This year will wipe out old and wants you to move ahead by taking the lessons, not the remnants. For the ones looking for higher education, that too from foreign lands, will find this year as very smooth. When it comes to health matters, this is weak year again and your immunity levels seems to drop. Also your hectic schedule, travels, much more pressure and expectations at work and from your studies as well can take a toll on your health. There can be health issues possible and your current ones can take long time to heal. You need to be extremely disciplined in following your treatment, if any. Expenses are seen on medical grounds. Those who are into legal matters, time to be very alert as things can become more complicated. You can expect new turns from opposite end, so time to be on your toes. Follow ethics, give up false, by all means. This year will teach you true value of honesty and integrity, lessons which will come through testing scenarios but will enrich you immensely for rest of the life, without a doubt.

Those on path of Spirituality, this is simply a fantastic year. You people can expect lot of ravels, mystical experiences, deeper spell, moving into trance and having Divine glimpses as well. Speaking generally, this is the year to introspect, re-evaluate yourself, rectify, take corrective measures and let go of things, memories, relations which seems to be dying. It wouldn’t be wrong to state that intensity of this year seems similar to what a woman goes through in giving birth. This is the year where a new you must be born and old one must die, internally. This whole process isn’t easy but is absolutely necessary in process of evolution when seen from broader view. You need to cooperate, have faith and allow things to happen rather than creating resistance, which can be your immediate instinct. Two mightiest, Saturn and Jupiter, both are now indicating a huge shift in your life. Allow the change, accept the responsibilities, learn your lessons and go with the flow.
Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.

2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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