Year 2019 : Impact on Libra sign

Libra people continue to move high and this is very powerful year for you people. Year 2019 for Libra people has everything in it. Be it your career rise, changes you were looking for, more money and better emotional state, you will get it. This is kind of the year which imparts great momentum and it will bring your life on back on track, will accelerate your progress and will move to closer to your long-term aspirations. Coming to the essence of this year, its expansion and greater self-belief. You are going to witness many positive events, which apart from fulfilling your aspirations will bring back your confidence and also will invoke better sense of belonging. Let’s move to discussion of different aspects in details.

One of the most positive impact is going to come in your career life. This is the year to get that dream job, move to next position and expect rapid rise. Your career life will be infused with new life energy and whatever you intent and work upon will bring results. This is very good year for job changes which will also bring greater financial rise and more authority and satisfaction with it. It is one of the best year to get started for your own work if you are looking for. Making a major switch, taking calculated risks are all favorable and will lead to success. Very ideal time to see expansion in your business and you can move into new domains fearlessly. More business, better returns and possibilities for entering new areas is wide open in this year. Greater responsibility is also going to come, though you will enjoy it. Coming to timeframes, almost entire year remains auspicious for you, though best phase is till April and then from September onwards to make progress. Phase between April to August and specifically the months of May-June can be weak and you can receive setbacks, delays and many sorts of obstacles in work life. Prominent can be tussle with people connected at work and specially who are higher to you in hierarchy. These would be the months to keep immense caution.

More money is going to flow in your life this year. Job changes, rise, more business directly means much better financial situation. In fact, this can be very brilliant year to get back to growth track and start savings again, which seemed to be under suppression in last many years. You need to remain very open and allowing as this year will also bring some entire new avenues to earn. Say yes to possibilities .Gradually as you move in this year, you will be able to payback your loans ,your savings will rise and this is very ideal time to plan your long term investments and learn to handle your financial portfolio in sincere way .Gains from properties are also possible, though mildly only .During weak phase of April to August, there can be a slowdown and many unnecessary expenses and even losses, so avoid making any major financial decisions in this period. Also these are strictly no months if you are going to make any property deals where complications can arise. Touching the underlying essence in career and money matters, you will see expansion, relief, the kind of changes you were wishing for. All these events will enhance your self confidence and will allow you to do more things with greater sense of joy.

When it comes to your relationships, this seems a mixed year. You will get good opportunities to work on your family matters. There would be much better atmosphere and your relations with parents, family members, your spouse will improve majorly. This directly means you need to give efforts in mending relations which went sour in past. For many of you who have been living away from family will get a chance to move with family and reunion is seen .Also job changes possible in this year can make you move back with your family and to a place of your comfort zone .Though on challenging part, your relations with some friends, siblings some of close relatives and with some people at work can go sour. You are prone to get carried away by pull of your lower ego and your focus can rather converge towards your family and to people who doesn’t challenge your ego or approach. Many of you will also face complications in your love life and this year can even end your current relation. Not a very strong time to get married but there are no barriers as well, given you handle the challenges, ego clashes and differences arising well in initial part of this year. For marriage, time after August seems much better. Professional relations need more diplomatic handling, specially till August. Months of May-June seems most sensitive here which can bring disturbance at work. Essence in relationship area is to listen to your heart with family and friends keeping aside your ego and at work use your mind and not your emotional instincts.

Good year for major relief on health front. Your past health issues, if any, will settle down well and this year will accelerate your recovery patterns. On similar lines, your emotional state is going to be uplifted majorly as well. Suppressions, limitations, both self-imposed and due to external compulsions will start to end. There is sense of lightens in you which will continue to improve. Some celebrations are also seen at home. Though months of May to July end are weak for your health matters where you can face swings, intense ones. Health of parents seems weak and there can be serious concerns coming from this area, so there is need to give your time and attention to them. Also health of your siblings and their overall wellbeing, life conditions can face some major challenges this year. Travelling is not a strong pattern, though again there are no compulsions, you can plan necessary ones with ease. Trips with family are going to come, if you look at the essence, aspects which were always close to you will pull your attention and your approach, attitude will get refreshed. So far greater sense of belongingness with family, with your roots will come in this year. For the ones in pursuit of education, this year demands greater focus and much more sincere approach, though success would be quick in sports or creative areas.  

Spiritually, this is quite an average year. It doesn’t mean absence of learning, Spiritual events and growth, rather you are going to get majorly engaged in sorting your life, enjoying new job, better financial rise and jovial atmosphere in family. Its year when core matters of your life will occupy your attention leading to your Spiritual life going in background. Spiritual travels are less and trips with family will be more. You need to give time to your family, to work, to things you were neglecting for long, or simply were not getting time or necessary resources to fulfill earlier. Speaking generally, this year your learning seems more practical, you don’t need to digest heavy lessons or restrain yourself in anyway, just going with the flow and absorbing yourself in events happening in your life is necessary this year to feel alive again. Once you feel settled and back in form, your Spiritual journey will pick immense pace post November this year. Welcome back to mainstream life, it’s your time.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.

2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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