Year 2021 for Libra


Expansion areas

  • Gains of fixed assets, wealth, inheritance for those eligible is strong pattern in this year. Your overall worth, savings will rise.
  • Changes in work are not strong enough pattern but you can surely gain prominence in whatever you are doing, wherever you are. This means better productivity and recognition, rise in your careers.
  • Better emotional frame, more enthusiasm ,better energy levels. This year signifies easiness in almost all sectors which will lead to sense of happiness ,higher performance and deep work satisfaction as well.
  • Very good year for family matters. Many of you will find right partner, will fall in love and this is also a supportive year to get married for those looking. One of the strongest year for those looking to extend family .Best year to plan family ,conceive.
  • Very good time for any sort of learning. Its year to excel in academics, take up higher education and move to distant lands for pursuit of your dreams .Good year to enhance your skills, learn new languages, technical ,creative or any skills applicable to you.
  • Good year to see comprehensive improvement in standard of life and in your health as well. Old health issues will end here and you will feel lighter ,better and firm.
  • Much better year for far stronger connectivity in life. May of your old friends will come back, new ones will be there and overall connectivity in social life will get strengthen. You will feel strong sense of support and love in your life.

Challenges ahead

  • Work pressure will rise. You can get more work, even work of others which can make you feel burdened. You might need to work for longer duration and work timings, schedule can get disturbed.
  • Change of place can come which can feel as uncomfortable. Travels can rise, work schedule can become random. Patterns of relocation remains strong in first half of the year.
  • Health issues can come and go quickly. Though overall things look fine but till April and then later in Oct-Nov time, you can feel health issues of frequent in nature.
  • Health issues of elders at home can be more concerning this year. You can see someone getting sick, small mishaps occurring to your family members. So more than you ,it can be your family members health and well being which seems impacted in this year.
  • Your reputation, image and worth can also come under question this year. You can feel threatened at times. Atmosphere at work is not very encouraging and many of you can feel political events and lack of support from teammates. In weaker phases like that of June-July and then Oct-Nov part ,job security in this year can also fall down, if your individual charts too show weaker time patterns.
  • If applicable, your legal matters can become messed up in this year, but only for shorter duration till April, post which relief will come.

Lessons and needed approach

  • Foremost lesson for you is to learn to take more responsibility with grace.
  • Strong area where focus, energy ,time ,money all will have to be invested is your own family. This year will bring back your focus to people close to you. Many times intentionally for sake of love and few times due to health, well being concerns of them ,you will have to give more rime, attention and even share work responsibilities. This is the year where your work, schedule can get impacted due to family level concerns and compulsions.
  • You need to accept making small sacrifices for sake of bigger gains. Gains are indeed strong pattern in this year but would need you to move outside your comfort zone. This means working for longer duration, sharing work of others, moving to different place for better work prospects and cutting down expenses in order to invest or fulfill other concerns. Being more mature and sensible for bigger causes is what is underlying essence of this year.
  • Extremely subtle and critical aspect point for you is to accept hope, believe in new op and do not carry impressions of past. This year despite small hurdles or high on pressure is still majorly fertile for you and will bring strong growth ,learning avenues. So you need to say yes, remain open and do not hold yourself back merely because you had history of setbacks or failures. This is not continuation of past patterns, this year will give you success, trust this.
  • Self-improvement is necessary and in fact is most important area where you need to work. There will be events which can generate need to learn new skills. When such time occurs ,do not get into denial mode. Over confidence, being too contended or desire to remain in comfort zone can literally kill the green possibilities present in this year which can be harvested by working on self.
  • In area of relationships, this is healthy year ,but again will need you to reach out to others. People who matter to you should be communicated well. You need slight effort to initiate positive moves, rest inertia will take it ahead. At the level of intent, what and who is important should be very clear to you. For many, this will need awareness and then moderation of ego issues.


Overall a good year to work towards your well being, well being of family, experience calm, stability in work and decent progress too. This is mainly the year to raise your standards, learn manly new things and improvement is theme. Whatever matters to you should be worked upon, this year is giving you chance to create life of your dreams, all what it will take is patience, consistence efforts and doing what it takes to make it happen which will mean making small adjustments and sacrifices.

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