Year 2019 : Impact on Pisces sign

Year 2019 for Pisces people is a mixed bag. While the transiting Saturn poses stiff challenges, Jupiter’s grace will sail you through. To catch the essence, this is the year for slow but steady growth .It’s the year where you will realize many mistakes, have to take up big task of self-improvement and also do some clean up act in your personal relationships ,but at the same time you will also be granted your wish, your work will expand, new associations will be formed, and learning avenues are high. Let’s directly move to discussion of details about how year 2019 is going to impact Pisces sign people.

Career part looks most challenging one to begin with. Patterns are of stagnation and you can feel stuck, as if things are not moving at all. You can find your work very tiring, your workload can rise tremendously and highlight of this year is rise in work pressure, expectations from you which can even be without no extra monetary gains and/or appreciation. Job changes are difficult this year unless you make exceptional efforts. This is the year to work more effectively wherever you are. So touching the essence in career part, this is the year to focus on qualitative part of your work. You need to improve on your working methods, you need to improve your productivity. This is the year which needs you to target perfection and make handsome changes in your work style and approach altogether. Going in more details, this may include learning new skill set which will raise your standards. It will become almost impossible to grow any further by remining in your comfort zones. Coming to timelines ,most testing part of this year is from mid-April to mid-August where job security is at lowest and you can face sudden job related events of unpleasant nature .It is in this weak phase that you need to show most of your patience and practice integrity .Small mistakes done ,risky activities taken up or simply being casual in your attitude can cost you beyond your imagination. Time post September seems to be better for you and will bring relative stability. Job changes, rise, business expansion look weak, so better focus on experience that you are gaining and in parallel add to your skill set.

Financially, there is sense of pressure and you will be required to do some serious planning and savings. This is tight year as far as resources are concerned and you can even feel lacking. Though better part is there is no suffocation or complete lack and you will continue to get needed amount. Financial gains are majorly indicated either from past investments, stocks, from family or amount that you gave someone earlier which can route back now. Its not ideal year to make heavy investments or indulge in buy/selling of property, specially till August end. If necessary, such deals, investments, major financial decisions should be aligned from September onwards. Decent time for financial matters, but needing more evolved, mature approach from your side. On surprising note, during weak phase of this year, you can get some gains in unexpected ways or from people/sources you had no hope from.

For matters of relationship, this is better year given you are ready to accept your mistakes and resolve to move on. Good year for development of relationship, many of you will find love, very sincere and committed people will meet you and many new friendships will start. Although, some of your old bonds will also break. This is good year for the ones waiting for marriage and whole year remains good for it. Challenges though are present in this area as well. People will expect a lot from you, they will have huge set of demands from you to fulfill. Actually, the patterns are same in work life and in family area both, more expectations, lesser freedom to exercise your own will and a sense of heaviness which duties and responsibilities can bring with it. Seen from different perspective, it can mean, the new bonds, marriage, new family life and also birth of baby in family, all will need your time, focus and money. The shift from your current state to more engaging family life will cause a suppression initially

On more specific note, this year can be quite challenging for many for their love/married life.If indicated in individual charts as well, then many of you can face disturbance in married life which can even threaten the state of your relation itself .When planets go retrograde during weaker phase of this year, it is that time when you will need maximum patience . Do not take stand to make some commitments during that period. You need to hold on. Either you want to enter a new relationship, or you want to break free from your current one, give serious thought to all aspects. This phase can create extreme pressure and your decisions can be driven more from need to get immediate relief. So in matters of family life, conflicts at home within family members, in married life, be much generous and take your time to arrive at decision, as it will have huge consequences in longer run. The hammer of Saturn will alter things forever.

Coming to brighter aspects now, this year has lot of travels bringing in much exposure. Travels are of many sorts. There can be travels for higher education and movement to foreign lands is highly likely. Secondly your work can also involve lot of travels, even there can be conditions of relocations as well, which initially can feel heavy but should be taken up as it will ease the pressure which is seen to be prevailing many areas of your life. There will be many personal travels as well for pleasure. Meeting with friends, visiting new places, get together and healthy level of socialization is there in this year. Many of your family members, relatives etc will also visit you. For students, anyone engaged in studying, this is productive year and you will excel. Even for generic learning, this is very good time. Wherever your interest lies be it academic, music, technical skills or Spiritual matters, about mantras, yoga etc, all sorts of knowledge will be given to you.Your mind will remain very fertile when it comes to assimilating new things and data.

Spiritually as well, this is very strong year for you. There are lessons, learning everywhere and apart from this very personal observational learning, you will travel to many religious places. Even many ritualistic worship, events are seen which will bring blessings to you. For higher Spiritual aspirants, this year can be of high significance. Meeting Guru, getting initiated into Higher path, moving up in Spiritual progress and becoming more aligned is totally seen. This is indeed very good year when it comes to self-improvement, raising your standards, learning new things, meeting new people and expansion in your consciousness is assured. Its only about the core areas of your life, your work and family, which needs greater commitment and realization of some important things (and needing rectification then). This year in a way is going to be decisive and however slow it seems, changes which will finally take shape in this year will have huge, long lasting impact on your psyche, the way you work, in your relations and at very personal level as well. So take the onus where it is expected, once you show your commitment, progress, peace and immense knowledge will be granted to you.

Heart of the matter:

1.These articles are based primarily on Moon sign.

2.Its important to understand that precise nature of events in life of individual is seen from combination of individual dasa and impact of transit. These articles are based on transit patterns, hence indicate broader framework.

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