Jupiter transit to Sagittarius ( 2019 - 2020 ) - Impact on Gemini sign

Jupiter transit to Sagittarius for Gemini sign brings back the spirit, energy and enthusiasm. Hope, desire, focus and eagerness to work are back. This is the movement clearing the way for life force to surge and symbolizes great revival of your spirits which will enable you to come back fully in mainstream life and pursue your goals with clarity, new strategies and involvement. You people have seen tremendous restructuring/suppression in last year and what you need at the moment is stabilization in those areas. This is exactly what this transit will brings to you. Jupiter transit for you means entry of pious Guru into seventh house from your Moon sign which is auspicious from all the angles and symbolizes coming back of life force ,renewed energy ,focus ,ambitions along with needed methods, skills to actually achieve your goals which you were merely dreaming/planning about for long. Let’s get into details.

Work life is ready to move to level next, in fact for many it can be giant leap, like a milestone phase. This transit is very powerful and can bring positive changes in work and those looking for new job/rise can expect good news. Change is seen of both qualitative and quantitative in nature. Higher authority is seen with rise in financial status also. New opportunities would come, which were on hold since long. Foreign travels, many tours and short trips are strongly seen now. Also change of place and relocation is also favored if also seen from individual’s chart. For the ones looking for starting their own work, this is the year to get started. Expansion of business, greater connectivity, using contacts, generating more connections and more gains with many new beginnings is what this transit brings to you. Though important to mention at this critical juncture that its end of planning or merely wishful thinking, if you really want it, you have to perform now, in exact measure to your ambitions, which of course would need you to come out of comfort zone and break many past habits and life patterns.

Jupiter brings in more wealth now. Yes, this transit is very strong for raising your financial standards. You feel ease, with new work opportunities and rise, greater financial inflow is assured. Next one year under this transit will help you settle your debts, if any, and your savings will increase now. Career, wealth status of your spouse will rise as well. This is good period to gain from properties and make new long-term investments. You will also gain much from your family, friends and relatives who will become open and will extend their support. Promotion, expansion of business and moving into new/parallel business domains will bring more money to you. This transit is also good for buying vehicles, lands, investing in real estate. Best part, rather the essence of this transit, is gain of your confidence and sense of security about your financial sate and belief that you can generate more with your skills. This essence should be takeaway, that how you can and you should work in your full potential (which Jupiter will make you realize) which after many years, will show you what you are truly capable of. So very positive transit for wealth, assets and financial security.

Coming to some concrete timelines, time from Nov 2019 to March end 2020 is best part of this transit where you will make progress .Phase of April to July end 2020 is weak and can create challenges and this is where blessings of Jupiter can become blurred and will come delayed after testing you.Your work ,health ,finances ,health of spouse, elders in family and overall life structure can be shaken for a while. This period can come up with job changes, relocation, career shifts which can even come as sudden, forced and unplanned. Time then from July to Nov 2020 is increasingly good again where expansive patterns would be back.

Blossoming of new relationships is seen, falling in love, expressing your inner most desire to close ones, increase in intimacy between partners/lovers and strengthening of bond between married couple, this year is meant to take your relationship to next level. Marriage is certainty for those who are looking for it. You are filled with passion, you want pleasure. For extending the family this is a very supportive transit. Your period of isolation ends and you come out of your limited boundaries. Meeting with new people is seen, this is the year for expansion of your network. Many of old relations which went sour can become alive again, given your karma is still remaining with them. People around you will become medium for your growth, offering help and understanding your concerns. This transit brings the opportunity to reshuffle your relations, particularly which are close to you and the sharpest impact is going to come in personal relationships. Though note that as Jupiter will remain in strong sign of Sagittarius, it can also mean leaving behind many old relations, saying adieu forever to someone/s ,but it will all happen for the better .What’s and who is receptive, harmonious and aligned to you will remain, rest will fade away in history .Though you will love it all.

You find enthusiasm and courage back in your life. You are going to be motivated once again. The issues and tasks that are lying pending and unsolved due to either lack of will, or just due to plain ignorance, will come to the surface and you will be in mood to finish them off with your honest efforts. Working on your inner voice will change everything. You will now be actively involved in whatever is happening around you. Patterns of travel, relocation and increase in participation in activities around you is all meant for bringing your focus back to mainstream life. Those in learning process, studies will excel smoothly though necessarily you have to move to new methods in your study routine. Heath will improve majorly now and its time for end of many old health matters. Healthy lifestyle, more awareness about health, holistic living will come. Though weaker phase between April to July end 2020 will need care health will ask attention, still majorly this is stable, encouraging transit for health which also includes your emotional well-being and cheerfulness. Living deeply with what is with you, joy coming from increased wealth and productivity and conversion of ideas, planning, creativity into actual results, these are ways in which health and happiness will flow in.

This transit does not hold much when it comes to your personal Spiritual journey. Your energies are seen to externalize, move outwards. You have already gained enough of lessons, now is time to work on those. Jupiter in fiery sign of Sagittarius though does mean learning, gain of new skills, languages but it has to be accompanied by actual effort on ground .Jupiter will remove internal pressure and inhibitions from you and there would be outward flow which means rush to move out, mix in world and quickly fill the void that has been created within you owing to isolation of past. Its absolutely fine not to have any forced Spiritual desire or learning .Its time to end false images of separation and complexes and feel simply normal .Generation of sense of belonging, with your family ,at work, and with yourself is basic essence of this transit, the Spiritual lessons will actually come from your experiences in relations, from deep involvement in your work and by living life which you dreamt of .Experience multi dimensionality of the world around, embrace the change, live to your true potential but with the sense of farsightedness and sincere responsibility. Jupiter has now opened the world of possibilities and you must stand up, without fail, to make it happen.

Heart of the matter:

1.These patterns are applicable from Moon signs majorly, though will also have decent applicability when seen from ascendant as well.

2.Jupiter moves into Sagittarius sign on 5th Nov 2019 and will remain in it till 20th November 2020.Though in between it will also move to Capricorn from April to June end, which is weaker part of this transit.

3.Transit impact patterns are generic in nature and does have deep impact on individual, but individual’s time period pattern holds prime importance.

For Other Signs  :-

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio 
      Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces  

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