Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Virgo sign

The essence for Jupiter transit to Sagittarius for Virgo sign people can be stated through well-known saying, When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves. Broadly there are two kinds of struggles one must undergo, one within the self and other with outer world. This is your time to first fight your inner battles which will then reflect in your surroundings, in your behavior and material aspects as well. Jupiter is entering your inner house, where it becomes able to impact your mind programming, surroundings and influence all small and big things that can be termed as your ‘family’, your comfort zone. There are many areas where impact of mighty Jupiter will be felt and the change will begin from deepest layers of your subconscious mind. Let’s have a look at all those areas where you will witness brightness along with areas where greater responsibility must be taken up.

In career matters you must strive for perfection with enhanced quality of work. For many, this can be the year to look for a more rewarding profile or job leading to a change. Yes, this is the transit for change in work and even in work line itself but events leading to this change or desire to change can be quite challenging and can come as pressure situation or due to some compelling event. Challenges in work, strong desire to move to different workplace, force of burning ambition or some family life, health or personal compulsions can bring career change. The early part of the transit, i.e time till March 2020 is good for making a move in career and later months can be challenging and will need you to prove your worth. Working hours can go up. Also, this transit can bring a change in place of your residence and for many of you, if indicated otherwise too, this could be the time for foreign travel as well. This isn’t a great year to start something new, unless you are intensely committed. Essence in career is slow growth needing time, bearing frustrations and even some humiliation. High commitment, hard work and farsighted vision are absolute must.

Financially this is a decent transit with pressure mounting and you can see many expenses and your savings depleting quickly. You need to save more, plan expenses and only farsighted approach and mature outlook with respect to your money matters will save you. Nevertheless, this is good transit for buying new house, making investments of long term in nature and also addition of new assets like land, house, vehicle etc is assured, given your individual time patterns are not very adverse. Also gains from family, past investments, inheritance all is possible as well. Coming to timelines, time from November 2019 to April 2020 seems fine. The phase from April to July end 2020 is sluggish and you can certainly face setbacks/stagnation in work, love life, health and overall emotional state as well. This small phase can test your patience and you can feel as if you are falling back to old patterns and life is standing still, there can also be some of the family, health and work related pressure building up, but this all would be temporary phase only. Things are better from August onwards with grace and stability back in your life.

This will be the time when your old beliefs and deeply rooted impressions in subconscious mind will be tested, opposed and hence can be reformed. This is the time when you can intentionally work on your inner mind and release the thoughts which had formed your reality since many years. It’s not only about forming new set of beliefs, rather living efficiently with whatever you have. This time will call for a better organization in your life. You will be seen improving your quality of living and its manifestation will be seen on many levels. First the expansion and optimism of Jupiter will alter your personality for the best. This means better health with awareness coming about your lifestyle and old health matters/life patterns. Second effect will be seen in your outer world too where reorganization can result in work changes, renovation of your present place of residence or reshuffling of present place for more optimal living. Overall health seems to be fine, just small caution in weaker phase will be needed. Also your relations with family, friends, siblings and well-being of children can get impacted in this weak phase of April to July. This is good transit for many travels which can also include many Spiritual places and memorable trips with family and friends.

One of the most important traits of this transit is to bring deep churning in matters of your family and core areas of your existence. Some of old issue, or new ones too can crop up which will require greater attention. In mundane terms, big investments in lands, properties, in fixed assets, in buying/selling vehicles and similar transactions are seen which forms pleasant part in this transit. Time between April to June end 2020 can be intense and some family matter, health concerns of family member, tension at work and emotional state will need careful handling. There is not much when it comes to development of new relationships and it’s all about preserving, accepting what you have and simultaneously resolving to make it better. This transit is also good for gain of formal or self-education, and essence here is increase in your wisdom in broader sense but coming from pressure/forced situations and external causes rather than from within .In deeper sense this is a cleansing transit of Jupiter which would bring its impact in your family and your career and before you attain harmony.

When you rise above these two changes, i.e in your psyche/family and in your career successfully, then the third major influence can come on the front of Unity Consciousness.Yes, this can be the year when you might step outside your limited needs and concerns and think about needs of others too. Genuine feeling of Altruism might knock your doors of your heart. This is the time you live the spiritual lessons rather than trying to read or memorize them. Jupiter makes you work on values in real time. For genuine Spiritual aspirants this transit is supportive and can also give long stays in places of deep significance, but Spiritual traits of this transit will be reserved for evolved Souls alone, rest in general impulses would be felt in form of inspirations and desire to do good. Powerful words from Tony Robbins will sum up this change for you precisely; Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life's deepest joy: true fulfillment.

Heart of the matter:

1.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.

2.Jupiter moves into Sagittarius sign on 5th Nov 2019 and will remain in it till 20th November 2020.Though in between it will also move to Capricorn from April to June end, which is weaker part of this transit.

3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual, but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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